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CHAAR SAHIBZAADE (Guru Gobind Singhji's four sons) - movie


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Agreed definitely one to buy on bluray/DVD and give out as gifts. I watched Sikh channel show on Sunday night where they were interviewing people at star city Birmingham before and after they watched the movie. The shocking thing was that many youth admitted before watching the film they didnt know the story of the chaar sahibzade before watching the film.

Some of these people were in there late teens and maybe 20's.Some young girls etc.. What have their parents been doing all this time ?? Obviously failing to teach their kids any Sikh history. No wonder we have issues with interfaith marriages, rejection of Sikhi image etc..We have been raising a whitewashed generation devoid of any Sikhi knowledge...

Most of the so called Sikhs are Patits who are either not interested to tell our glorious history to their children or too ashamed to do so because of their patitpuna.

So how can we expect their children to know our history?

The results are very clearly seen with the younger generation having no knowledge of the basics of Sikhi.This came out clearly in the open

when recently Nikki Haley said, "Christianity spoke to me that I could understand it."

I strongly believe it was a more of her parents who did not speak to her about Sikhi for the reasons cited above.

No wonder, how could she understand when no one spoke to her about Sikhi.

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the main hurdel is gurmukhi

you have to create an environment to talk comepletely in native language at home , learn, read write in it

no wonder kids find it easier to read in english .

once they are accustomed and habitual and comfortable to read in gurmukhi , it would be better

Problem is parents who FEEL Gurmukhi is a hurdle and try hard NOT to speak Maa Boli to their children and grandchildren , usually it is the patit lot who want to be 'modern' , you can live in the current times and have strength to face it with knowing exactly where you come from how many people sacrificed to get you here , how much your dharam can give you that your folks can not. I agree that patits don't want their kids to know because the kids will question every wrong they can see, my kids did it in the past and still do it now it is natural and right for them to hold Gurmatta above duniya di rasma, they will judge using gurmat bibek if something is right for them or wrong when on their own, I'm glad I could help them at least that much.

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I would like to clarify that I was already aware of the Chaar Sahibzaade. My parents told me the story when I was younger, I am now 25 and it stills stays with me. My family and I agreed that my younger brother should see the film and learn about the sacrifices that Guru Gobind Singh Ji made. When he is on the computer he is always researching Sikhism and watching videos about our Guru ji's. I take pride that he is eleven yet has an interest in learning about Sikhi. He has had this interest since he was nine years of age. =)

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excellent video. Despite the intense propaganda by Niddar's crew, the truth will eventually shine through. Gatka was widely practiced throughout India, especially North India. Just look at what Rajputs practice, it is the same as Gatka. Cisco mentioned the soldiers of Abdali. Abdali was formerly a general in Nadir Shah's army. The Pathans are a persianate race. They most probably learnt sword fighting of the Persians and central Asians. Just look at this video of how ancient Persian sword fighting looks like:

Notice how similar the circular motions are to Gatka. This is what the Afghans and Persian soldiers of Nadir Shah and Abdali were practicing. None of the Kung Fu bs that a certain individual invented and has started passing it off as being "puraatan".

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excellent video. Despite the intense propaganda by Niddar's crew, the truth will eventually shine through. Gatka was widely practiced throughout India, especially North India. Just look at what Rajputs practice, it is the same as Gatka. Cisco mentioned the soldiers of Abdali. Abdali was formerly a general in Nadir Shah's army. The Pathans are a persianate race. They most probably learnt sword fighting of the Persians and central Asians. Just look at this video of how ancient Persian sword fighting looks like:

Notice how similar the circular motions are to Gatka. This is what the Afghans and Persian soldiers of Nadir Shah and Abdali were practicing. None of the Kung Fu bs that a certain individual invented and has started passing it off as being "puraatan".

gatka has been present in kalaripatu as well

so we could say this is an easy and fast to learn method

which would be common amongst soldiers, before they actually learnt shastarvidya and became nipun in it

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gatka has been present in kalaripatu as well

so we could say this is an easy and fast to learn method

which would be common amongst soldiers, before they actually learnt shastarvidya and became nipun in it

there was never any martial art called "shastarvidya". Shastar Vidya just means knowledge of weapons. Before Niddar renamed his martial art as SV sometime after 2000, the term "Shastar Vidya" was used in Punjabi for all arts involving weapons. Even modern military training can be classified as Shastar Vidya just as Gatka or any other martial art that involves weapons can be termed as Shaster Vidya.

I still clearly remember when Niddar had created his site originally. He used to call his martial art as Chatka Gatka. When he realized how ridiculous that sounded he then renamed it as Shastar Vidya after reading a passage from Giani Gian Singh's Panth Prakash where he lamented that Sikhs of his time no longer know how to to use weapons since now they have taken up other (non martial) professions such as Dukaandhari. He was not alluding to some martial art called SV that some individual in the UK now practices. Furthermore, just look all at what Nihangs in India have been practicing for years all their lives. It is Gatka, not some fancy shmancy martial art of Niddar. There are still students alive who learnt from the Gatka Ustad of Niddar, they also practice Gatka.

It is not a martial art that is bad, but it takes the individual's skill level that makes him a good fighter.

Taran had created a thread not too long ago exposing the lies being spread by Niddar and his associates in regards to Niddar's SV.

read here:


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there was never any martial art called "shastarvidya". Shastar Vidya just means knowledge of weapons. Before Niddar renamed his martial art as SV sometime after 2000, the term "Shastar Vidya" was used in Punjabi for all arts involving weapons. Even modern military training can be classified as Shastar Vidya just as Gatka or any other martial art that involves weapons can be termed as Shaster Vidya.

I still clearly remember when Niddar had created his site originally. He used to call his martial art as Chatka Gatka. When he realized how ridiculous that sounded he then renamed it as Shastar Vidya after reading a passage from Giani Gian Singh's Panth Prakash where he lamented that Sikhs of his time no longer know how to to use weapons since now they have taken up other (non martial) professions such as Dukaandhari. He was not alluding to some martial art called SV that some individual in the UK now practices. Furthermore, just look all at what Nihangs in India have been practicing for years all their lives. It is Gatka, not some fancy shmancy martial art of Niddar. There are still students alive who learnt from the Gatka Ustad of Niddar, they also practice Gatka.

It is not a martial art that is bad, but it takes the individual's skill level that makes him a good fighter.

Taran had created a thread not too long ago exposing the lies being spread by Niddar and his associates in regards to Niddar's SV.

read here:


there was a statement , and recording present on facebook of shastarvidya by ex jathedar of akali phoola singh bunga

and clarrified this was ang of shatar vidya and yes it is also called jhatka

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