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Jat Sikhs seek OBC status in Punjab

Mehtab Singh

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Good. Maybe jats can start to try and use their heads together (maybe lay off the bhangra, booze and smack for a bit?) and think up of some good plans? Anything beats waiting around and constantly whinging about central government to rescue Panjab - especially when they obviously aren't inclined to do so.

Whilst they are at it, maybe, just maybe, they could face up to some bitter home truths about why they are so disliked by everyone - other than wheeling out the old 'because they are jealous' buckwas that has been hidden behind for so long now.

We can hope huh? lol

Idk...us rural peasants might need the help of other groups too. Maybe ask some of them to take on their fair share of responsibility as well.

As long as we move forward together.

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allowing NRI owned land to not be farmed and giving two fingers to the Indian state when they ask where the food's gone.

They did that in the 80's. Punjabi farmers withheld food and taxes from the central govt. to protest against the rejection of Anandpur Resolution. Indira Gandhi deployed 100,000 troops in Punjab, and it also caused her to hasten the attack on Harmandir Sahib. Sant ji had overlived his usefulness as the boogeyman. It was all a front to cripple Akali political dominance in Punjab.

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Maybe we've had a severe 'brain-drain' from Panjab over the last half century?

Even the most well off backgrounds only seem to produce small minded youths who dream of nothing more than coming here and doing labouring/double glazing for a living?

What does that tell us.

No use blaming anyone but ourselves for this mess.

Judging by the people I know here I wouldnt agree. We have a massive range of intelligences and most of it is due to how much education we can afford.

In East Punjab there are videos of politicians slapping teachers (young women which just shows how shameless these politicians are) and then promising to pay them. Add to that the weird village school system and the inability of the state to stop truancy, which is a major thing there, you've got yourself a perfect <banned word filter activated>'s storm.

It wouldnt be too hard for someone to come in and start introducing international standards for education seeing as our own system in EP is so bad. With a good amount of funds, no corrupt fools nicking the budget and fair allocation, it could be reversed. But are EPs willing to make that jump to educate their kids heavily whilst they work in industries to create enough tax revenue to build further/higher education institutes and build an East Punjab that requires people who arent dumdums to run it? I dont know, they all seem keen to just get on a boat and leave their problems behind. Not a winning idea for those left in East Punjab.

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They did that in the 80's. Punjabi farmers withheld food and taxes from the central govt. to protest against the rejection of Anandpur Resolution. Indira Gandhi deployed 100,000 troops in Punjab, and it also caused her to hasten the attack on Harmandir Sahib. Sant ji had overlived his usefulness as the boogeyman. It was all a front to cripple Akali political dominance in Punjab.

I'm not saying withold food. Just dont farm the land, let it regenerate and return to woodland and farm the remaining areas sustainably. India is rich enough to buy their food from abroad now, they can let us get on with sorting out East Punjab.

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I'm not saying withold food. Just dont farm the land, let it regenerate and return to woodland and farm the remaining areas sustainably. India is rich enough to buy their food from abroad now, they can let us get on with sorting out East Punjab.

Okay sorry bro, I misunderstood.

However, farmers can't stop farming because that is their only means of livelihood. They used to join the military in large numbers, but the government has put a quota on the number of Sikhs that can join the army now. Sikhs are gulaam in India, just like Sant ji said. They have no choice, but to farm and they get paid scraps in return. There is no way out for the small farmers besides suicide.

Even NRI land is rented out to small farmers. No farming means no money.

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Idk...us rural peasants might need the help of other groups too. Maybe ask some of them to take on their fair share of responsibility as well.

As long as we move forward together.

Maybe if you peasants weren't generally so obnoxious, ignorant and excluding people might actually be inclined to do stuff with you?

By the looks of it, you'll have to watch other people moving forward whilst you reap what you've sown for a while. Think of it as an important lesson in humility maybe? Maybe being on the receiving end of what your people have been dishing out may lead to some 'cultural paradigm shift' for the better? Who knows?

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If they have no debts then they can do what they want. They dont have to give the Indian state anything. As long as EP has enough food, who cares about the rest? About time they grew their own.

If change is to come it has to come from the local government level. No more Badals, no more deras, no more small thinking. If the army wont recruit why dont Sikhs form PMCs?

With NRI land, the farmers still pay rent which can be excessive. Or they just steal the land and leave the NRIs out to dry. My point was that it is unfair for people who have never farmed and never will to own land and create pressures on the land price there which causes half these problems.

Imagine East Punjab as a ship. Each ship has many engines like industry, farming, research, mining etc to keep it going and keep it afloat (economically). East Punjab is a ship with one engine on, an overheated one at that. The rest arent on, no one knows if they work and the one engine that is on is creaking and may break, sinking the ship and everyone on board. It's time to turn the other engines on and reduce the stress on the lone farming engine. But the decision to steer the ship in a new direction rests with the Captain and his officers (Badal and the Akalis). Either they make the decision or the crew and passengers take control and do it for them. Those of us abroad (in the lifeboats) can help but only if the people on board want us too.

'cultural paradigm shift'

Oi, you stole my phrase, give it back. :tongue2:

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Again some are labeling one community for all what is taking place in punjab. Again we have to say that other caste like ramgarhia exclude other caste especially jatts. Other caste are just as guilty as the jatts. Kids that have no knowledge of the caste fights are being targeted. Prime example is other caste discriminate against jatt family kids who are young as 5 years old. Other caste tell their kids not to associate with the jatt kids. The other caste think they are highers in society because they bow down at the feet of the gora and let the gora have a go at Sikhi.

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