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We Need To Take Positives From Pmkc Gursikhs


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Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh

I have been around to many kirtan Smagams and while observing I see that sikhs nowadys just want to hit the stage, youngsters etc and when hitting the stage all they are doing is looking around at the sangat coming in /going out , looking around the walls etc. In short words there is no proper concentration going on in the Darbaar hall. Why I am saying this? The reason is we need to have some sort of disipline in Gurdwara during Smagams/ Rensbayees/Kirtan Programes etc this is something we can learn from the PMKC Gurmukhs that do Sangat at Swindon Gurdwara.

If you don't know how things are set there then let me explain. As the sangat bows to the guru and does matha tek they sit right at the front and as more sangat come the gap gets filled in..leaving no empty spaces. The people that have back problems or need to use toilet allot sit on the sides so if they do need to get out other sangat is not disturbed.

Once they are seated confortably they just either close their eyes, or face the stage . 99% of the sangat their will not look around to see who is entering or leaving the divan hall because this is how the sangat has been trained there.

The reason why I am saying this is important is because when you are sitting in Guru Jis darbaar a Gursikh may have their Surti connected to Vaheguru and when someone tries to go past them or by mistakenly hit their hand or leg , the conecntration (surti) of the Gursikh will get broken. Once this type of rules can be implemented in smagams such as AKJ raenbayees then this will make a huge difference. The people that say this cannot be done as we got new sangat comming each time etc , that's just excuses. Why don't we dedicate sewaddars such as PMKC Gursikhs who stand round the darbaar hall looking out for the sangat , guiding the sangat where to sit etc, why cant we place notices up outside the doors?

If people want to get a front seat row then they should come to a samgam earlier and not just push between people who are connected.

Another thing- why do we tend to advertise about Kirtan Progarames and start typing in on the large screens while kirtan is taking place. For example Gurbani will be displayed on the screen but when Kiranee starts to do simran, the person on the laptop will open up a notepad and start to advertise upcomining smagams? For someone that at one point maybe connected to the shabad when they look at the board their mind wants to see what is being typed, hence the concentration is lost and indicidual starts to go in more thoughts.

Imagine the whole Sangat sitting down with eyes closed and doing simran in Mahrajs darbaar, no kids shouting screaming, no one talking etc. Just pure gurbani and concentration.

This is what we need to start doing.

It is sad to say that many people these days tend to pull out their Video cameras, selfie videos etc in their hands and record video.

Do you think while you are recording a video in your hands at the same point you can concentrate on gurbani?

Are you taking laha of the bani while being there at that point? If you really want to record a video then keep a standstill tripod somehwere and let that do its job

Once you are in mahrajs hall there is no excuse to use mobile phone at all.

Just merely sticking signs on walls wil not help. These things need to be annouced in stages , keep announcing them till it gets in to the sangats head/

Just as when you go to a Cinema you wont use it?

When you are in guru jis ghar our aim to to forget about wordly affairs and just connect to the one but if we are stuck on our mobile phones taking pictuires, whats apping etc then how can we build our jeevan. We are increasing more and more thoughts.

Although these may be small points but once these rules have been placed there will be a big impact on sangat and their lives. Our aim is to focus our mind on guru shabad and get rid of the thoughts.

Veechaar mare thare taare ult joon na avaie.

But Gurmukho how can we kill our thoughts if we are surrounded with such things?

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Using gurbani viakran rules the correct meaning for the tuk you have posted is: One who kills himself through the vichaar (of shabad i.e. naam abhiyaas) is saved and does not enter birth again. Here vichaar means the vichaar of shabad, not thoughts. The meaning you have given is the one PMKC use, and you will probably ignore gurbani vikaran rules in favour of believing in your mahapurash above all else. The veechar here is spelt with a sihaari at the end which gives the meaning THROUGH. SO if you give the meaning of vichaar as thoughts then the meaning would become "through the thoughts one is saved" which doesn't make sense. So the correct meaning of vichaar in this case must mean "shabad di vichaar"

So through the concentration on gurshabad/gurmantar our mind is killed, hence we become saved and free from rebirth.

In any case both meanings are similar so I won't get into an argument about this. Your meanings are still fine under gurmat principles.

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Vaheguru ji yes that is what I was trying to apply and may have worded is incorrectly . Apologies.

I don't belive in no mahpurkhs and only mahpurakhs I belive in is Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji

I am just writing this post on the observations that were made whilst attending few diwans of PMKC

With proper concentration through shabad/gurbani one who kills himself does not enter birth again which is relevant to the post I made which is all about having concentraion in Guru jis darbaar

Once again forgive this moorakh if anything wrong has been said

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Using gurbani viakran rules the correct meaning for the tuk you have posted is: One who kills himself through the vichaar (of shabad i.e. naam abhiyaas) is saved and does not enter birth again. Here vichaar means the vichaar of shabad, not thoughts. The meaning you have given is the one PMKC use, and you will probably ignore gurbani vikaran rules in favour of believing in your mahapurash above all else. The veechar here is spelt with a sihaari at the end which gives the meaning THROUGH. SO if you give the meaning of vichaar as thoughts then the meaning would become "through the thoughts one is saved" which doesn't make sense. So the correct meaning of vichaar in this case must mean "shabad di vichaar"

So through the concentration on gurshabad/gurmantar our mind is killed, hence we become saved and free from rebirth.

In any case both meanings are similar so I won't get into an argument about this. Your meanings are still fine under gurmat principles.

Well this is just wrong, i wonder where you are learning this, i suggest listening to a few audios of Sant mohinder singh ji jarg wale or Baba Isher singh je, on what constitutes as killing ones mind (veechar)

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Vichaar= is deep contemplation..............and this can only be done by ''stilling'' the mind..Gurbani says the mind is runs in 10 directions.

I agree with the OP,........in Gurughar, the mind should be in ONE direction only and not looking around at other sangat.

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Gurbani viakran is never wrong.

You seem to like to create tension is it some way to create more conversation

either way it is wrong if you are doing gurbani veechar wrong, i could see perfectly someone doing gurbani veechar worng, not understanding the words and or pronouncing it wrong which in some cases would change the meaning, i wonder have you ever been to a santhia class.

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You seem to like to create tension is it some way to create more conversation

either way it is wrong if you are doing gurbani veechar wrong, i could see perfectly someone doing gurbani veechar worng, not understanding the words and or pronouncing it wrong which in some cases would change the meaning, i wonder have you ever been to a santhia class.

Lol, who created the tension?

You are the one who said:

Well this is just wrong, i wonder where you are learning this, i suggest listening to a few audios of Sant mohinder singh ji jarg wale or Baba Isher singh je, on what constitutes as killing ones mind (veechar)

I said it how it is, Gurbani Vyakrn is NEVER wrong.

singh_khalsa has correctly stated that:

The meaning you have given is the one PMKC use, and you will probably ignore gurbani vikaran rules in favour of believing in your mahapurash above all else.

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