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Jat Sikhs seek OBC status in Punjab

Mehtab Singh

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What exactly is a 'Jatt Gurdwara' ? I've asked time and again here for those of you here that keeping using the term to give a very short list of the names and addresses of these so-called 'Jatt Gurdwaras'.

You can feign ignorance as much as you want, most of the Jatt gurdwaray are Singh Sabha ones. End of. And you can keep your stock excuses before you start rattling on with that tired old narrative.

Just because some people are sly enough not to put their 'caste name' blatantly on a Gurdwara - doesn't mean people are too dumb to realise what is going on subtly. Only the most ignorant, contemptuous buffoon would try to make out like most Gurdwarays (in the UK at least) AREN'T fractured along caste lines, even if some are foolish enough to advertise their backgrounds on boards on the front - whilst others do it in a more discreet fashion.

People like yourself's abject denial of the wider problem and failure to face up to the causes of why everyone seems to want to run from jats like they smell or something just contributes to making the issue fester.

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I don't get why people to this day are taking pride in caste. I mean sure, my ancestors were farmers and so I come from a Jatt background, but I'm not exactly a farmer in Britain am I? Why do we have to keep dividing ourselves be it caste, jathebandhi, place in Punjab, whether you are from a rural/city area? You want a country of your own? You want to take back the land others occupy? Stop fighting like babies and playing the blame game.

ਵਰਨਾ ਵਰਨ ਨ ਭਾਵਨੀ ਜੇ ਕਿਸੈ ਵਡਾ ਕਰੇਇ ॥
One class of people does not like the other, when one has been made great.

ਵਡੇ ਹਥਿ ਵਡਿਆਈਆ ਜੈ ਭਾਵੈ ਤੈ ਦੇਇ ॥
Greatness is only in His Great Hands; He gives to those with whom He is pleased.

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You can feign ignorance as much as you want, most of the Jatt gurdwaray are Singh Sabha ones. End of. And you can keep your stock excuses before you start rattling on with that tired old narrative.

Dal Singh, you are without the most hate-filled bigot on this forum. Blinded by hatred. 'Singh Sabha' are Jatt Gurdwaras you say uh ? Ummm.....and how does the fact that one of the UK's largest and most influential 'Singh Sabha' Gurdwaras in the UK (Hounslow) has a 80% Khatri, Tarkhan and Arora president and committee make-up despite the sangat being majority Jatt fit in with this mad theory of yours ?

How does the fact that in Southampton, with 2 big Gurdwaras across the road from each other, it is the 'Singh Sabha' one that is full of a mixed sangat of Jatts, Tarkhans and Bhatras whereas it is the Nanaksar one that seems to be overwhelmingly jatt fit in with your theory ?

Re-read everything I said in the previous message. Here it is again. The question is still unanswered and my promise still stands. Give me the name and address of a 'Jatt' Gurdwara and I shall go there and set myself on fire in protest.

Unbelievable. The bigotry....hatred and resentment of some here.

What exactly is a 'Jatt Gurdwara' ? I've asked time and again here for those of you here that keeping using the term to give a very short list of the names and addresses of these so-called 'Jatt Gurdwaras'. Give me the names and I promise I will personally go to them and set myself on fire in protest. The 'list' never comes because none exist. None.

I mentioned in one of my messages above that the jatt's only crime is that he is large in numbers.....that he is the majority. The other Sikh groups feel intimidated by this......they feel threatened by this. None of that is the fault of the jatt. When, in any given area the jatts are 90% of the local Sikhs it stands to reason that the sangat of the Gurdwara will be 90% jatt. That does NOT make it a 'Jatt Gurdwara' though. Jatts never have and never will do what bhatras, ramgharias and lobana's have done and make their own gurdwaras with their own caste identity on the name of the gurdwara and have constitutions that state that only members of that 'caste' can become members. Jatts have never once done this..........The others do. And yet in this strange upside down world we live in many of you are spewing venom against jatts. :wow:

Its a crazy crazy world. Lets take Delhi for example. Do you not think we jatt Sikhs don't feel a bit out of place in the Gurdwaras there when 95% of the sangat are either Khatri or Bhatra ? Do you not think it becomes difficult for us to become committee members and presidents of the Gurdwaras there when we are the only ones that speak in a very different dialect and tone ? But we are not silly and we are not full of bitterness and resentment. We know it is not the fault of the Khtri and the Bhatra that they are there in Delhi in massive numbers and us jatts in so few. We know the local Gurdwaras in Delhi are not full of khatris and bhatras because they both had a cunning plan to get together on Sunday mornings and intimidate the jatts.

Now I ask you all again........Many of you keep mentioning this thing called a 'Jatt Gurdwara'. I dare any of you to write me a short list of just a few of these 'Jatt Gurdwaras'. You love to mention them so now tell us who and where they are. This is the 3rd time on this thread I'm asking so I'm gonna make it very easy for you all now as you're obviously finding it very difficult to do: Just one. That's all I'm asking from you now. We can all easily make a big list of the names and addresses of thousands of Ramgharia, Lobana and Bhatra Gurdwaras that not only display their caste names but also officialy restrict membership to sangat of that particular 'caste'.......but can you name even one 'jatt' example of the same. Have Jatts ever sunk that low ? Go on.........Give me a short list of 1 ..................

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most of the Jatt gurdwaray are Singh Sabha ones

I've highlighted the key word you may need to semantically decipher to understand my simple point. I'm not saying that every last Singh Sabha is jat gurdwara. Sure, in some areas we may well have some more progressive committees, and thank the Lord for that!

That being said, it doesn't detract from the ground reality that Gurdwara frequently are divided along caste lines and, in stark contrast to the suggestion in your last few posts - yes, some of them are jatt Gurdwaray. My point is that your weak attempts to deny this, by asking for big signs outside Gurdwaray that says 'jat' in huge letters, as if this was the only acceptable evidence just shows your own colours. You aren't interested in facing up to reality, instead to make every lame excuse in the book and indulge in lowly (but see through) attempts as obfuscation (an example of which I have just outlined) as some sort of defence of or outright denial of the problem I'm talking about.

Like I said, I have faith, I know those apnay sneakily pushing for and trying to prop up caste/tribal based hierarchies for whatever ego-fueled, materialistic, self aggrandising, preservation purposes they act on, will be made to suffer for their actions sooner or later, even if their sins will be visited on their children's heads. Simples.

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