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Biggest Evidence Sarkari Sant Dhumma Has Long Been Disgracing Damdami Taksal And Sikhs


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The difference is that the pictures of the Sants are before the people sitting near them had done their evil deeds.Dhumma is sitting near them After they had carried out genocide. Had the Sants known what they were going to do they would have dealt with them.

Ok, so it's not the being on the same stage but the fact that Baba Harnam Singh was unable to do anything? So the goalposts change again? What do you think would have happened in this situation if Sant Sunder SIngh or Baba Thakur Singh were in Baba Harnam Singh's place?

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So the sharing of the same stage is not a problem? Why are the goalposts always moving with you? At this event was Baba Harnam Singh invited to speak, as were Sant Kartar Singh and Sant Jarnail Singh? No, but he released a statement afterwards saying that firstly he was not told alam would be attending and if alam is given a ticket, there would be no support from from him. Why did badal then not give alam a ticket, ask yourself that.

Agreed, but what about the other ten jathedars of the Taksal before and in between?

show me a single picture where previous jathedars were sitting with dusht outside of Hazoori of Guru ji and pictures where Dhumma is sitting with dusht in the hazoori of Guru ji alone, then maybe I can see they did the same thing but all I see is numerous pictures of him hob knobbing with dusht outside of duty . If an RSS guy dies why is it necessary for the mukhi to be present for afsaus?

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Ok, so it's not the being on the same stage but the fact that Baba Harnam Singh was unable to do anything? So the goalposts change again? What do you think would have happened in this situation if Sant Sunder SIngh or Baba Thakur Singh were in Baba Harnam Singh's place?

They would have left immediately and boycotted the program probably saying something like jithe sikha de dushmana nu sanmaan kita jaanda othe sikha nu ke melega? Or so i imagine...

But honestly, why are u on the offense? Cant u defend and argue the allegations thrown at Baba Harnam Singh instead of pointing at other sants? I do thank you for telling us that Baba Harnam Singh told off Badal for inviting Alam, as I didnt know that. But what about other allegations, and what about this attack on Dhadrianwala?

I have heard negative things about Baba Harnam Singh (BHS) ever since he became jathedaar. But i ignored them saying, its just talk, he hasnt done anything wrong...

But now it seems like he has, there just is no good reason for dhadrianwala attack. And the explanations like he's anti dasam granth or he hob knobs with missionaries or he spoke against taksal or that he hurt someones shaan, just arent cutting it.

Sant Jarnail Singh beat up Amrik singh for doing long rehraas sahib cuz it would hurt the unity of the panth. And here sikh leaders r advocating murdering sikhs just because of personal attacks and shaan. Also refusing to apolozise cuz he started it first.i mean ur ppl killed one of his and u still cant say sorry? It just looks so silly and makea BHS seem like he is wrong/guilty

People pls stop the insults. the name calling and making fun of ppls looks is very lame. It means u dont have strong enough arguements. And u r prroving that society is very fickle just cuz of one news story, u ppl get swayed and start calling ppl fakes n totally doin nindya. Dont follow the crowd.news stories change. If tomorow he does good, with the same mouth u will have to eat ur words. Innocent until proven guilty. Dont follow media hype

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He was sharing a platform with Mohammad Izhar Alam Khan (killer of sikh youths in 1980s and 1990s). How does the head of damdami taksal sit on the same platform as a muslim who killed sikh youths in punjab? Whats going on here? Badal is friends with Mohammad Izhar Alam Khan because they are both non-sikhs. But a so called leader of the most highly respected institution damdami taksal is now happily mixing with killers of Sikhs.

Did Baba Thakur give a killer of sikhs kps gill a glass of milk when he went to Mehta Chowk, or not?

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doing sewa with samm drisht is what Baba Thakur SIngh ji did on his own territory ... this is very different and you know it ...

Now that becomes a very slippery slope. Off course i can put a stock into sam dristhi argument same goes with sakhi of baba bir singh ji nurangabad feeding langar to dogra sikhs who came to kill him and fauj. But i dont think this argument should fly in mainstream as it opens pandora box with others. In general, Akaal takth sahib should have proper frame work to address - saintly figures association, endorsement, feeding etc to calm controversies and future controversies no that what they have done is wrong but rather small mind cannot understand this gestures...make it mandatory for all including bhramgyanis to stay within frame work of maryada of khalsa panth. Off course if they wishes to express their sam dristhi, they can express it via astral body- sukhsham- awaken jot(surat)

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Now that becomes a very slippery slope. Off course i can put a stock into sam dristhi argument same goes with sakhi of baba bir singh ji nurangabad feeding langar to dogra sikhs who came to kill him and fauj. But i dont think this argument should fly in mainstream as it opens pandora box with others. In general, Akaal takth sahib should have proper frame work to address - saintly figures association, endorsement, feeding etc to calm controversies and future controversies no that what they have done is wrong but rather small mind cannot understand this gestures...make it mandatory for all including bhramgyanis to stay within frame work of maryada of khalsa panth. Off course if they wishes to express their sam dristhi, they can express it via astral body- sukhsham- awaken jot(surat)

Veer ji you know our parampara is to serve those who visit us food and drink , Baba ji did minimum just to do his duty, but this is different from someone who courts company of those who knowingly hugs, rewards and promote killers and dusht of sikh kaum, in fact lowers himself and the office he stands for in front of those people .

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The difference is that the pictures of the Sants are before the people sitting near them had done their evil deeds.Dhumma is sitting near them After they had carried out genocide. Had the Sants known what they were going to do they would have dealt with them.

veer ji , do not doubt Baba Kartar SIngh ji or Sant ji they knew what was to happen ...but they also knew it had to happen.

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There is nothing any of you guys can do. Dhumma will remain as the taksals Jathedar period. Y'all can whine and moan but nobody is gonna do anything about anything.

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