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The lost Sikh turban style


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10 minutes ago, Singh123456777 said:

There is Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji Maharaj's seli topi in kartarpur sahib so do as you wish with that.

Believe it or dont believe it, it's your choice.

brother given the fiasco of non-shastars being trooped in front of sikhs as the real deal  this past year , I do not hold such things as important because my Guru's true roop is Gurbani. I cannot see self-adornment as making one closer to conquering haumai and panj chor , and to make holes in ones flesh is not accepting hukham, runs risk of beadbhi of Rom . We are not meant to do as Guru Sahiban did but what they said . The Guru is one jot so it is the same Guru that gave advice to tie dastaar so I am convinced by that and thus makes sense that a sikh who wears a topi condemns themself to punishment . 

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3 minutes ago, Singh123456777 said:

Don't limit the True Guru to our perceptions, cause the true guru can do whatever they want.

I wasn't, I was saying we (humans) are incapable to copy them without falling off the edge ... Guru ji is beyond everything, I posted the self=portrait because Guru ji will deal in the truth only.


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three portraits in the ones posted are of the modern era by a guy called Kailash Raj  Guru Teg Bahadur ji (I think at the top of the thread ) and two of Guru Har Rai ji they have earrings but interestingly in other portraits by same artist he has put Seli Topi and tilak on Guru Nanak Dev ji in some and Dastaar in others  so it seems there is no real consistent approach .

Guru Angad Dev ji:



Guru Ram Das ji:


Guru Arjan Dev ji:


Guru Har Gobind Ji


Ten Guru Sahiban :


point is that people are mixing modern in the style of mughal miniatures for purataan art

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Guest Jacfsing2
4 hours ago, jkvlondon said:

three portraits in the ones posted are of the modern era by a guy called Kailash Raj  Guru Teg Bahadur ji (I think at the top of the thread ) and two of Guru Har Rai ji they have earrings but interestingly in other portraits by same artist he has put Seli Topi and tilak on Guru Nanak Dev ji in some and Dastaar in others  so it seems there is no real consistent approach .

Guru Angad Dev ji:



Guru Ram Das ji:


Guru Arjan Dev ji:


Guru Har Gobind Ji


Ten Guru Sahiban :


point is that people are mixing modern in the style of mughal miniatures for purataan art

The Gur-Gaddi ceremony included a Tilak, the other things was a coconut and 5 passe. Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji himself never sat on an official/physical Gaddi, (throne); however one was made for the Gur-Gaddi of Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Angad Dev Ji.

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The Guru Sahibaan may have worn earrings, I don't know enough about Sikh art to say and I don't really believe its a big deal. 

But art isn't always a mirror of the truth, rather a reflection of the artist. There is no certainty that the Gurus commissioned these paintings of themselves, or that they were even present as subjects for the painter. How else does one explain all the portrayals of the same Guru which look completely different from one another? As OP has said, there is not enough consistency in these images for us to come to a conclusion about this. Every one of these paintings was painted well after the decease of the Gurus they depict, as well as by Pahari Hindu masters. Just as European artists are always representing Christ as a white guy, why wouldn't a Hindu or Mughal painter depict Guru Sahib in the manner of a Hindu Raja? Accuracy clearly wasn't the intention of these artists - that painting of Akali Phoola Singh posted earlier shows him wearing red garments when we know for a fact that Akalis were forbidden from wearing red as per puraatan rehtinamaay. 

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1 minute ago, 5akaalsingh said:

Well, Phula Singh was a chief. Maybe an exemption? and red was prominent colour amongst mainstream Sikhs, no matter what rehitname said. There is proof of this.

Of course Singhji, but Phula Singh was a member of the orthodoxy of the faith, not the mainstream or the secular aristocracy/nobility. He may have worn red, but if the sources testifying to his religious zeal are to be believed then I have my doubts. The mainstream of any faith on the other hand has always interpreted the tenets of their religion more loosely. 


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