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SGPC and RSS published a book full with disrespect of Sikh Guru Sahib's and false history

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1. Its not about our interest its about history. He raised the question. SGPC is now getting history rewritten If they are not questioned they might come out with some more blunder.

2. Naam Simran is 24*7 concept. Start from missionaries make the show alive.

There is an edict from akal takhat about 7 years back asking sikhs not to cooperate with RSS. I am sure if Baldev sirsa brings this into attention of akal takhat they will look into this.

Baldev sirsa is a politician just like Badal and sarna are politicians.His intentions are suspect.

Missionaries are those who do not do Naam simran and they are the ones who call it parroting without understanding the concept.

So they top list of masands.

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There is an edict from akal takhat about 7 years back asking sikhs not to cooperate with RSS. I am sure if Baldev sirsa brings this into attention of akal takhat they will look into this.

Baldev sirsa is a politician just like Badal and sarna are politicians.His intentions are suspect.

Missionaries are those who do not do Naam simran and they are the ones who call it parroting without understanding the concept.

So they top list of masands.

He said that he brought it into notice of SGPC but no positive reply. This book should be banned.

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GPS Veer Jee is spot on!

Just like I pointed out earlier...this is all politics. Why is it only Baldev Singh Sirsa Jee who is talking about this? Where is everyone else? Why is a politician the only one making a big deal out of it?

Also, it's not like this is the only book out there on Sikh history. To say that this book holds more seniority or importance than other books is overreacting. We already have lots of stuff written by Kala-Afghana and Ghagga, etc, which is just as bad as this book, if not worse. Even if this SGPC book is changed, there are probably still many copies out there in circulation, so the damage is already done. The only thing now is for SGPC to create a new book or an updated version.

Or how about this...Baldev Singh Sirsa Jee can write his own book by documenting all of the errors in the SGPC book and correcting them. Now that would be a proactive solution.

If Baldev Singh Sirsa Jee is truly worried about Sikhi and not politics...then he should have spoken out during the many incidents which took place in Delhi Gurdwaras under Sarna leadership.

If he can call Badal, SGPC and Jathedars RSS agents...then I would love to see him be impartial and be able to say the same about Sarna and his group.

You see...when you turn the tables...it's a totally different story and perspective.

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If it is written in book what he is stating then no sikh will tolerate it.

He says book states that Guru of Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji was muslim. That means it is aligning sikhs with Muslims.

Then how does RSS bogey comes in the picture? Can this Baldev sirsa justify this logic. He is more a politician

than a religious person.He is stating that act of Massa ranghar was a lesser evil than written in this book.

Then he hops around elections of SGPC and DGPC. That is pure politics.

Lastly in 1999 if i remember , GS Tohra was president of SGPC and Bhai Rajit singh was jathedar of akal takhat.Then if he is so eager to involve RSS in this case then he should blame then president of SGPC>

Are you listening Mr Sirsa, a pithu of panch pardhani that sponsors tours of persons like dhundha to USA.

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There is an edict from akal takhat about 7 years back asking sikhs not to cooperate with RSS. I am sure if Baldev sirsa brings this into attention of akal takhat they will look into this.

Baldev sirsa is a politician just like Badal and sarna are politicians.His intentions are suspect.

Missionaries are those who do not do Naam simran and they are the ones who call it parroting without understanding the concept.

So they top list of masands.

Open your ears and listen to the video posted by the OP and then check for yourself if S Baldev Singh raised this issue with Akal Takht Sahib or not?

This is the sorry state of affairs of today's so called Sikhs who instead of protesting as one against this insult to our Gurus find suspicians in intentions

of those who raise these issues.

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GPS Veer Jee is spot on!

Just like I pointed out earlier...this is all politics. Why is it only Baldev Singh Sirsa Jee who is talking about this? Where is everyone else? Why is a politician the only one making a big deal out of it?

Also, it's not like this is the only book out there on Sikh history. To say that this book holds more seniority or importance than other books is overreacting. We already have lots of stuff written by Kala-Afghana and Ghagga, etc, which is just as bad as this book, if not worse. Even if this SGPC book is changed, there are probably still many copies out there in circulation, so the damage is already done. The only thing now is for SGPC to create a new book or an updated version.

Or how about this...Baldev Singh Sirsa Jee can write his own book by documenting all of the errors in the SGPC book and correcting them. Now that would be a proactive solution.

If Baldev Singh Sirsa Jee is truly worried about Sikhi and not politics...then he should have spoken out during the many incidents which took place in Delhi Gurdwaras under Sarna leadership.

If he can call Badal, SGPC and Jathedars RSS agents...then I would love to see him be impartial and be able to say the same about Sarna and his group.

You see...when you turn the tables...it's a totally different story and perspective.

Thats the question which you need to answer. Where is everyone else?

Most of them are so gutless and lack self respect to raise their voices against this insult to our Gurus.

And for them this is "all politics."

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If it is written in book what he is stating then no sikh will tolerate it.

He says book states that Guru of Sri Guru Nanak Dev ji was muslim. That means it is aligning sikhs with Muslims.

Then how does RSS bogey comes in the picture? Can this Baldev sirsa justify this logic. He is more a politician

than a religious person.He is stating that act of Massa ranghar was a lesser evil than written in this book.

Then he hops around elections of SGPC and DGPC. That is pure politics.

Lastly in 1999 if i remember , GS Tohra was president of SGPC and Bhai Rajit singh was jathedar of akal takhat.Then if he is so eager to involve RSS in this case then he should blame then president of SGPC>

Are you listening Mr Sirsa, a pithu of panch pardhani that sponsors tours of persons like dhundha to USA

"If it is written in book what he is stating then no sikh will tolerate it."

Perfect example of a political double talk.

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I am not sure if this has been discussed already but this is really serious matter and needs special attention by pinning it or it changing the tittle to something more attentive.

I just saw this video and I can't describe it's too bad.

Dear Bhaji,

The video has been uploaded on youtube on the 15th of March, 2013.

The heading for the video says that it's been broadcast on the 16th of March, 2013.

Could you please help find out when the actual date of broadcast was?

The reason behind my doubt about the time-frame is because we've been on the phone with Baba Hari Singh ji Randhawa and Baba Lakhbir Singh ji Ratwara Saheb about the matter. Baba Hari Singh ji told us that there has been quite an outcry about this issue on stages in India and that it was all SGPC President's fault. Apparently, SGPC's even apologised about it MORE THAN A YEAR AGO!!!!

This does seem to be a political dirty-business!

Baba Lakhbir Singh ji asked us to get back to him tomorrow evening to get the updated news.

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Edit: apparently, we've also been told by a Singh from Ratwara Saheb (who generally handles stuff about news affairs) that the SGPC has said that they had simply been given the writings of Mcaullife and that this book is simply a translation of his book!!! I about to look for it on google....if someone else has read it, please could they confirm whether it is true or not?

If that is the case then didn't they read and agree with the translations before publishing?

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