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The lost Sikh turban style


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Is the joke he's referring to about the earrings?  I'm confused.

I think we all agree the Guru Sahiban are worthy of our respect.  If it was the joke about the earring stand, I thought it was funny, but I have all the class of a stray dog.

I think when we are free of the five vices we will look at this maya and laugh and laugh.  Everything we took so seriously, how offended we were on behalf of our own fragile egos.  This place is too ugly not to be a big joke in the end.

I also think whether it's the Guru Sahiban, or Buddah, or Christ, that they must have a really good sense of humor and some thick skin.  I bet they spend half their time laughing at us and the other half shaking their heads.

I guess it's fair to say some people thought it was funny and some didn't, and if we're upset about it, it's an opportunity to release some damas and chant the naam and chuckle.

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58 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

Is the joke he's referring to about the earrings?  I'm confused.

I think we all agree the Guru Sahiban are worthy of our respect.  If it was the joke about the earring stand, I thought it was funny, but I have all the class of a stray dog.

The actual joke, or rather, tongue in cheek remark was this:


Excuse me sir, do you know where I can get earrings similar to the ones worn by the Gurus?

Many thanks.

Which in itself was a response to a long post about how Guru Sahib didn't wear earrings.

1 hour ago, GurjantGnostic said:

I also think whether it's the Guru Sahiban, or Buddah, or Christ, that they must have a really good sense of humor and some thick skin.  I bet they spend half their time laughing at us and the other half shaking their heads.

I would like to believe this is true. With the amount of Gyaani Policing that goes on here, one would not be wrong in wondering if they're actually on a Irani forum, a forum on which the logo wouldn't be dissimilar to the one created by SikhSangat coincidentally.

ਜੈ ਬਾਬੇਆਂ ਦੀ

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8 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

When I used to eat meat, I'd order a cheeseburger, and then with a dead serious face ask the waiter to make sure only kosher ingredients were used. 

Best not to mention meat here brother. Unless it's the meat of vegetables.


P.S. Use the quote function, it makes it easier to see and respond to your posts.

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3 minutes ago, MrDoaba said:

Best not to mention meat here brother. Unless it's the meat of vegetables.


P.S. Use the quote function, it makes it easier to see and respond to your posts.

Absolutely.  Thanks to the example set by the Guru Sahiban, the Khalsa, and writings of SIkh Dr's I've stopped eating it.  I've realized the huge impact the hormones have on us, and that we are not meant to eat it physically, and also that it is cruel.   I was a fool to eat it, and am thankful to the Sangat for helping me.  I am still a fool and am thankful for gurbani, and simran.  I am thankful to be able to come here and surround myself with wiser people than myself.

I've been chanting the naam, reading my daily hukam, and studying japji for some time now, all of which has benefit me immensely.  I still struggle with anger and attachment but as my focus on vaheguru increases my pain and anger decrease.  I carry my own "kirpan" and by the good example of the Khalsa seek to love and protect anyone who needs it, which I've almost paid the final bodily price for before.

I am like a stray dog, that comes to the gurus house, having been so well treated I am loyal to my master.  My master who I cannot even be a sacrifice to.  When the fear and darkness seem to be falling upon me I chant the naam and release my head as if it has been cut off for the guru.  It has come to be my only comfort.


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1 minute ago, GurjantGnostic said:

Absolutely.  Thanks to the example set by the Guru Sahiban, the Khalsa, and writings of SIkh Dr's I've stopped eating it.  I've realized the huge impact the hormones have on us, and that we are not meant to eat it physically, and also that it is cruel.   I was a fool to eat it, and am thankful to the Sangat for helping me.  I am still a fool and am thankful for gurbani, and simran.  I am thankful to be able to come here and surround myself with wiser people than myself.

Lol I support the decision of all diets. Wanna eat meat, go for it, don't wanna eat it, fine by me. One cannot justify either view as there are examples of both choices. We can't and shouldn't force others. I respect your choice though. Do you feel different in any way after stopping? Physically, mentally, spiritually? Please share your experience. And likewise brother, we are glad you have joined us here in this madness we call Sangat!

7 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

I've been chanting the naam, reading my daily hukam, and studying japji for some time now, all of which has benefit me immensely.  I still struggle with anger and attachment but as my focus on vaheguru increases my pain and anger decrease.  I carry my own "kirpan" and by the good example of the Khalsa seek to love and protect anyone who needs it, which I've almost paid the final bodily price for before.

Glad to hear, again please do make a topic on your studies. I'm sure we would all learn something. We all struggle with the panj chor, they're ghastly but addictive. Are you willing to elaborate on the latter comment? If you feel comfortable of course.

10 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

I am like a stray dog, that comes to the gurus house, having been so well treated I am loyal to my master.  My master who I cannot even be a sacrifice to.  When the fear and darkness seem to be falling upon me I chant the naam and release my head as if it has been cut off for the guru.  It has come to be my only comfort.

We are all stray dogs (you'll find out later which are rabid though haha). Happy to hear that Maharaaj has done Kirpa on you to walk this path.

Don't become an ant though because I am still armed with ant powder. Someone took my gun so it's all I have left.

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11 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

I can't count the number of times I'd have been done for spiritually or physically without the Kirpa of Maharaaj.  I am truly a wretched fool many times over who is sustained I think by Kirpa alone. 

Vah brother, just Vah! Had I known you were to return with such a profound reply, I would have urged you to make a new topic because this, and forgive my language, sure as sh!t deserves one.

I am however, slightly lost for words lol. I will need to read your post a few times over before I can say something which is even 0.1% of what you have written.

For now...Fateh Parvaan Karo Ji, Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fatehhhh!!!!

Sada Jai Bhagauti!!

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7 minutes ago, MrDoaba said:

Vah brother, just Vah! Had I known you were to return with such a profound reply, I would have urged you to make a new topic because this, and forgive my language, sure as sh!t deserves one.

I am however, slightly lost for words lol. I will need to read your post a few times over before I can say something which is even 0.1% of what you have written.

For now...Fateh Parvaan Karo Ji, Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fatehhhh!!!!

Sada Jai Bhagauti!!

Thanks to you, I know now how to say "Booooleeee sooo Nihaaal! Sat Sri Akalee"  Would have been great to hear it that day, but Sikh's are smart enough not to be drinking downtown.  Lol.  I know that had there been one I'd have not been alone.  That's why I've come to kick it with you guys on sikhsangat.  I don't really vibe with most people in my area these days.  And sometimes I can't find answers to questions about punjabi, or guri, or things online.

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18 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

Thanks to you, I know now how to say "Booooleeee sooo Nihaaal! Sat Sri Akalee"  Would have been great to hear it that day, but Sikh's are smart enough not to be drinking downtown.  Lol.  I know that had there been one I'd have not been alone.  That's why I've come to kick it with your guys on sikhsangat.  I don't really vibe with most people in my area these days.

Loll I was wondering if you were the same person!! I'm sure you'll get a chance to do a Jaikaara soon enough, Gurprasaad!

On behalf of SikhSangat I welcome you to the forum! We hope to have you here...well until Kalyug ends!

Do mind the trolls and ants however. :grin

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