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If British Intelligence Mi6 Believed Sikhistan Was Imminent What Went Wrong?


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I was reading an article a few years ago regarding what British Intelligence reports were saying that Sikhistan/Khalistan is going to be established very soon during 1940s.

So my question is does anyone have any background information what went wrong to prevent it apart from the British white imperialists not wanting it created?

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I was reading an article a few years ago regarding what British Intelligence reports were saying that Sikhistan/Khalistan is going to be established very soon during 1940s.

So my question is does anyone have any background information what went wrong to prevent it apart from the British white imperialists not wanting it created?

From what I know a separate Sikh state was definitely on the cards but there gadaars like Master Tara Singh who back stabbed the panth and showed loyalty towards inc.

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From what I know a separate Sikh state was definitely on the cards but there gadaars like Master Tara Singh who back stabbed the panth and showed loyalty towards inc.

Yeah he was a gaddar as the the freemason maharajah of pataila who didnt want Khalistan created either against sikh kaum's best interests. But it seems like some Sikh rajahs of former princely states and Sikh mililtary commanders within British Indian army also were prepared to put their lot in by preventing the creation of pakistan and division of punjab by creating sikhistan/khalistan first instead.

I have seen communication docs where its suggested jinnah and nehru hated Sikhs spoiling the plans of division of india and even asked the british to control the Sikhs by threat of brutal military force.

It was down to economics

That is why in 40's seperate sikh country was rejected

It would of bin very difficult for trade without a port as well the neibours would of dictated trade policies an could implement heavy taxes on anything needed to be imported or exported using india or pakistans ports

Creating a separate Sikh country would not have been the problem, the problem would have been who ruled it and thats where I think different interest groups within the Sikh kaums clashed and put their lot with different agenda's for the indian subcontinent against best interest of the Sikhs.

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Well before pre partition negotiations Baba Nand Singh sent one of his close personal Kavi Madsudan Singh to Master Tara Singh telling him to involve Maharaja Patiala Yadwinder Singh in the negotiations. Since his father Maharaja Bhupinder Singh and him was very well known to British sending troops for WW1 and 2 and even going to the war fronts. But Tara Singh said what do these sants know about political matters? Well the outcome would have been different if they were involved. Baba Nand Singh also said that this Master Tara Singh along with Gandhi will lead Sikhs to slavery.

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  • 7 months later...
20 minutes ago, proactive said:

From what I have read there was definitely a plan by the Sikh leadership to create Khalistan/Sikhistan in 1947.

The Sikhs did more to plan for a Sih state in Panjab than either the Muslims or HIndus. The only problem was the Sikh state that was envisaged would have a Sikh population of less than 30%. So the British argued how could it actually be a Sikh state. The Sikh population factor was the biggest handicap, followed by our religious heritage being spread all over Panjab. No matter what the Sikhs thought of they couldn't get both together and remain a majority anywhere.


20 minutes ago, proactive said:

 The mistake the Sikh leadership made through Baldev Singh was the accept the Radcliffe award in ADVANCE as did the Congress and Muslim League.

To have blind acceptance of the decision of the Radcliffe line was one of the conditions for an early partition. Both the Muslim League and Congress wanted the British gone as soon as possible, and Mountbatten laid the condition that whatever was decided by the British in terms of partition would have to be accepted by Muslims, Sikhs and Congress. All 3 accepted.


But, and this is a really big but. The scheming devilish Brit-scum, told the 3 groups that there would be an appeal panel called teh Boundary Commission to which all 3 groups could appeal to if they felt the award was unfair to them. But this commission was wound up the day after the final boundary was demarcated (in Lahore) and so there was no actual process of being able to appeal to the Boundary Commission. 

It is a huge injustice that a border village housing "Sr Darbar Kartarpur" was placed inside Pakistan when it could have come to India instead. Then we would have at least had Guru Nanak's jyoti jyot place in our control. Similarly there were 5 other border villages, I mean properly on the border, which housed important Sikh historical Gurdwaras. These could all have easily come to India, if the Boundary Commission was a genuine organisation. But the british devils deliberately used this ploy to dampen down the Sikh fears.


What is also interesting is that the SGPC actually pettitioned the Indian Govt to arrange an exchange of territory in Panjab with the Pakistan Govt, so we could have these precious Gurdwaras in our control, but the indian govt were not interested.


20 minutes ago, proactive said:

When you think about it, had the Sikh leadership both in the British areas and in the Sikh states been better prepared the map of South Asia would have been unrecognisible from what it is today.

Unfortunately, the Sikhs were preoccupied with being anti-muslim league, and anti-britsih rule, and not focusing enough on their future position. that scoundrel nehru pledged to the Sikhs in 1929 that "the Sikhs would be given an autonomous unit wher they could feel the glow of freedom." Yet for the next 18 years the Sikhs didn't develop that further in writing and concrete assurances and ended up where we are now.


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3 hours ago, chatanga said:

The Sikhs did more to plan for a Sih state in Panjab than either the Muslims or HIndus. The only problem was the Sikh state that was envisaged would have a Sikh population of less than 30%. So the British argued how could it actually be a Sikh state. The Sikh population factor was the biggest handicap, followed by our religious heritage being spread all over Panjab. No matter what the Sikhs thought of they couldn't get both together and remain a majority anywhere.

That is the key for me why our past, present and future depends on our demographics willing to fight for our existence and eventual nationhood. At the moment we have a demographics battle going on in india which is less than 2% population that even christians have taken over which is a disgrace. How has that happened? SGPC puppets and their masters indian establishments wishing for that case.

Guru Gobind singh ji didnt state "without political power everyone will be helpless" for no reason. He knew if you didnt have your own nation state your own administration your own army to protect your religion and community then your basically under the thumb of your oppressors or those who do not have your best interests at heart.

4 hours ago, proactive said:

Sikh troops of the PBF should have been won over and thus the PBF neutralised. Like the Jews did exactly a year later, the Sikhs should have aimed to arm the Jathas with more modern weapons and turned them into regular units. The Jews were even able to set up a small Air Force in Palestine just as the British left so something similar could also have been attempted by the Sikhs. There were a lot of Sikh soldiers who had experience in fighting in tank units and the Sikh states should have arranged for the supply of these types of weapons which would have turned the tide against the Muslims in West Punjab. Had this been done then it is likely that given what the Jathas had achieved in East Punjab then these units of paramilitaries could have taken over areas of West Punjab as well.

Another drawback of the Sikhistan plan was that the Sikh states did not fight to become independent after the end of the British paramountcy over them ended in 1947. They meekly accepted a change of masters and had they held out against Mountbatten and with the support of the Sikhs in British areas threatening violence they could have forced Mountbatten to allow them to become independent or merge into an Independent Sikh state. With their eastern front defended by the Sikh state thus preventing any Indian intervention in  Punjab, the Sikhs had they been better armed and formed into regular army units could have had a free hand in West Punjab against a weak Pakistan government. The Sikhs would have had to take West Punjab up to a river boundary so that it would have been easily defensible. The Ravi would have been a good boundary but it would have meant that Nankana Sahib would still be left out so it would probably have been the Chenab as a frontier and this ironically would have been same boundary as demanded by the Sikhs in their representations to the Radcliife commission. The repercussions of what was happening in Punjab would have been felt in other areas of India as well. It is likely that the Rajputana states would have held out for independence as well becoming a headache for India. Seeing what the Sikhs achieving in Punjab, the Dogras may have attempted for an Independent Kashmir and driving out the Muslims from Kashmir making more problems for the Pakistan government. Hyderabad would also have gone for Independence and this would have kept India busy in this area. 

Good points. As we look at our present times now and wonder why is the Sikh nation suffering? We can see why by analysing the past. We are under the thumb or rely on non-sikh authorities for our safety and protection, that is a undesirable position we should have never got in to. And the failure lies squarely at our political and religious leaders having foresight.

It would be interesting to find out if there is documents out there of Sikh kingdom intelligence agents who may have recorded their activities on paper for the states they worked for. I have read how maharajah's of faridkot and jind were quite keen on insuring some sort of Sikh autonomy. Maharajah of patalia was an out right sell out and a freemason (as listed on freemasonry website) so his interests were serving his freemason/ british masters which is did by supplying them with hundreds of thousands of sikh troops in both world wars.

Sikh's did cause alot of trouble for british indian authorities and nehru's congress by trying to prevent the split of punjab. Nehru went as far as to call Sikhs (ie those fighting against the division of punjab) as a tribe of criminals. So already we knew the chess board was already set in such a way that Sikhs had no political hope for their own homeland being sold off to non-sikhs. They had agents already in place to prevent khalistan/sikhistan (ie master tara singh and baldev singh). They had PBF troops in place, they had killed or converted many Sikhs from punjab and prevented Sikhs from organising any real opposition. They let put their castist agents in SGPC who prevented dalits from embracing Sikhism and created rehat maryada out of the air putting sehjdhari sikhs into the camp of hindu punjabi's  which if that did not happen would have given a huge population to create separate country to rival pakistan.

So all in all Sikhs had to fight a physical bloody ruthless fight to get any slice of the independence/freedom cake. MI6 had embarrassing information on maharajah's so they blackmailed maharajah of paitala, nehru , gandhi  and jinnah. Often these intelligence agencies used plots and tapped information to take down their political opponents just like they do to this very day. If there was more people like donald trump as he is like teflon nothing sticks to him no matter what he does or says then blackmail would not work ever.

So thats how the british imperialists got people in their pockets it wasnt all about alleged  talk of freedom and huge financial incentives via swiss bank accounts It was a much more carefully planned chess game and the game was already set to ensure Sikhs never got their independence as we can see in 1984 how the british establishment again helped the Indian establishment to plan murder of innocent Sikh civilians and of religious and political sikh figures (ie sant jarnail singh bhindranwale). They did not want us to get independence and still dont because their scummy agents in india are happily making the British billions in trade import and exports.

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