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Are you studying SGGS ? If not , why ?


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I totally agree with panthicunity veer- more time is being spent on outward rituals(rituals are not bad as long as right balance is striked) in regards to sri guru granth sahib ji sargun saroop instead of striking a right balance between sargun rituals to upheld satkar of sri guru granth sahib ji, vichar of gurbani and meditating on nitneem and shabad guru.

But on a bright side of things i can proudly say resources are widely available and one has to realize and look for them, amount of sikh spiritual material available online and in library is pleasantly surprising. We have close to ten different written teekas of sri guru granth sahib ji/bhai gurdas ji available for gurbani vichar with them offering historical(uthanka), grammar(vikayaran), bhav arth (initial thought behind reciting gurbani pangkitias, anrtiv arth(spiritual arth) aspect of gurbani in sri guru granth sahib ji on top of that- we have sri guru granth sahib larivar audio katha done by sant gyani gurbachan singh khalsa bhindranwale 35 times all have slightly different variations as depending on audience and their depth and also gurbani antriv arths is connected with human consciousness, as soon as human consciousness transcendent towards vahiguroo- perception of spiritual arth of gurbani gets more deeper and transcendent with it.

I think in real life things are different but cyber sangat especially youths are slowly realizing importance of doing vichar of gurbani but there is quite bit of improvement we can still do as sangat for example- Have you wondered? why controversial topics gets more hit than deep theological concepts gurbani take on vahiguroo ji, one's own mind, ,soul, one's natural discriminatory power(bibek to filter good from bad) as hans filters moti from garbage.

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Sabsai upar gur shabad beechar ||

Paramount is conetemplation on Guru's word

From my experience 99.9% of sikhs show zero interest in study of the maharaj (not talking about recitation as in sehaj path) , I think this ignorance and neglect of the core gurmat knowledge is root cause of all problems in sikh samaaj today.

The word study cannot be interchanged with contemplation when discussing Gurbani. Study means to apply the mind to acquire knowledge. In Gurbani's case, the mind cannot understand Gurbani on its own. The mind is missing the most important ingredient to attain knowledge from Satguru, which is Satguru's kirpa. After studying science a person can attain knowledge that will be helpful in the future.

With Sikhi a person needs to contemplate over Gurbani. Contemplation requires a person to go beyond studying. It requires a person to step deep into the shabad and actually feel the Shabad.

People like 3HO, udhasis, Missionaries, etc like Sarbjit Singh Dhunda study Satguru and they miss on the true essence of Satguru's teachings.

Studying is when a person looks from the window in. They scratch the surface and have some knowledge as to the point their mind can understand. Contemplation is when the person has placed both feet on the Guru's path and now is ready to accept the deep understanding Satguru is about to present.

Many people study Gurbani, but they never actually contemplate over Gurbani. We always hear Sikhs speak about a Shabad a Gyani or someone else spoke about and how they don't agree with what the Gyani or other person is saying. Or they take many different Shabads and then put them together to make a theory of their own. So no doubt many people study Gurbani. Many people on forums study Gurbani. Dr. I.J. Singh is the lead studier at Sikhchic. Guruka Singh is the lead studier at Sikhnet There is also a lead studier here, but lets keep this professional. They never actually contemplate over Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj. With contemplation every nerve in your body starts to sing the tuk, Shabad, or paat; the person is trying to understand. With Contemplation the mind bows many times and submits to the beauty, sweetness, and infinity greatness of the shabad. When contemplation takes place there is no desire to understand. The understanding comes with Satguru's kirpa and the desire is to follow Hukam.

Last example to grasp the difference. Satguru is the living Guru, does the living Guru ever act like a book? With a book you need to apply the mind and then keep constantly applying your knowledge to understand the next part. When it comes to Gurbani, we need to listen carefully. Satguru speaks to you. So contemplate (listen to the truth with contentment) when reading Gurbani.

Lastly this is not word play. Studying and contemplation have two completely different meanings when it comes to Sikhi.

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Not sure how udasi pro-actively got thrown into this discussion. Nevertheless, if someone must insist on witch haunt- i like to set the record straight - it was same udasi mahapursh swami bhram dev who wrote rebuttal against missionaries -anti dasam parchar - http://www.scribd.co...rahm-Dev-Udaasi ..GPS veer can fill in the rest of Swami Bhram dev udasi contribution against anti dasam heretics while bunch of new age wussies youths internet arm chair warriors sit with their hoddy and baggy pants big up rap bring yo yo gangasta/hooliganism/intimidation of rap culture into sikhi and represent tiger style type of mobs..!!!!!!!

Apparently, sant bishan singh muralewale and sant gyani sunder singh khalsa bhindranwale previous predecessors of damdami taksal and murshid (gurdev) of panth rattan sant gyani gurbachan singh khalsa bhindranwale were trained by same udasi which new age taksali so despise. So let me get this straight, puratan taksali mahapursh- sant bishan singh ji muralewale and sant sunder singh ji bhindranwale were quite ok to consider udasi mahapursh as their "vidya guru" not ok to accept udasi as sikh samparda- give me a break...new age taksali who flaunt/uses taksali jathedar names right/left and center as tokens gets constipation regarding udasi...these new age taksali cannot have it both ways - either you accept sant sunder singh bhindranwale/sant bishan singh muralwale studied from udasi as sikh samparda or if you do reject udasi as sikh samparda and consider them hindus then you just opened can of worms or ammo's for missionaries on this borad to use against previous jathedars of damdami taksal...hai hai they learnt from hindus..hai hai maha manmat.. RSS BJP...don't put one leg in one extreme and other in Gurmat..onus is on you(new age youths) to come out and clean and prove your loyalities.... ..its about time taksali singhs upheld respect for their- damdami taksal mahapursh/jathedars by vehemently rejecting these new age taksali/water boys/sanjha smagams boyz who uses serene/divine damdami taksal jathedar names as mere "tokens" to push their agenda..!!..they even put pimps who herd prostitutes to shame..!!!


At the age of 6 or 7, his parents

who practiced the path of Gursikhi,

gave him the duty to milk the

buffalos and cows. This was so he

could learn and understand the

teaching from Guru Ji.

He began reading the Guru Granth

Sahib at the age of ten. As he grew

up, he learnt Sanskrit from a

Brahman at Dharmkot, 8 km

northwest of his native village, and

later successively from two Udasi

scholars, Pandit Javala Das and

Pandit Bhagat Ram.

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So if a Sikh student learns english from a Christain teacher, then you can't take the Christian out of the Sikh student? How many here learnt english from a Christain. Pretty much all of you should be nodding your head or raising your hand in the classroom of Sikhsangat. :lol2: So guess what...............we can't take the Christain out of you now. You have been Christinafied..............Praise the Lord!!! :lol2: I guess everyone is a Protestant Sikh............even the person who labels others as Protestant Sikhs............Singh559........you have been protestantified.......lol

Also the pdf link says that Sant Baba Sundar Singh Ji Maharaj learnt sanskrit from a Brahman not just Udhasis. So why not on the same illogical thinking say.........you can't take the Brahman out of the Taksal of Satguru Sri Guru Gobind Singh Sahib ji Maharaj.................such riducilous thinking deserves...........................

Silly rabbit!! tricks are for kids :biggrin2:

But to be professional YO YO check this :lol2: : Sant Baba Gurbachan Singh Ji Maharaj said that he read a teeka of Satguru Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji Maharaj done by Nirmala and said that he could not find true value from it. Say Waaat!!!!! You betta bleed that

So get this str8.........no this does not mean we are off the record..............we aint even on the record............we just keeping it real. Taksal, which includes all Sikhs (school of Satguru)............are not Christianafied, Brahmanafied, Nirmalafied, Udhasiafied, and surely aint 3HO yoga huggers. Taksal is straight up Sikhafied till the day we muktiafied..............you better bleed that silly rabbit

Enjoy your karot.............you aint got nothing else to Udhasify

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