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Why Some People Go To Pakhandi Babas?

Guest Jacfsing2

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Guest Jacfsing2

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh. Something Daas wanted to know was why some lost Sikhs go to Fake Gurus? Don't say the Indian Government sponsors them,(even though they do), because we all know that these people are not really devout that it would effect what the Indian Government did. Are these people stupid or something, that they need to be lied to on a much lower level of spirituality than what they could get from a Gurdwara? Add to that, some of these Pakhandi Babas have shown Manmat, and their i-d-i-o-t-i-c disciples still follow them like a mentally brainwashed person. Examples being 1978, (Fauja Singh and some other Singhs being Shaheed from a Pakhandi), Beas incident, (where Radha Pakhandi followers made some Sikhs Shaheed), Noormahal being very aggressive towards Khalsa, and that Saucha Sahib Pakhandi making his fake Amrit. Is there something wrong in the brains of the these people's disciples, especially since they claim to the world that some of these are "so-called" Sikhs? Just my few questions on why any person would follow them, rather than Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

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who can ever do anything by his/her own wishes?    In the title of this thread, you say why some go to pakhandi babas.... which in the end means, they are astray.    

But then,I would say, not some only, but a vast majority as well.

As per why so?

Well, the Gurbani clearly says:

ਭੂਲੇ ਮਾਰਗੁ ਜਿਨਹਿ ਬਤਾਇਆ

Bhoolae Maarag Jinehi Bathaaeiaa ||

भूले मारगु जिनहि बताइआ

He places the one who strays back on the Path;

ਐਸਾ ਗੁਰੁ ਵਡਭਾਗੀ ਪਾਇਆ ॥੧॥

Aisaa Gur Vaddabhaagee Paaeiaa ||1||

ऐसा गुरु वडभागी पाइआ ॥१॥

Such a Guru is found by great good fortune. ||1||

Means, only those worship Guru Jee, who are wadbhagee / with good fortune right from birth, it is in their destiny to have love and faith in Guru Jee; the remaining jeevas, have no options, but to remain astray, as per Hukum.

I would never condem those who know nothing of Gurmat, but I would feel pity for them, while they look alike any of us, but have not got the chance like some of the wadhbagee jeevas/atmas, to get out of chaurasse ka chakar, once again, not by their own will, though they may think so, but because of the apaar kirpa on them, by Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

Sat Sree Akal.



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On 18/08/2016 at 5:22 PM, Jacfsing2 said:

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh. Something Daas wanted to know was why some lost Sikhs go to Fake Gurus? Don't say the Indian Government sponsors them,(even though they do), because we all know that these people are not really devout that it would effect what the Indian Government did. Are these people stupid or something, that they need to be lied to on a much lower level of spirituality than what they could get from a Gurdwara? Add to that, some of these Pakhandi Babas have shown Manmat, and their i-d-i-o-t-i-c disciples still follow them like a mentally brainwashed person. Examples being 1978, (Fauja Singh and some other Singhs being Shaheed from a Pakhandi), Beas incident, (where Radha Pakhandi followers made some Sikhs Shaheed), Noormahal being very aggressive towards Khalsa, and that Saucha Sahib Pakhandi making his fake Amrit. Is there something wrong in the brains of the these people's disciples, especially since they claim to the world that some of these are "so-called" Sikhs? Just my few questions on why any person would follow them, rather than Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

From what I’ve heard the early Dera followers didn’t go for just spiritual rewards. They were usually desperate people offered money and/or helped out of difficult situations. If you mix this with a spiritual and religious slant then you can imagine the simple minded folk going into ‘Vah Vah!!’ mode. These people essentially became the prachaarks by saying "Flanna Babe de Dera to sabh kuch mil da!!" etc. And from there the Dera starts building up a following. They probably help out desperate people now and again to maintain their 'Vah Vah!!' factor.

Also take into consideration that nowadays some of these Deras are pretty top notch places with good accommodation and they create this positive serene close knit community atmosphere which people thirst for. Deras have ripped off Mahraajs core concept of Sangat and capitalized on it big time, very accepting of all types of people, something seemingly lost on us! They have also in many ways recreated what life was like in Punjabi villages in the days of old but with all the mod-cons. The materialistic and nostalgic factor has a strong allure, especially these days. If you add all this up and chuck in the promised Phal you’re gonna receive one can easily see why Deras are so popular. If you ever get a chance visit one and you’ll see what I mean. Deras are like a retreat/holiday bro.

Obviously the rampant casteism and generally shitty situation in Punjab doesn’t help either.

They’ve taken concepts which Guru Mahraaj teach us but replaced the theology with their own rubbish.




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usually due to low IQ or some other non-religious reasons like a social club around the pakhandi baba or money laundaring via the back door and govt corruption connected to the baba and his henchmen.

I was recently chatting to a so called "sant nirankari" girl who was saying how Sikhs are violent and "bhindranwala was a terrorist" who killed their guru. I was laughing to myself thinking this girl is an absolute m0ron.

When i pressed her on what nirankari was? and how they were formed? and their history she couldnt answer she was just fed propaganda from nirankari cultists to believe in nonsense about their recent Guru's were innocent and never did anything wrong to anyone. I also had the same experience with ravidassia secterians and namdhari's.they have no capacity to learn how Sikhi started and what it teaches at its core they just want to follow their own human God men.

Then noticed that these sort of people have very low IQ and have no braincells to do self research or investigation. That is why these pakandi baba target the uneducated and vunerable and exploit them to do their bidding. Usually they are funded or supported by a political party here or there, that was especially true with nirankari gurbachana who was funded and aided by congress party, same thing with other baba's who recently come out with anti-sikh antics.

I have even witnessed people who claim to be keshdhari Sikhs go to pandits for forecasting advice and good luck charms and these pandit pakahndi baba's are ruthless they know how to exploit the weak and vunerable. If things go their way the devotee brings back more cash and gold if things dont go the way of the devotee then the baba will blame the person or his friends or family for their own bad luck or circumstances and tells them bad advice to cause fights in his/her family and to get better luck to bring more offerings to change their misfortunes. It's a vicious mouse trap of the mind. And pandits brahmin priestly class had fine turned it from thousands of years of exploitation just like the abrahmics ( jewish rabbi's and muhammads islamic molvi's).

Sikhi liberates the person from these scams and social evil's. A Sikh is a learner should get educated and learn what guru's are talking about in gurbani but they dont listen to their guru at their cost and fall into the traps that guru has cleared for them.

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On 21/08/2016 at 1:09 AM, genie said:

usually due to low IQ or some other non-religious reasons like a social club around the pakhandi baba or money laundaring via the back door and govt corruption connected to the baba and his henchmen.

I was recently chatting to a so called "sant nirankari" girl who was saying how Sikhs are violent and "bhindranwala was a terrorist" who killed their guru. I was laughing to myself thinking this girl is an absolute m0ron.

When i pressed her on what nirankari was? and how they were formed? and their history she couldnt answer she was just fed propaganda from nirankari cultists to believe in nonsense about their recent Guru's were innocent and never did anything wrong to anyone. I also had the same experience with ravidassia secterians and namdhari's.they have no capacity to learn how Sikhi started and what it teaches at its core they just want to follow their own human God men.

Then noticed that these sort of people have very low IQ and have no braincells to do self research or investigation. That is why these pakandi baba target the uneducated and vunerable and exploit them to do their bidding. Usually they are funded or supported by a political party here or there, that was especially true with nirankari gurbachana who was funded and aided by congress party, same thing with other baba's who recently come out with anti-sikh antics.

I have even witnessed people who claim to be keshdhari Sikhs go to pandits for forecasting advice and good luck charms and these pandit pakahndi baba's are ruthless they know how to exploit the weak and vunerable. If things go their way the devotee brings back more cash and gold if things dont go the way of the devotee then the baba will blame the person or his friends or family for their own bad luck or circumstances and tells them bad advice to cause fights in his/her family and to get better luck to bring more offerings to change their misfortunes. It's a vicious mouse trap of the mind. And pandits brahmin priestly class had fine turned it from thousands of years of exploitation just like the abrahmics ( jewish rabbi's and muhammads islamic molvi's).

Sikhi liberates the person from these scams and social evil's. A Sikh is a learner should get educated and learn what guru's are talking about in gurbani but they dont listen to their guru at their cost and fall into the traps that guru has cleared for them.

Doesn't help with so any of our "apni" who refuse to gain a proper education lol. Imagine their shock and horror if they found out how many of these baba are using cheap tricks and subliminal messages to "predict" things lol.

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