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Are you studying SGGS ? If not , why ?


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How can we simplify it for the youth of today, without frightening them away ?

Get them to read the english translation of Sri Anand Sahib first. Advise them that they should look at each pauri and try to understand as much as they can. Write the understanding down and then try to implement what they read into their lifes. Then do this again after putting the teachings into practices........contemplate over the same pauris and write down what they can understand now. Slow progress for the misinformed and the less educated. Many youth get introduced to new concept way to fast and they don't have the knowledge to make sense of it all. So they rebel against the concept and just don't even try to learn their mistake. Recently this was witnessed on the thread where members were saying Satguru is not Sri Vaheguru Ji Maharaj. Such topics should not be discussed among the youth. First topics that should be discussed are how they are affected by the five thieves and which one do they struggle with the most. The more Gurbani they read, the better they will understand the five thieves and the more Gurbani they will want to read because they see progress.

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Get them to read the english translation of Sri Anand Sahib first. Advise them that they should look at each pauri and try to understand as much as they can. Write the understanding down and then try to implement what they read into their lifes. Then do this again after putting the teachings into practices........contemplate over the same pauris and write down what they can understand now. Slow progress for the misinformed and the less educated. Many youth get introduced to new concept way to fast and they don't have the knowledge to make sense of it all. So they rebel against the concept and just don't even try to learn their mistake. Recently this was witnessed on the thread where members were saying Satguru is not Sri Vaheguru Ji Maharaj. Such topics should not be discussed among the youth. First topics that should be discussed are how they are affected by the five thieves and which one do they struggle with the most. The more Gurbani they read, the better they will understand the five thieves and the more Gurbani they will want to read because they see progress.

I know it's sad when they think that satguru is a baba of some dera.

It happened to some cousins of mine because some dera follower at school had a picture of their baba from the sect.

She kept saying that he is the satguru and if they keep his picture they will pass their exams.!!

You know kids, they just wanna pass and they thought well she's a sikh not a muslim. (well they all come across as sikhs, but what they do is NOT sikhism)

Anyway, my uncle later found out and the girls mother had even been talking to the kids saying she will take them to this 'satguru'... WHAT!!!

... I HIT the roof when I heard, it is a good job I didn't have a gun!! :nono:
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Vaheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa Vaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh ||

I don't mean to start the argument all over, so please forgive me. After all the argument on here about which Sampardayee is Sikh and if Udasis and Nirmale are Sikhs i decided to ask my Sathya Teacher. Since he took Santhya from Vade Mahapurash, i asked him what their Veechar was on the above stated Sikhs. He said Mahapurash used to tell them that there are 4 types of Sikhs: Udasis, Nirmale, Sehaj Dhari, Khande (Amrit) Dhari. All of them have different Maryadas.

Please do not argue over this. I just wanted to put it put there.

Vaheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa Vaheguroo Jee Kee Fateh ||

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I won't bother responding to him......he thinks that his points are reliable and valid, but they are neither. Enemies are hiding on Sikh forums, thats forsure. Don't let the so called "good" post of unity fool you. Darshan Ragi also has said many "good" things, but at the end it was very clear he joined GOI to attack Sikhi. They dilude Sikhi to a point, where Sikhs can't tell what is Gurmat and manmat. I have seen already couple of members here who have been influenced by his distorting. Look to Sant ji and you won't be able to be influenced by his distortion.

Getting back to the original topic. Don't study, contemplate over Gurbani. You will learn a lot more and move a lot faster on Satguru's path.

Stay in Chardikala!!!!

wow my brother Only five you are such an epitome of love and of the tuk - "Na ko bairi nahee baigana, sagal sang hamok ban ayee" , petty hatered and contempt no longer dwell in your large heart. good suggestion about Anand sahib nevertheless.

Anyways I guess we should all strive to read 1 ang a day starting from the first ang (there is a reason SGGS is compiled pagewise) , that way we will be able to finish it in 4-5 years.

Studying maharaj is a transformative experience - you will be a different person at the end compared to when you started.

Giaan has been placed very higlhly thorught SGGS - "Sootak eve na ootrai , Gyan utarei dhoye "

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Can anyone recommend a decent (non-online) resource - dare I say "book" - which will allow someone such as myself to study SGGS Ji. I know that the nuances covered by Gurmukhi cannot be fully covered by English, but just something to get me started. Whilst I'm not completely ignorant of the Gurbani I recite I would like to know when I'm encountering something in Gurbani which is a metaphor, as opposed to something which is purely instructional, etc.

Don't worry about proper decorum and sucham being afforded to the resource whatever it may be, i.e. I won't be wearing shoes or munching on a biscuit when I'll have it at hand. :biggrin2:

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Sorry so going back to the topic. One should study gurbani and also contemplate on it. With studying gurbani via teekas/katha of gurbani, one can get basic idea and framework an should get a urgue to go deep in conteplation/simran/meditation. Its only after contemplating on gurbani- one perceives/expereinces the gurbani in the most profound way one cannot describe as gurbani is everywhere is actual creation of this whole world and is both nirgun and sargun.

Gurbani resosance is always there as its supreme consciouness it's just human just have to attune to it to expereince it. Gurbani speaks through human consciouness. Once human consciouness have expereinced gurbani,their arths of gurbani could more in depth than one is used to hearing by scholars/teekars (not to say those scholars are devoid of spirituality or anything- as they tried writing interpertation gurbani in form teekas as much they can)

It just depends on the level of penetration and how one perceives gurbani thats the very reason- why lot of gurbani pankiti could be interpreted as sargun and nirgun(eternal gyan). Sargun because at that moment, thats how gurbani was revealed/experienced to them during contemplation and nirgun because on different moment during contemplation, same gurbani tuk was reveled/experienced to them from gyan(divine knowledge nirgun) aspect in Sikhi..!!

For eg- As begineer, if one contemplates on Aad Gur e nameh, Jugad Gur E Nameh, Satgur E Nameh, Sri Gurdev E Nameh, during contemplations depending on perception of an individual,one may expereince/perceives meaning as per uthanka(historical context of gurbani):

Aad Gur E Nameh - Guru Nanak Dev Ji Ko Namaskar

Jugad Gur E Nameh- Guru Angad Dev Ji Ko Namaskar

Satgur E Nameh - Sri Guru Amar Das Ji Ko Namaskar.

Sri Gurdev E Nameh - Sri Guru Ram Das Ji Ko Namaskar. Note - Sri indicates one being around maya and controlling the maya.

But then slowly one who contemplates more, and more- depending on the growth of their perception and subtleness of their perception/ One human consciouness perceives the same gurbani tuk

Aad Gure Nameh

Jugad Gure Nameh

Satgure Nameh

Sri Gurdev Nameh


I bow to the guiding consciousness that takes us to realisation.

I bow to wisdom througout the ages.

I bow to True wisdom.

I bow to the great unseen Wisdom.

Both interpretation/perception of the shabad is correct as they are both perceived by human consciousness at different level- it starts off with sargun and it ends at ekta of sargun with nirgun..!!!!!!!

In gurmat, Studying of gurbani is not discouraged, nor contemplation is discouraged, in fact- both studying and contemplation of gurbani are encouraged. However, during contemplation one cannot force his -pre-conceived knowledge of gurbani gained from studying during contemplation.. during contemplation you have to take a dive in to without psycho analyzing gurbani if it naturally comes to you its different story but just make sure its not pre-conceived knowledge super imposing itself during contemplation.

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Can anyone recommend a decent (non-online) resource - dare I say "book" - which will allow someone such as myself to study SGGS Ji. I know that the nuances covered by Gurmukhi cannot be fully covered by English, but just something to get me started. Whilst I'm not completely ignorant of the Gurbani I recite I would like to know when I'm encountering something in Gurbani which is a metaphor, as opposed to something which is purely instructional, etc.

Don't worry about proper decorum and sucham being afforded to the resource whatever it may be, i.e. I won't be wearing shoes or munching on a biscuit when I'll have it at hand. :biggrin2:

I think it's good to compare the translations of SGGS to yourself and aid in your own progress.

Worth checking srigranth.org, gurbani 101and search gurbani for translations.

There are many others out there but some have more errors than others. I remember when I started, it took me a while to determine exactly what 'sochee soch na hovee, je sochee lakvaar' really meant because some translations said ' even by thinking(soch) he cannot be reduced to thought, even by thinking hundreds of thousands of times'

AND some said '' Even by bathing thousands of times, mind cannot become more pure''

After much research, I came to the conclusion that 'sochae' means to bath in gurbani, but we say 'to think' in punjabi.

There are some words that are used for different meanings in our spoken punjabi compared to their real gurmukhi and gurbani meanings.

Then I started to use the above as a reference tool in finding reliable sites!

For more reading I would look at gurbani.org and other sikh sites with articles that are explained.

I also find that doing more simran gives you intuiton on many areas of understanding and it just comes naturally.

Then if you find difficulty in understanding something, you can always ask on a forum!!!

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