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Having a Guru Granth Sahib in your house.

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Dear Waheguroo friends.

I watched the video of the arrival of Sri Guru granth sahib to Brampton Sacha Sauda bookstore, this video I am taking about is this one at gursikhijeevan.

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If you watch and download the video, around time 3:30 into the video there is Saroops stacked up without proper respect. It is goldenish color and apperance. I was shocked to see this display of Saroops like this, can someone please see the video at time 3:30 into video there is saroops stacked up in sacha sauda without proper respect. I cannot get any sleep because it is not respected properly. Can someone please confirm this by watching video and please let me know what is going on.

How come there is no respect, and Guru Sahib is stacked up without any Ramalas and Palki Sahib. I don't know what to do..please help please..I am very concerned. Someone please post reply why there is no respect. Guru Granth Sahib is living Guru, and should have Ramalas. Please investigate and post reply. Can someone with proper knowledge let me know what is going on at Sacha Sauda.

thanks you

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vwihgurU jI kw Kwlsw!

vwihgurU jI kI &iqh!!

man i would just do a benti try to be in sikhi as much as we can kado kirpa ho jaao u dont know pray.gif we dont kniow how much pyar a person has in his heart so respect to all ^_^

khalsa jee ur rite too if pyar is there then amrit should be there :lol: yaeh man its true maharj sarbat te kirpaaa kare.

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I agree with Khalsa on most of the points. If you are not amritdhari and want to keep Guru Sahib in your house because of your "love" then consider some cases here. These are real cases of those who are not amritdharis and keep Guru Ji at home.

1) I know some people who keep Guru Ji at home but no proper care. No rumalas and they never change the "vishayee". They highlight Gurbani and keep book markers. SO much dust on all rumalas and room is very small. Several requests were made to them to give the saroop but they refused by saying "we have shardha". So what kind of shardha is this? If ppl can learn more about Sikhi by keeping Guru Sahib at home then how come these ppl haven't learned? If you say well not everyone learns then I must say we never know who might or might not learn. Therefore, one who knows the true power of Guru Ji should keep the saroop. So called "shardha" is total blindness and they just want to show that they are better sikhs than others.

2) This is a story of a hindu guy who came to darbar sahib for darshan. it was few decades ago. he was from Madh Pradesh. He fell in love with Guru Ji and decided to take saroop back to his house. stupid SGPC gave him one copy and he took it back to his poor house where everyone would sleep on the floor. He did not know how to take care of Gurbani and placed it on the floor too. after he died he passed it on to his son who took care of the saroop with love and devotion. one time his house got burnt but he kept crying and crying because of the "book" his father gave him would be lost. after the fire, only Guru Sahib stayed intact and everything else turned into ashes.

This story became so popular in that area. my father and some other singhs heard of the news and went to see this "book" they heard about. When they looked at it. It was Guru Sahib and left SIkhs amazed. Not because the saroop was not burnt but how Guru Sahib JI was kept on the floor for so many years and so much disrespect. many incidents have taken place where Gurbani was not burnt and everything else was. Gursikhs then educated him about SIkhi and he became a SIkh. Now at the same place stands a Gurdwara Sahib and same saroop is there.

conclusion of this story: that hindu family kept Guru Sahib for so many years (prob. 15 years). They loved the saroop but had no knowledge of Gurbani and how to take care of Guru Sahib Ji's saroop. How come he did not learn anything about SIkhi after keeping Guru Sahib Ji for so many years? Yeah, you can say he was blessed by the presence of Guru Ji but look at all the disrespect. yeah, they ate meat and guy drank alcohol. so just the "love" does not mean you should keep Guru Sahib JI at home.

You do not learn about SIkhi just by keeping Guru Ji at home. You learn by doing "Shabad Veechar". let me know if you want quotes from Gurbani. Guru Sahib Ji clearly says that you can only learn if you do "veechar of shabad" otherwise it is just "parr parr gaddee ladeeye parr parr pareeyae bhaar". Besides, you can always go to gurdwara sahib and listen to kirtan and katha and you learn from there. If someone really loved Guru Ji then he/she would follow Gurbani and quit meat/smoking/drinking and everything else and only follow Guru JI. Guru JI only accepts those who follow the hukam. "Hukam Maneyae Hoveh Parvaan".

"If you want to play game of love then enter my path with your head upon your palm".....Those who want to show love for Guru Ji, take amrit first, follow Gurbani first and then do ardaas for Guru Ji to come to your house. How can you still eat meat and drink after giving your head to G

uru Ji? yeah no one can quit these things instantly and it takes time. then why not wait until you have quit completely? Keeping Guru Sahib at home and eating meat means you have not given your head to Guru Ji and you are disrespecting for which you will be held responsible. if you say that "one cannot be held responsible for disrespecting Guru Sahib Ji unintentionally because he/she did not know" which brings you back to the same point. what happened to learning before you bring saroop to home? Bringing Guru Sahib Ji at home means keeping the saroop with proper care because Guru Sahib Ji is the King. Sons (amritdharis) know their father (Guru Ji) completely and others do not.

Remember, Shaheed Singhs do pehraa to Guru Ji and for every disrespect you show, SInghs are watching you and they will get you. Read "Se Kineyeha" and book of Bhai Rama Singh Ji and read how Shaheed Singhs punished "granthis" for disrespecting Guru Ji at Hazoor Sahib. Only true Gursikhs know the treasure of Naam Simran Gurbani has and only they should be keeping Guru Sahib Ji at home. Those who do not know the treasure of Gurbani do not deserve to have Guru Ji at home. Follow Guru JI first.

This is all what I had to say. I am not here to argue. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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You are absolutely right Mehtab Singh ji...Nit means regular...i just couldn't find the *word* rolleyes.gif in sense it also means new, but regular is better.

regular can be used differently also....look at this...regular like 'simple', or 'common'....or regular like 'going on', 'without stop' etc. it is the last meaning i guess. Nit means that it should be done in punjabi 'naveh siro' everytime.

'nit nit nahi jamdeh surmeh, sant jarnail singh ji wargeh' (that is like dhadi vaaran/kvisri...something like that). it means warriors like sant ji are not born everyday. so that is why i chose to write "new", it should be every day....i know my logic is jammed. :lol:

when we think regular, it is in the sense of 'continueous' (not like Akhand), or better 'routine'. so regular is perhaps a better suggestion.

i thought of just 'naveh siro' (every time newly) as Nit, that is why...

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If ur definiton of sikhi is that, tha's messed up yo.

If my definition of Sikhi, i.e. "TAKING AMRIT" is messed up, then I don't think I have the most problems.

"khalsa" i did'nt say that is ur defintion, ur def is that guru sahib ji is copyrighted by the sikhs, he is open 2 one and all sikh or not sikh, ne one can have his proper darshan if sharda is true.

so please

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