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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Guru Pyaare Saadh sangat Ji,

We would like to update the Sangat on the situation since the protest that took place on 29th May 2012 in Luton.

Anan Majid Basharat has now been charged with 3 accounts of rape and one account of ABH. He is due to appear in Luton Crown Court in December for a plea and case management hearing.

The news was prevented to be broadcasted by the court due to potential racial tension, but since it was published today in “Luton on Sunday” newspaper we feel the sangat should be aware too.

The violence and harassment prior, and the barbarity of the rape ordeal were on a sadistic level.

It left members of the local community shocked and shaken.

The anger turned towards the police, who were made aware of the increasing level of intimidation by Basharat, but failed to acknowledge the tell tale signs, especially considering his criminal record.

The community feel this horrific ordeal was preventable if the police had taken action to concerns raised by the victim’s family.

From the Sikh Awareness Society, we have been working with victims of grooming, both under 16 and over 16 for over a decade.

We fail to differentiate between ages, for us it is very clear; there is a highly organised element working in networks across towns and cities, engaging in what initially seem like “conventional” relationships, but have the long term aim of serious exploitation and abuse.

The trend clearly points towards racially motivated sexual exploitation. We politely request all Gurdwaras and Panthic organisations to run regular awareness campaigns highlighting these dangers.

We are indebted to the tireless work of our sewadars who work with little resources across the UK.

We hope the community can refrain from the slander, myths and speculation, or using such news as a spring board for other political agendas, and realise we have a young daughter who has been seriously abused.

Please take time to mention her and other victims in your prayers.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Many thanks - here's the piece in the newspaper today:


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The stuff in the video above where Bhai Mohan Singh Ji talks about stuff going on is happening in Canada already.

Like the UK, the first response you'll probably get to such statements is disbelief.

Can you give examples of it going on in Canada?

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Like the UK, the first response you'll probably get to such statements is disbelief.

Can you give examples of it going on in Canada?

Well GPS paaji may know more, but I went to ontario and heard about the environment there and the type of thought many of people of particular communities have and thought this may start to occur there as well. After GPS posted saying it's happening there as well it kind of reaffirmed my previous thoughts.

SAS needs to go to places like Toronto/Ontario and really bring in the masses and speak to sangat in hopes that they will have an open mind and think about it analytically.

Prevention is the biggest cure and believe it or not, all religions try to target kurian - especially of other religions. It's like forbidden fruit to them and the plus point is that they get to convert them.

Some of their preachers actually support/guide them to target girls to gain more converts.

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Prevention is the biggest cure and believe it or not, all religions try to target kurian - especially of other religions. It's like forbidden fruit to them and the plus point is that they get to convert them.

The best way to prevent our kuria from doing the kind of things they do is to stop their secular upbringing. When we give an innocent child secular values instead of religious values what will we expect them to do when they get young? obviously they will put khay on the heads of their parents(and the community). I still don't understand why everyone here blames the other community for targeting our girls. No one is putting a gun to the heads of our girls when they act slutty and go out with men from other communities and eventually get abused. If you play with fire, you're gonna get burned.

Religious values need to be instilled into our kurian since childhood. Only then can we expect better results. Until then, expect more of our kurian doing the things they do. Look at Muslims, no matter how non religious they are, they will always give their girls religious values and keep them away from the secular values.

Let's not forget that our young girls are the future mothers of the Sikhs. if they are going to go clubbing, drinking, go out with boys, what kind of values(sanskaars) are they going to pass on to their children? this is how societies decay and degrade. If a mother has rotten values, it is very likely that is what her children will also be.

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Don't overlook the fact that some of those girls that do this ARE from families that do not promote those secular values and have a religious upbringing. Watch the SAS video that's in the 2nd post and see for yourself.

Complex mixtures of attention, attraction, self-esteem (low or overconfidence), naivety, excitement, biological and social factors all come into play here (amongst other things I presume), I don't think simplistic interpretations of the matter helps combat the problem?

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