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Correct me if I'm wrong, but Lala Jagat Narain was killed because he said disrespectful things towards Sant Jarnail Singh , and because he was a witness against the AKJ in the 1978 Amristar Massacre trial. 62 of the newspaper staff were also killed. (over a period of time)

Am I the only one who thinks this seems like terrorism? Don't get me wrong, because I am against the corrupt Indian Government and I think it was amazing how Sant Jee was waking up Panjab. But I don't think it is right to kill someone unless they are using or directing violence at someone. Personally, I have libertarian views and I think you should let everyone express their opinions , even if you don't agree. This is why I fear that if Khalistan is ever created that it will become like a Muslim country where you can get arrested for insulting the Prophet or something, which is against human rights.

What if in the future someone creates some film disrespectful towards Sikhi? Are Singhs going to stab/shoot/attack them like Charlie Hebdo?

Please understand and correct me if I am wrong

Bhul Chuk Maaf Karo Jee


EDIT : It seems that he also said things extremely disrespectful towards Guru Gobind Singh Sahib

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but Lala Jagat Narain was killed because he said disrespectful things towards Sant Jarnail Singh , and because he was a witness against the AKJ in the 1978 Amristar Massacre trial. 62 of the newspaper staff were also killed.

Am I the only one who thinks this seems like terrorism? Don't get me wrong, because I am against the corrupt Indian Government and I think it was amazing how Sant Jee was waking up Panjab. But I don't think it is right to kill someone unless they are using or directing violence at someone. Personally, I have libertarian views and I think you should let everyone express their opinions , even if you don't agree. This is why I fear that if Khalistan is ever created that it will become like a Muslim country where you can get arrested for insulting the Prophet or something, which is against human rights.

What if in the future someone creates some film disrespectful towards Sikhi? Are Singhs going to stab/shoot/attack them like Charlie Hebdo?

Please understand and correct me if I am wrong

Bhul Chuk Maaf Karo Jee


You are wrong, lala kuttaa narain was killed for saying/writing blasphemous articles in panjabi newspapers about dhan dhan guru gobind singh, NOT sant jarnail singh! If ppl were gona be murdered for slandering sant jarnail singh in the 80s, the victims count would run into the thousands. That dirty journo narain wrote shocking things about guru ji, such as sayin that he was a loverboy, romeo lustful man etc. He was warned many many times by sikhs, to stop this nonsense, he didnt, therefore he was beautifully murdered, hence y, i dont say a thing wen muslims go on a rampage for proph muhammed cartoons etc. In history, ANYONE who was caught attempting to kill, or deliberatly disrespect guru ji, have been dealt with, so u may wanna re-think the whole terrorism slant there pal. For eg, Muslims have told ppl before to stop drawing these cartoons, but ppl love creating drama. Also freedom of speech has a limit, coz theres freedom of speech, THEN there is hate speech, for the sake of it!

Also the 62 other newspaper staff killed?? Thats the 1st ive ever heard of that!

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You are wrong, lala kuttaa narain was killed for saying/writing blasphemous articles in panjabi newspapers about dhan dhan guru gobind singh, NOT sant jarnail singh! If ppl were gona be murdered for slandering sant jarnail singh in the 80s, the victims count would run into the thousands. That dirty journo narain wrote shocking things about guru ji, such as sayin that he was a loverboy, romeo lustful man etc. He was warned many many times by sikhs, to stop this nonsense, he didnt, therefore he was beautifully murdered, hence y, i dont say a thing wen muslims go on a rampage for proph muhammed cartoons etc. In history, ANYONE who was caught attempting to kill, or deliberatly disrespect guru ji, have been dealt with, so u may wanna re-think the whole terrorism slant there pal. For eg, Muslims have told ppl before to stop drawing these cartoons, but ppl love creating drama. Also freedom of speech has a limit, coz theres hate speech, THEN there is hate speech, for the sake of it!

Also the 62 other newspaper staff killed?? Thats the 1st ive ever heard of that!

So you do not think Guru Gobind Singh Jee was not given the most disrespect when the journalist was killed in the name of Guru Sahib and in his roop? Do you think in their afterlife, Guru Gobind Singh Jee is going to reward them for taking the life of another human being? You NEVER murder someone over words, only if it was in the protection of another.

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You are wrong, lala kuttaa narain was killed for saying/writing blasphemous articles in panjabi newspapers about dhan dhan guru gobind singh, NOT sant jarnail singh! If ppl were gona be murdered for slandering sant jarnail singh in the 80s, the victims count would run into the thousands. That dirty journo narain wrote shocking things about guru ji, such as sayin that he was a loverboy, romeo lustful man etc. He was warned many many times by sikhs, to stop this nonsense, he didnt, therefore he was beautifully murdered, hence y, i dont say a thing wen muslims go on a rampage for proph muhammed cartoons etc. In history, ANYONE who was caught attempting to kill, or deliberatly disrespect guru ji, have been dealt with, so u may wanna re-think the whole terrorism slant there pal. For eg, Muslims have told ppl before to stop drawing these cartoons, but ppl love creating drama. Also freedom of speech has a limit, coz theres hate speech, THEN there is hate speech, for the sake of it!

Also the 62 other newspaper staff killed?? Thats the 1st ive ever heard of that!

Thanks for the info. As you know the media are loaded with dumb propaganda and they always never write the truth about what happened back in the 80s .

Also I seem to have forgotten the name of the book where I read that 62 were killed. I think If I remember correctly it was during the entire Panjab insurgency that 62 from the same newspaper were killed.

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ANYONE who was caught attempting to kill, or deliberatly disrespect guru ji, have been dealt with,

Brother there is an appreciable difference between talk and actions.

If somebody says something against Guru Ji, leave them to it, it doesn't do any harm unless we allow it to.

However if somebody attempted to physically assault Guru Ji, or their disrespect went beyond words and into actions then this would merit a very different response. Anyone who defiles a saroop for instance, should be fiercely dealt with.

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In Sooraj Parkash katha during the time of 6ve Paatshah there was a person who terrorized a village that Guru Sahib was in, this thug also used to shout very disrespectful things at Guru Sahib and Sikhs were ready to thrash him but Guru Sabin stopped them from thrashing him because he only disrepcted the 6th Guru and not Guru Nanak Dev Ji. One day he made the mistake of disrespecting Guru Nanak Dec Ji and that was when Guru Sabin ordered Sikhs to put ring in his nose and then drag him around the village while villagers slapped him with juthian. Not sure if I told the story accurately but the point is that the person was already a criminal who harmed the villagers.

khalsa ji, ive never heard of that one, but sound bit similar to another more well known 1. Lets NOT forget, on bandi chorr, guru hargobind fulfilled his earlier prophecy/promise of bringing to justice, the person who had his dad (guru arjan dev ji) murdered/shaheed, at the age of 11. After being released by jahanghir from gwalior jail, guru ji requested jahanghir to hand over chanddu, whom was the man who had guru arjan dev ji arrested initially. The sangat were then ordered to beat chanddu to death via jutthia (shoe beating) all the way to lahore and drag chanddu via a ring in his nose all the way to his death!

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Brother there is an appreciable difference between talk and actions.

If somebody says something against Guru Ji, leave them to it, it doesn't do any harm unless we allow it to.

However if somebody attempted to physically assault Guru Ji, or their disrespect went beyond words and into actions then this would merit a very different response. Anyone who defiles a saroop for instance, should be fiercely dealt with.

no offence to all the guys on here with there respectable views, but id rather listen to a mahapurkh like sant jarnail singh.

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