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Modi Tells Sikhs To Get Out Of Gujarat. Bjp Tha Same As Congress On Sikhs. Badals So Called Allies.


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Modi tells Sikhs to leave their property and Land and go back to the Punjab as they are not Gujarati.

This is the man that could be next PM and a party that the Badal Dal are supporting. It show that the Congress and the BJp are the same with their hate for Sikhs. Meanwhile the Badals are to terrified to raise the plight of the Sikhs in Guarat forcefully , similarly to their silence on Police killings.

A report by the National Commission for Minorities (NCM), India's minority rights watchdog, has said the Narendra Modi-led Gujarat government had "prima facie" discriminated against the state's 500-member Sikh community in Kutch by ordering them to sell their land and return to Punjab because they were not Gujaratis, citing the Bombay Tenancy and Agricultural Lands Act, 1948.

The commission has strongly disapproved of the Gujarat government's interpretation that only Gujarati farmers could own or buy land in the state under the Act, a move which could dispossess 500 farmers, while their land accounts have already been frozen.

In his report, commission member Ajaib Singh, after a field visit on June 24-28, 2013, said, "There appears to be discrimination against Sikh agriculturalists by the Gujarat government".

The report quoted Ajaib Singh's statement that "Modi, who has the habit of suppressing and terrorising the minorities of Gujarat, was in this case targeting and victimising the Sikh farmers of Kutch".

The minority commission said the order of the state government, asking farmers to sell their land and return to Punjab, was struck down unanimously in the Gujarat high court unanimously, but the state government had now challenged this verdict in the Supreme Court. The commission itself could not do much since the issue was under judicial consideration, the report said.

In a recommendatory letter to Modi, the commission has asked the Gujarat government to accept the verdict of the high court. He also requested him to administer a national minority scholarship programme and urgently set up a state minorities commission.

Ajaib Singh has also written to Punjab chief minister Parkash Singh Badal to intervene in the matter.

"This is indeed very discriminatory," said the NCM member.

He said Sikhs told him during his field visit that the community had migrated to Kutch after being invited by former prime minister late Lal Bahadur Shastri, who felt these swathes of white marshy land should be inhabited as a buffer against invasion from the sea.

[Courtesy: Hindustan Times.]

July 31, 2013

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This issue has been going on for several months with hundreds of farmers migrating to Malwa BUT so called 'Panth Rattan' Badal said he wasn't aware of the exact issue the Sikh farmers are facing (4 days ago).

Many are not aware but the same thing happened to Sikhs when Uttarakhand was carved out of Uttar Pradesh about a decade ago, many houses of our Sikh brethren were razed to the ground and our Sikh families made homeless.

The persecution of Sikhs in India stopped after 95? No! Its continuing, slowly but differently.

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I don't understand with such dumb laws in India, how do they claim India is one nation? why can't someone from another state not buy farm land in Gujarat? Modi wants to become PM of India, yet he is allowing such an anti national move in his own state. Indians very often say to the Sikhs they should embrace all of India because all of India is yours, yet when they evict Sikhs from their farms and render them homeless as a result can they blame Sikhs for demanding separation from such a country?

The land around Kutch has very little population. That area is susceptible to Pakistani attack. In fact Pakistan even demands that land to be part of their territory. It is only in the interest of India that they should settle as many Sikhs in that area if they want it secured. Lal Bahadur Shastri knew this which is why he wanted Sikhs to settle that area. But these modern Indians think they are now strong enough to take on Muslims on their own, so they don't need Sikhs anymore. We will see in the future what happens whether or not they can take on Muslim invaders without the Sikhs.

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I don't understand with such dumb laws in India, how do they claim India is one nation? why can't someone from another state not buy farm land in Gujarat? Modi wants to become PM of India, yet he is allowing such an anti national move in his own state. Indians very often say to the Sikhs they should embrace all of India because all of India is yours, yet when they evict Sikhs from their farms and render them homeless as a result can they blame Sikhs for demanding separation from such a country?

The land around Kutch has very little population. That area is susceptible to Pakistani attack. In fact Pakistan even demands that land to be part of their territory. It is only in the interest of India that they should settle as many Sikhs in that area if they want it secured. Lal Bahadur Shastri knew this which is why he wanted Sikhs to settle that area. But these modern Indians think they are now strong enough to take on Muslims on their own, so they don't need Sikhs anymore. We will see in the future what happens whether or not they can take on Muslim invaders without the Sikhs.

They might be strong enough but not brave enough, due to being engrossed into materialism they care too much for their lives, living that they would rather send us to die instead.

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Many are not aware but the same thing happened to Sikhs when Uttarakhand was carved out of Uttar Pradesh about a decade ago, many houses of our Sikh brethren were razed to the ground and our Sikh families made homeless.


There are plenty of Sikhs still in Uttarakhand with land. The farmers you are writing about had bought Escorts Farm land which was at the time subject of a legal dispute.

As for this Gujrat issue, again there are Hindu Jatts from Haryana who could also lose land. So it is not just a Sikh issue.

Please research a bit more before jumping to misguided conclusions.

Ajaib Singh at the National Commission for Minorities (NCM) is a congress appointee who will do anything to please his masters. Where is his concern about the thousands killed in fake encounters by Punjab Police? or the denial of justice to victims of the 84 pogroms?

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As if gujrat is some america, it's a backwards region polluted and far backwards, sikhs would be doing themselves a favour by leaving kutchi land and going back to punjab or delhi or abroad

Thing is many of those Sikhs had sold their lands in Punjab and bought land in Kutch. Through their hard work they made barren land into lush green farm land. Now after they land has been made productive due to the hard work of Sikh farmers, the Gujarat government is trying to take the land away from them using some outdated laws. They put years of work on that land. It's not easy for a farmer to leave such land.

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Thing is many of those Sikhs had sold their lands in Punjab and bought land in Kutch. Through their hard work they made barren land into lush green farm land. Now after they land has been made productive due to the hard work of Sikh farmers, the Gujarat government is trying to take the land away from them using some outdated laws. They put years of work on that land. It's not easy for a farmer to leave such land.

Right now punjab is suffering they should sell it and go back, punjab needs all it's good sikhs leave gujrat to be backwards. It's not easy but seems like it has to be done.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Aug 30th 2013

JALANDHAR: The efforts of ShiromaniAkaliDal to politically resolve the issue of displacement of Sikh farmers in Gujarat's Kutch region received a jolt this week with the NarendraModi government hiring noted lawyer Fali S Nariman to handle the case in the Supreme Court. The case was listed on Tuesday and Thursday but could not be heard and is likely to come up for hearing next week.

The SAD-BJP government in Punjab wanted Modi to withdraw the appeal filed by the Gujarat government in Supreme Court against the Sikh farmers in Kutch. However, Gujarat is determined to proceed with the case which was evident from the fact that it hired Nariman as lawyer.

Sources in the Akali Dal said the party was feeling let down as its repeated pleas did not make any impact on Modi and he made it clear that the issue would be decided by the Supreme Court only.

Incidentally, SAD patriarch Parkash Singh Badal and his deputy chief minister son Sukhbir were among the first leaders of NDA allies to support Modi's elevation as campaign committee chairman of BJP. "Akali Dal has been praising and projecting the decisiveness and firmness of Modi and was in favour of projecting him as the prime ministerial candidate but Modi's determination is causing problems for us now," said a senior Akali leader.

However, a Punjab BJP leader said Akali Dal should have taken up the issue with seriousness. "No efforts were made to resolve the issue and now it is difficult for Modi to take a U-turn after the case reached the SC," said the BJP leader. SAD senior vice-president Balwant Singh Ramoowalia, who was made a coordinator on the issue by Badal, said he had mooted a fresh proposal to Modi government to differentiate between the farmers and non-farmers. "Modi government should ensure that it would protect the Sikh farmers while it would pursue the case against non-farmers," said Ramoowalia. He conveyed this proposal to BJP MP and Gujarat affairs in-charge Om Mathur. "I have not lost hope for a resolution on the issue," Ramoowalia said.

After the 1965 war, at the initiative of late Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri, the then Congress-led Gujarat government had given barren government land to Sikh families in Kutch district at a token rate. Later, Gujarat government refused to acknowledge these settled Sikh farmers as rightful owners of the land and served them eviction notices in 2003. When the farmers' rights were restored later through a high court order, Modi government went into appeal against the order.

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