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Brainwashed Sikhs how to stop them defending Islam and other non-sikh ideologies?


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43 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

If you're on Twitter, drop a polite yet firm message. You can use some of what I wrote in that post I made last night on this very subject. Just don't give her an opportunity to play the victim by insulting her or getting personal. 

On a related note: is this a sign that the post-war Sant-influenced, pacifist parchaar of the past 50 years has failed us? Is this where such selective interpretations of Sikhi has landed us; that we're afraid of speaking up against an evil ideology for the fear of being seen to be discriminatory?

I'm not signed up to twitter yet, I can just view publicly what these kinda people put out there. But I may just do that so I can drum it into these naive idiots to wake up the hell up.

As for the the pacifistic parchaar for the past 50years I wouldn't say its been 50years its been quite recent. The parchar given in the past was quite militant and assertive. The parchar in the last 25years I would say is where the problem lays basically ever since Sikh militancy in punjab ended with the coming to power of badal sena and akali dal in 1997 elections.

The Sikhs had high hopes it would be a panthic raj but instead they got same old corruption, state repression and only badal family raj. I believe the parchar and parchariks was watered down and reduced in number and dehra's opening up all over to make it seem Sikhi was not supreme or did not matter in your life when you can have faith in some rich government approved pedo dehra baba instead who held sway in getting you or relatives visa's to go aboard or other help in other  authority issues. This was all done in a clever move by politically minded individuals in the pay of the hindutva regime and indian government who has huge influence of the upper leadership of SGPC. And as SGPC are the ones running sri akal takht and rest of our important gurdwara's then you can see how it all went down.


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59 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

On a related note: is this a sign that the post-war Sant-influenced, pacifist parchaar of the past 50 years has failed us? 

Really, brother, this seems quite unrelated to me. I've never heard sants spend much time at all on the issue of Islam, much less Islamophobia, an alien term (ਇਸਲਾਮ ਦਾ ਡਰ ?). Sants, as I have heard or read, just spend most of their time getting people to take Amrit and read bani and recite the Name. I've not heard parchar of pacifism as such, as in an ideology of never using weapons against people who want to harm you. Can't bring up any examples right now, but the famous sants did celebrate Guru Gobind Singh ji and their legacy (including war).

I hate to judge people's Sikhi based on looks, but doesn't she seem like she would be more likely a follower of Baba Dolce and Baba Gabbana than a random Sant Baba ji?

1 hour ago, MisterrSingh said:

Is this where such selective interpretations of Sikhi has landed us; that we're afraid of speaking up against an evil ideology for the fear of being seen to be discriminatory?

Yes, I think your second point seems to be much closer to the target. And she is not a resident of Punjab going to her local village dera baba ji, but rather (according to her Twitter), a resident of London. I'm sure that she got the same sort of leftist education being imparted to every other Londoner these days. And today, that means you can't say anything that might be remotely offensive to Muslims.

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29 minutes ago, BhForce said:

Yes, quite strange how even our own people are always so worried about "Islamophobia" over helping our own peeps. Agreed, of course, that no one should be killing random Muslims on the street, but come on, we are talking about mentioning a few pertinent (not irrelevant, but pertinent) facts about a historical event.

Not only that, but the perpetrator of the atrocity (the Emperor Jahangir) admits in his diary that he's having all this done for the sake of Islam! And Holly Henderson is wrong?

Indeed a very strange situation with our people presently. We can not allow the status quo to continue that's for sure.

Our people need to be able to feel speaking out against barbaric islamic ideology is neither islamophobic or wrong to do so. If someone wants to practise islam peaceful and not harm non-muslims thats fair enough but when someone wants to practise islam and impose islam on others through various soft power warefare tactics like grooming and conversions then thats not on. We have a right to defend our religion and our people from that evil type of backward ideology. And use historical facts of how muslim rulers themselves sanctioned crimes against our religious leaders and community through their scriptures because we were not one of them.

We need to deradicalise them from leftist marxist liberal brainwashing and teach them that even in Sikh scriptures the SGGS Ji Guru nanak spoke out against pandits and qazi mullahs who ordered the inhuman treatment of others.


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9 minutes ago, genie said:

We need to deradicalise them from leftist marxist liberal brainwashing and teach them that even in Sikh scriptures the SGGS Ji Guru nanak spoke out against pandits and qazi mullahs who ordered the inhuman treatment of others.

Yes, except that, for some of them, if we were to demonstrate that Guru Granth Sahib speaks against Muslim tenets in some places, then they would not then disregard leftist thinking, but rather would disown Guru Granth Sahib, and that would show that their true religion is not Sikhi, but rather cultural Marxism and leftism, and their holy book is not Guru Granth Sahib, but Das Kapital, written by Guru Karl Marx Sahib Ji Maharaj.

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3 minutes ago, BhForce said:

Yes, except that, for some of them, if we were to demonstrate that Guru Granth Sahib speaks against Muslim tenets in some places, then they would not then disregard leftist thinking, but rather would disown Guru Granth Sahib, and that would show that their true religion is not Sikhi, but rather cultural Marxism and leftism, and their holy book is not Guru Granth Sahib, but Das Kapital, written by Guru Karl Marx Sahib Ji Maharaj.

Yes that's the dangerous levels this madness has got to they say they are atheist punjabis or not religious neglecting the fact that if it werent for their Sikh religion them and their family wouldnt be alive and/or have all these freedoms they take for granted now would be non existent like the women of afghanistan and saudi.

They would have been put in a burka and made to bend down to the black cube in mecca 5 times a day, made to put up with 3 other wives, beaten daily if they resisted their husbands demands. There would have been no end to madness had Sikhi not stopped the islamification of India back in the days.

There ungrateful sods have not comprehended how much they owe to the blood and tears sacrifices of their sikh anchestors.

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13 minutes ago, genie said:

We need to deradicalise them from leftist marxist liberal brainwashing and teach them that even in Sikh scriptures the SGGS Ji Guru nanak spoke out against pandits and qazi mullahs who ordered the inhuman treatment of others.

OK, here's the new Gur-Parnali for our brainwashed leftists Sikhs:

1. Dhan hai dhan hai dhan hai, Guru Marx Sahib Ji dhan hai.

2. Dhan hai dhan hai dhan hai, Guru Engels Sahib Ji dhan hai.

3. Dhan hai dhan hai dhan hai, Guru Lenin Sahib Ji dhan hai.

4. Dhan hai dhan hai dhan hai, Guru Trotsky Sahib Ji dhan hai.

5. Dhan hai dhan hai dhan hai, Guru Stalin Sahib Ji dhan hai.

6. Dhan hai dhan hai dhan hai, Guru Mao Sahib Ji dhan hai.

7. Dhan hai dhan hai dhan hai, Guru Pol Pot Sahib Ji dhan hai.

8. Dhan hai dhan hai dhan hai, Guru Castro Sahib Ji dhan hai.

9. Dhan hai dhan hai dhan hai, Guru Che Guevara Sahib Ji dhan hai.

10. Dhan hai dhan hai dhan hai, Guru Hugo Chavez Ji dhan hai.

11. Dhan hai dhan hai dhan hai, Guru Das Kapital Sahib Ji dhan hai.

12. Dhan hai dhan hai dhan hai, Guru Comintern Panth Ji dhan hai.

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