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FAKE Intelligence provided by R&AW via Russian Soviet KGB Influenced Indira Gandhi to carry out operation blue star in 1984


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I came across something similar a few years ago. It suggested Israel, through Russia, had a deep interest in India at the time, possibly as a means of ensuring Pakistani attempts at Indian destabilisation didn't bear fruit, because India was considered to be a shield against its Islamic neighbours. A failing India would give others in that region the confidence to turn their attention to Israel. That's the political reason. 


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Guest Jacfsing2
1 hour ago, MisterrSingh said:

I came across something similar a few years ago. It suggested Israel, through Russia, had a deep interest in India at the time, possibly as a means of ensuring Pakistani attempts at Indian destabilisation didn't bear fruit, because India was considered to be a shield against its Islamic neighbours. A failing India would give others in that region the confidence to turn their attention to Israel. That's the political reason. 

Even if that was true, why would they be interested in a religion with a small percentage, (Sikhs), the only reasons Russia would want to get involved if that meant India was going to fight America at the time of the Cold War, which Indis never did.

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On 2017-5-29 at 3:41 PM, genie said:

I was reading articles recently regarding how the Russian soviet KGB had deeply penetrated the Indian state from 1950s onwards basically since the time of Nehru. British domestic intelligence agency MI5 also had an office stationed in India since 1950s and has had a close relationship with India since its formation in 1947 but they werent as close as the KGB where.

What the Mitrokhin Archives are alleged to have revealed is how deeply they had influenced in the formation of the R&AW (Research and analysis wing of the Indian army). And how the KGB's aim was converting India to communist state and vessel state of the Soviet union.

In the many articles I read it is alleged that KGB agents gave particular emphasis on painting Sikhs as the enemy to India and the converting the Punjab population to communist ideology. They provided false intelligence information to the Indian government to influence them in carrying out anti-sikh policies. They even wanted a war between India and pakistan in 1981 to divert attention from what the soviets were doing in afghanistan and to distract attention and resources from american CIA and pakistani ISI operations in Afghanistan. It is alleged that they told the Indian government that pakistani ISI had trained 1,000+ SGG commando's who had infiltrated Indian punjab and were ready to help destabilize Punjab and create Khalistan.

I know believe that it was the soviets via R&AW that caused indira to hastily ask the indian army to organise and execute the infamous operation blue star and thus it lead to the disaster that it did. Over the decades since we have also learn't that there was no Pakistani commandos in Indian punjab at the time, there was no attempt by Pakistani army to infiltrate or over run the border to help the Sikhs. There was no pakistani's in the golden temple as was alleged by Indian propagandists at the time. We also learnt that trucks full of ammo and weapons were allowed to pass into darbar sahib under the curlew and watch of the Indian troops and state machinery (as reported by sunday times in 1984).

General brar being the dopey mass murdering m0ron; that he is did not question the fake intelligence he was given by R&AW or why Indira was going to use the army to attack his allegedly own religions holiest shrine, neither did general dyal only general that stood down from attacking darbar sahib was Lt .Gen Sinha who was a hindu (friend of general shubeg singh) and has since passed away. In many interviews General brar says he believed the pakistani army was going to invade the punjab and help create khalistan and recognise it.  The Indian army did not only invade darbar sahib they fanned out to many villages and gurdwaras of punjab fearing Sikh rebellion and pakistani troops in punjab. A minor Sikh rebellion happened yes, but the cowardly pakistani army was no where to be seen because they had not even plan to invade and help the Sikhs. However this was the huge lie and basis of why heavy weapons military assault on darbar sahib (operation blue star) happened, everything came down to FAKE and deceptive intelligence.

I think your confusing a number of more or less recognised threads.. As it is well documented and ironically a point of agreement by all agencies involved (ie. khalistani militants, ISI, Indian government). The ISI provided strategic support and training to militant outfits.. Sant bhindrawales at a ideological level not being one of those. However babbar khalsa, and many other outfits were trained and funded by Pakistan.. Israel had very little to do with it at all 

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11 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

I came across something similar a few years ago. It suggested Israel, through Russia, had a deep interest in India at the time, possibly as a means of ensuring Pakistani attempts at Indian destabilisation didn't bear fruit, because India was considered to be a shield against its Islamic neighbours. A failing India would give others in that region the confidence to turn their attention to Israel. That's the political reason. 


Israel and UK always as a hand in the affairs of south asia but not as big as role as the two big superpowers of the time Soviet Union and USA had back in the 1950s to 80s.

As far as Israel's involvement in the genocide of Sikh in 1984, well that role so far seems to have been limited to weapons supply and commando training and help setting up the NSG for the Indian army some say they could have helped draw up operation "blue star of david" but until we find evidence of that we cant rely on hearsay. The British government of the time seems to have had a far more involvement and knowledge of the pre-planned assault on the Sikhs and the followup Indian state terrorist massacres in the punjab hence why they are scared to release the damning files that may give away their embarrassing indirect role in the genocide of our people.


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8 hours ago, Sukhvirk1976 said:

The ISI provided strategic support and training to militant outfits.. Sant bhindrawales at a ideological level not being one of those. However babbar khalsa, and many other outfits were trained and funded by Pakistan.. Israel had very little to do with it at all 

Do you have direct evidence that babbar khalsa amoung others had pakistani ISI training? So far I have only read hearsay they did but no one has produced any credible evidence of the case. They did have smuggled in arms from pakistan that is true and that was done at the behest of American CIA and their Pakistani ISI allies against Soviet Union allied India.

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11 hours ago, BhForce said:

Good writeup, but do you have any links?

Thanks, I thought I'd share my conclusions so far with the forum from the research I have done.

As for links there's too many links to articles and book references to post here hence why I didnt. But if you are interested a good starting point would be to type in google search terms like " Mitrokhin Archives Khalistan" or " Mitrokhin Archives Sikhs" and read up on books like Identity and Survival: Sikh Militancy in India 1978-1993 by Kirpal Dhillon. Fighting for Faith and Nation: Dialogues with Sikh Militants by Cynthia Keppley Mahmood. Soft Target: The Real Story Behind the Air India Disaster by Zuhair Kashmeri, ‎Brian McAndrew

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Guest Jacfsing2
4 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

If the Sikhs had managed to wrangle their autonomy from India, other ethnic groups would've tried to follow. It would've caused a domino effect throughout the country. It was never directly about war between Russia and the U.S., but about maintaining the status quo for India. Why are you involving the States in this issue? Pakistan has always been in U.S. pockets, whilst India has gravitated towards the Russians. Nobody was interested in us as a people and religion, but they were very concerned with what our potential independence meant for the entire region. You're also overlooking the events that we're playing out in Afghanistan at the time.

I agree with that nobody was interested, but some Sikh groups still got arms from other countries, whether that be America or Pakistan, (by this point both of them have pretty much given-up), there were still other revolutions going on, such as Kashmir and Tamils. (It was a Tamil Freedom Fighter who brought Rajiv Gandhi to justice). Politically, the situation would have liberated other people as well if Sikhs allied themselves with the revolutionary groups, but sometimes they fought amongst each other.

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