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Jat Sikhs seek OBC status in Punjab

Mehtab Singh

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In punjab today sadly obc status is the only way to get a job if you dont have the proper connections or money to bribe to get yourself a job. Gone are the days when the punjabi jat could have lived comfortably off his land. Now most jats only have 1 or 2 killaas left which is not enough especially if you take todays high inflation.

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In punjab today sadly obc status is the only way to get a job if you dont have the proper connections or money to bribe to get yourself a job.

Absolutely correct. Zero to 1% chance of any jatt sikh in Punjab to land a job no matter how highly qualified they are. The public sector jobs are nearly all reserved for those groups with obc status and the private sector industrialists loathe to employ what they see as jatt boots, giving the jobs instead to members of their own fraternity. Zero chance of a job.

And then there's education. So many of the good places reserved for those with the obc status and even when they get a place the ones with obc status only need half the required marks in order to get a pass.

Promotion ? You need obc status.

Wanna be a sarpanch ? obc status will help alot.

obc status should be scrapped. But if its gonna exist than you've gotta get on it if you wish any future for your children.

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Absolutely correct. Zero to 1% chance of any jatt sikh in Punjab to land a job no matter how highly qualified they are. The public sector jobs are nearly all reserved for those groups with obc status and the private sector industrialists loathe to employ what they see as jatt boots, giving the jobs instead to members of their own fraternity. Zero chance of a job.

And then there's education. So many of the good places reserved for those with the obc status and even when they get a place the ones with obc status only need half the required marks in order to get a pass.

Promotion ? You need obc status.

Wanna be a sarpanch ? obc status will help alot.

obc status should be scrapped. But if its gonna exist than you've gotta get on it if you wish any future for your children.

The reservations were meant to expire at some point in the future but the govt knows there would be riots if it ever got rid of reservations. They only way would be give every caste reservations based on it's population percentage. That way it would make it a lot fairer.

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They've also fed the whole of India for the last 6 decades, been paid artificially low prices for their produce so that the other castes could get subsidised foodstuffs. How would you like it if the govt said that a tarkhan can only charge a certain rate for his work or all the shops have to charge prices set by the govt?

Investigate how much it costs in labour as well as things like fertiliser and pesticides to grow crops in one acre and then find out how much a farmer will get for his produce. Then come back and get involved in a discussion over why Jats want OBC status.

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"...they have an ego and history of suppressing low castes".

This is the biggest understatement of the 20th and 21st century combined! Jats have made a career out of mocking non-jats. This is despite the architects of the hindu caste-system continually reminding the jats that in their eyes, a jat is nothing more than a shudar. But all we heard for the last decade was "jat isn't part of that system, jat is a race not a caste". However, it apears the chickens have indeed come home to roost.

Dear oh dear, what a milestone this is indeed. Or is it? Afterall, the this link ( http://sikhsangat.org/2013/jat-sikhs-seek-obc-status-in-punjab/ ) merely tells us what we have known all along: a jat is a shudar. The only thing that is new is that.....jats have finally accepted it. Everyone else had known this since the beginning of time.

Afterall all the 'huffing and puffing', this is what it has come to.

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The caste system is getting more entrenched in India as the main political parties carve out their vote banks on caste lines. Congress tend to favour the 'lower castes and the BJP the 'higher' ones. Affliation to one of the parties will help you get on in life in India as appointments in Government jobs are political.The Sikhs are not considered important by the main parties due to their low numbers and are largely ignored. This is leading to desperate attempts for Sikhs to get themselves declared 'low caste' as thats where the Hindus regard them as being.

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