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'dead' Indian Man ‘Wakes Up’ Moments Before Post-Mortem


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Parmahansa Yogananda ji told his followers he will be going into Maha Samadhi on a stage in front of the congregation who would be gathered there to listen to his discourse. He told them the exact time, place and day of his Maha Samadhi. The day arrived and he was in the middle of his discourse and lo and behold, he drifted into Maha Samadhi right before the very eyes of his congregation listening to his discourse. He left his body there on the stage. In his autobiography he tells the reader how he met his Guru. He says, when he met his Guru, his Guru told him his time had arrived for his darshans and no one ever meets a Guru unless his time is right and ripe for spiritual guidance.

If Indra, Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu could not obtain liberation by themselves. Then how can anyone that follows their system or slight variations of their systems obtain liberation? None of the leaders of these schools of thoughts obtained liberation by their teachings. All struggled and succumbed to their ego. Gurbani very clearly declares when someone obtains liberation.

Today liberation for the missionary Sikh is to live happily and die ignorant of the world beyond this world; happy wife, happy life. Some believe going to heaven is liberation. Some believe "conquering" the mind is liberation; only those who have accepted Shabad Guru can conquer. Saying goes, never let history repeat itself. Yet the "most" spiritually wise are constantly repeating history. Parmahansa Yogananda says, Kriya yoga is the most effective, easiest, and scientific method to reach infinite (liberation). Guru Sahib says leave these empty practices behind and attach yourself to the Shabad Guru.

What is maha Samadhi? The devta and devis preformed many miraculous acts, yet never were they classified as maha samadhi by the Gurus. Gursikhs travel to many dimensions and no one says they are in maha samadhi. Gursikhs laugh and don't pay attention to such lowly acts. There is one Guru and one God; both are the same. So where is this talk about his (Parmahansa Yogananda) Guru? Indra had a Guru called the mind and he failed. What does this mean. Indra made up a Guru that his mind could believe in and followed this Guru's teachings. Parmahansa Yogananda Guru was no different than Indra's. Its very much like the 4 year old kid with the imaginary friend. The friend loves the kid, plays with him, listens to him and agrees with him all the time. There might be a little disagreement for adding excitement, but its the perfect setup for failure. Anyone who deviates from Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji's teaches does not have anything close to maha samadhi or know the concept of liberation or know how to get there. Anyone who says Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is only for Sikhs is ignorant of how Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji speaks to every human being regardless of which religion or no religion they believe in or follow.

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If Indra, Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu could not obtain liberation by themselves. Then how can anyone that follows their system or slight variations of their systems obtain liberation? None of the leaders of these schools of thoughts obtained liberation by their teachings. All struggled and succumbed to their ego. Gurbani very clearly declares when someone obtains liberation.

Today liberation for the missionary Sikh is to live happily and die ignorant of the world beyond this world; happy wife, happy life. Some believe going to heaven is liberation. Some believe "conquering" the mind is liberation; only those who have accepted Shabad Guru can conquer. Saying goes, never let history repeat itself. Yet the "most" spiritually wise are constantly repeating history. Parmahansa Yogananda says, Kriya yoga is the most effective, easiest, and scientific method to reach infinite (liberation). Guru Sahib says leave these empty practices behind and attach yourself to the Shabad Guru.

What is maha Samadhi? The devta and devis preformed many miraculous acts, yet never were they classified as maha samadhi by the Gurus. Gursikhs travel to many dimensions and no one says they are in maha samadhi. Gursikhs laugh and don't pay attention to such lowly acts. There is one Guru and one God; both are the same. So where is this talk about his (Parmahansa Yogananda) Guru? Indra had a Guru called the mind and he failed. What does this mean. Indra made up a Guru that his mind could believe in and followed this Guru's teachings. Parmahansa Yogananda Guru was no different than Indra's. Its very much like the 4 year old kid with the imaginary friend. The friend loves the kid, plays with him, listens to him and agrees with him all the time. There might be a little disagreement for adding excitement, but its the perfect setup for failure. Anyone who deviates from Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji's teaches does not have anything close to maha samadhi or know the concept of liberation or know how to get there. Anyone who says Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is only for Sikhs is ignorant of how Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji speaks to every human being regardless of which religion or no religion they believe in or follow.

Bahut khoob ji.

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I dreamt, I was climbing a ladder, when I reached at the top I was surrounded with high mountains and my right foot suddenly slipped and some great power or force helped me regain my balance and when I turned back to see who it was, it was all blurred and I could not decipher the face. I was so scared. The other time I fell from a tree I was climbing so desperately to reach the top. When I reached there I heard mum calling me to come and have breakfast. I was trying to come down as quickly as I could but slipped again and luckily I was saved by a giant monster whose face I could not see again!!

Don't mind me asking ChamChrick ji, (by the way funny username ), do you get anxious or stressed about situations quickly? The reason I'm asking this is you wrote you dreamt, normally people have these sort of dreams if they are going through a stressful phase, or anxious about something.

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No, I don't mind you asking at all. I have always had scary dreams even when I was a little child. I say my paat before I go to bed. I don't have scary dreams every night only some nights depending on what I have read or heard. I try not to watch too much news. Thanks for the concern.

Have you ever thought of seeing a counsellor about this? The reason I say this is, I when I was a child I saw something that was scary for a child (I don't want to say what it was), but for many years it gave me bad nightmares as I was growing up. Now it wasn't as one would call a bad experience but the memory had subconsciously embedded in my mind. And like you say I didn't have them every night only now and then. There are methods to help clear these thoughts so one can move on and be free from those dreams.

That's good you do paat before you sleep, do it just before you sleep and don't do anything else after. I think what you read or watch maybe doing the same thing, subconsciously all the thoughts resurface and thus the cycle of the dreams.

Some good sleep hygiene tips:

"Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

It's not always possible to completely prevent bad dreams, but setting the stage for good sleep can help ensure you snooze more soundly and feel better-rested. Sleep hygiene involves ensuring both your habits and sleep environment are ideal for quality rest.

Your sleep space can have some bearing on your resting state. Ideally, bedrooms should be cool, dark and quiet. Temperatures in the 60s to low 70s are considered best. Remove or turn off light sources like TVs, VCRs, and alarm clocks, and consider light blocking shades if you live in an urban area or sleep past sunrise. White noise machines or earplugs can be helpful for drowning out bothersome noise.

In terms of habits, keeping a regular bedtime and waketime throughout the week is a key part of supporting your internal clock, as is daily moderate exercise, daily sunlight exposure and a regular evening relaxation routine.

Caffeine, alcohol and nicotine can all affect sleep in different ways, and are best avoided the hours before bedtime. Keeping bedtime snacks light and avoiding spicy foods or those that cause indigestion is also recommended."


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If Indra, Shiva, Krishna, Vishnu could not obtain liberation by themselves. Then how can anyone that follows their system or slight variations of their systems obtain liberation? None of the leaders of these schools of thoughts obtained liberation by their teachings. All struggled and succumbed to their ego. Gurbani very clearly declares when someone obtains liberation.

Today liberation for the missionary Sikh is to live happily and die ignorant of the world beyond this world; happy wife, happy life. Some believe going to heaven is liberation. Some believe "conquering" the mind is liberation; only those who have accepted assified as maha samadhi by the Gurus. Gursikhs travel to many dimensions and no one says they are in maha samadhi. Gursikhs laugh and don't pay attention to such lowly acts. There is one Guru and one God; both are the same. So where is this talk about his (Parmahansa Yogananda) Guru? Indra had a Guru called the mind and he failed. What does this meything close to maha samadhi or know the concept of liberation or know how to get there. Anyone who says Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is only for Sikhs is ignorant of how Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji speaks to every human being regardless of which religion or no religion they believe in or follow.



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