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Another Muslim Weds Sikh In Gurdwara


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This problem has always been not about non practising sikhs but about the leniency shown by Sikhs in general to these events. Now if a sikh decides to marry a muslim thats fine but the ceremony cannot be performed in a gurdwara they should have a civil one because they are not practising sikhs, the difficulty comes with moneh who are not practising but i believe they can have their marriage in a gurdwara because they truly accept Guru ji as their father, whereas a muslim is just bowing for the sake of ritual. We need more gurdwara to instigate marraige counselling previous to a marriage and to make sure that both parties understand what is expected of them. We need to stop posting on these forums and get involved in our local gurdwara to make sure that they fully understand that these gurdwara are going to be run by us with sikh logical not some pindu money grabbing mentality.

Another point:

Rehat states quite clearly that a sikh should marry another sikh but it does not state about children being bought up practising sikhi, children should be given all the tools to DECIDE what religion if any they wish to follow we are not trying to indoctrinate our children to follow sikhi instead we are raising them in a sikh household and providing them information so they may CHOOSE for themselves. If we continue to try and play this numbers game our religion will suffer because of it (just look at how many problems the muslim community have)

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

The Rehat Maryada is very clear -

  • Persons professing faiths other than the Sikh faith cannot be joined in wedlock by the Anand Karaj ceremony.
  • It is a Sikh's duty to get his children educated in Sikhism.
  • A Sikh shall observe the Sikh rules of conduct and conventions from his birth right upto the end of his life.

Gurbani and Sikh history make it unmistakably clear that Sikhs of the Guru look upon the opposite gender as fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. Except for Anand Karaj, nothing can alter this reality. Anand Karaj creates a new relationship, that of husband and wife. There can be no confusion over the reality that Anand Karaj, and Anand Karaj alone is the only avenue for creating this special relationship within the larger Khalsa family.

There are many reasons why the brother/sister relationship between Sikh youth should not be violated. The first and most obvious reason lies in the fact that mimicking a husband/wife relationship without the Guru's blessing would clearly be violating the 'hukam' or command of the Guru. Only the Guru has the power to alter the relationship between a brother and a sister. It would not only be presumptuous but also arrogant for a Sikh to act in a way that only Anand Karaj would permit them to.

See more at: http://www.discoversikhism.com/sikhism/empty_ceremony.html

See more at: http://www.discoversikhism.com/sikhism/rehat_maryada.html

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  • 6 months later...
Guest anisa

Im muslim and madly in love with my sikh husband. Ive embraced him and his faith. A loving relationship and love care and respect matter when bringing up kids ffamily having a loving home is what matters not which ideology you follow as principals of all religions are the same

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Guest shamila

Hii everyone...i know this would be something akward for bringing up a new topic over here. My apology for that... am an indian girl born in malaysia. Am reaching my 26 this year. Well.. previously of course i was raised up in hindu believe... but i started to adapt more on sikhism. I wish to convert myself into sikhism to be in god's path.. i never been influenced by others or neither of a guy. I accept sikhism truely from my heart. And i would only prefer to marry a sikh punjaban aft i am done wit my education ...... need advise...here. thank you.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Im muslim and madly in love with my sikh husband. Ive embraced him and his faith. A loving relationship and love care and respect matter when bringing up kids ffamily having a loving home is what matters not which ideology you follow as principals of all religions are the same

Phenji please see you can not be a Muslim and marry a Sikh as this is against your faith, actually mentioned in the Holy Quran. Either you decide your faith is too important and put your feelings towards this guy aside or you decide to follow him TRULY (and this means giving up any claims on being muslim, by which you automatically did when you decided to have a relationship with anyone other than a muslim) into his faith (In theory of course he could convert to your faith, but if he is a Sikh worth his salt he wouldnt trade his desire to be with Akal Purak to be with any one. Bringing up kids up would be difficult with two faith systems in the house would cause confusion, so if you do decide you both are not goingt o follow your faiths then the children would be brought up as secular, which would be the greatest shame. Please think long and hard about this situation because if you dont these problems will resurface later, when culture and extended family come to play a part...and this could be more distructive than you can even imagine in this 'in love' phase of your relationship. In faith you can't pick and chose what we accept when its written in black. I''m sorry and don't mean to cause offence but out of respect for Islam and Sikhi, its important to spell it out. Its not a question of saying 'I'm Sikh' you have to actually live it and want to be back with God.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Guest

I am just so disgusted and shocked that words really fail me.

Is it a real or someone's cruel joke? Everyone looks extremely happy and accepting at the whole event. No one looks slightly remorseful or displeased about what is going on right before their eyes. What is this? Is Sikhism so superficial and empty that only a good 'matha tek' is enough to support the couple/what is happening?

What has happened to the sikh panth? When is all this going to end? Where is all this leading to? Muslim religion does not care whether one is a amritdhari singh or not, it forces anyone marrying a muslim to convert. It may not be so initially but later it has to prevail. There have been few cases in the past where amritdhari sikh from kenya married a muslim girl. Initially he went to the local sikh temple and she recited her koran. There was no pressure to convert. Later on when they had their children the pressure to change his religion was tremendous, because children born to a couple where one partner is a muslim the other is not, conversionis mandatory. Once converted Mr Bhupinder singh became Zulfikaar with all the other paraphranalia ie circumcision and the rest of it. Their children were named in the muslim tradition too so there is no trace of any sikhi left in them. They are proper muslims.

Why are we failing to talk to our children about ourselves when they are born till they reach adulthoods about who we are and what is our ethhaas? Why are we failing to instil love in them for sikhee while they are growing up?

It is absolutely not acceptable for either a sikh girl or a sikh boy to ever marry a muslim, full stop. Never. Not now, not ever. This video has made me cry so much, to see our sikh brother doing what our sisters should not be doing either, ... ever. We are the children of a Father who sacrified all he had. He sacrified his own father, his mother, his four wonderful sons for us so we could be proud of our sikh identity and faith. Why can't we imagine the love he must have held in his heart for his loved ones? To sacrifice all that for us couldn't have been very easy thing to do. But he did and look at us, we can't even sacrifice anything for Him, for the asools he fought so many wars.

I really urge all my sikh brothers and sisters please don't do it. Love each other to the extent that we will die for each other but don't let this happen to our sikh panth. Help each other. If you come across someone who is being trapped, bullied or tricked into turning into a muslim, please help them and return them back into the sikhi fold. We can do it. We need to support each other and be very sincere and courageous.

Don't let the age of darkness descend upon this chardi kala wala panth for which so many many lives have been sacrificed. We can never repay those great souls that laid down their lives for us, all we can do is to be grateful to them by sticking to the very same asools they lost their lives for.

God Bless and please help.

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I myself know where a Sikh guy married a Muslim girl. The mother of the girls was unhappy at marriage but last I heard, even she accepted it..

Stop pushing dumb steretypes...

Find me 30 cases in the west where Muslim family killed their daughter for marrying a non-Muslim.....


a Muslimah cannot marry outside islam it is forbidden in sharia law , she has an instant fatwa on her just as if she had turned apostate. A friend of the family had to convert to marry his wife (Christian to Muslim) and her family were not strict so I think most families would have a similar expectations.

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I am just so disgusted and shocked that words really fail me.

Is it a real or someone's cruel joke? Everyone looks extremely happy and accepting at the whole event. No one looks slightly remorseful or displeased about what is going on right before their eyes. What is this? Is Sikhism so superficial and empty that only a good 'matha tek' is enough to support the couple/what is happening?

What has happened to the sikh panth? When is all this going to end? Where is all this leading to? Muslim religion does not care whether one is a amritdhari singh or not, it forces anyone marrying a muslim to convert. It may not be so initially but later it has to prevail. There have been few cases in the past where amritdhari sikh from kenya married a muslim girl. Initially he went to the local sikh temple and she recited her koran. There was no pressure to convert. Later on when they had their children the pressure to change his religion was tremendous, because children born to a couple where one partner is a muslim the other is not, conversionis mandatory. Once converted Mr Bhupinder singh became Zulfikaar with all the other paraphranalia ie circumcision and the rest of it. Their children were named in the muslim tradition too so there is no trace of any sikhi left in them. They are proper muslims.

Why are we failing to talk to our children about ourselves when they are born till they reach adulthoods about who we are and what is our ethhaas? Why are we failing to instil love in them for sikhee while they are growing up?

It is absolutely not acceptable for either a sikh girl or a sikh boy to ever marry a muslim, full stop. Never. Not now, not ever. This video has made me cry so much, to see our sikh brother doing what our sisters should not be doing either, ... ever. We are the children of a Father who sacrified all he had. He sacrified his own father, his mother, his four wonderful sons for us so we could be proud of our sikh identity and faith. Why can't we imagine the love he must have held in his heart for his loved ones? To sacrifice all that for us couldn't have been very easy thing to do. But he did and look at us, we can't even sacrifice anything for Him, for the asools he fought so many wars.

I really urge all my sikh brothers and sisters please don't do it. Love each other to the extent that we will die for each other but don't let this happen to our sikh panth. Help each other. If you come across someone who is being trapped, bullied or tricked into turning into a muslim, please help them and return them back into the sikhi fold. We can do it. We need to support each other and be very sincere and courageous.

Don't let the age of darkness descend upon this chardi kala wala panth for which so many many lives have been sacrificed. We can never repay those great souls that laid down their lives for us, all we can do is to be grateful to them by sticking to the very same asools they lost their lives for.

God Bless and please help.

well said

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