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Jathera Worship

Guest Baba Chaman Maya Das

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Punjab is a hotspot of deras. The thing is almost exclusive brahminical system operates quite good outside punjab, in punjab its a mix soup of brahminism, sufi pirs , the baabe that no one knows outside that pind ( have you ever heard of baba mast ram where alcohol is served as prashad ? but that guy has a  samaadh of his in one punjab village)

The more I notice history, the more I realize the "ideal sikh society/individuals" never existed , and if at all they did , they were sparse, like the stars in otherwise dark night. Oldies of our qaum need to shed the misplaced belief that all of a sudden current generation got spoilt towards patitpuna and materialism and worship of non-sikh elements, and need to stop pretending all past generations made shaheed of the likes of Bhai Taru Singh, Bhai Subeg Singh Shahbaz Singh , as I said they were very sparse. Most of punjabi country side is this trash of baabe , paadhe-pandit , pir , and so on . Where was gursikhi ? Degeneracy was widespread.


Don't think certain gurudware are immune to superstitious beliefs . There's a gurdwara called "dhauli dhaar"(white stream) , a waterfall under which if you bathe , bad spirits tormenting you go away . Its of baba wadbhag singh , and my paternal grandma was the one who did a big drama over being able to connect with him. Lol. 

What kind of sikh society existed anyways when sikh women used to do sati , and grandmothers would bury alive their newborn grand-daughters, with one hand of baby cotton, with a cruel joke saying "spin the wool, but don't send another girl " . 

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled-singh
4 hours ago, AkalkiFauj said:

Same with my family! Where did this Pakhand start from? I bet it was pandits with there sharadhs. The Aunties probably spread it then. Then it just became a family tradition I guess.

No my friend. I have previously, on a few occassions, given long and detailed explanations about the Jathera here on the very forum. It got no interest from anybody so frankly I'm surprised that  anybody would be interested in it now. Anyway, I've long since become sick and tired of giving detailed explanations for things so let me summarise it very briefly:

No.....it was not invented by 'aunties' or some pandit or baba. It's a practice peculiar to the Jatts and has been around for longer than the existence of Hinduism. It's a leftover that the Jatts have from the Scythian ancestor worship belief system. At it's most basic form....it is the belief that upmost respect should be paid to the one ancestor that laid the foundation for everything we have now.

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25 minutes ago, AjeetSingh2019 said:

What kind of sikh society existed anyways when sikh women used to do sati , and grandmothers would bury alive their newborn grand-daughters, with one hand of baby cotton, with a cruel joke saying "spin the wool, but don't send another girl " . 

More info on this? Sounds interesting.

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Guest jigsaw_puzzled-singh
On 7/13/2018 at 12:06 PM, Guest Guest said:

Not always black and white. Once your family has started this tradition it is very difficult to break away from it.

How would any family "start" something that the family has been doing continuously, unbroken, since 900 BC anyway ?     Do you know what 'start' means ?

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9 hours ago, AkalkiFauj said:

Same with my family! Where did this Pakhand start from? I bet it was pandits with there sharadhs. The Aunties probably spread it then. Then it just became a family tradition I guess.

I think there are different reasons behind this practice. Are you from a Jatt or Saini etc background? worshiping ancestors/Jathera was the main practice of Jatts before they became Sikhs. Once they became Sikh they continued this practice, just how Khatris were Hindus before they became Sikh but even though they became Sikhs they still continued going Mandir, Karva Chauth, wear Bindi etc  and other Hindu practices. 

Once Jatts migrated to Punjab, the Sharadh Bhaman practice would of already been very popular as well, on top of that Sufi shrine worshiping has been a popular practice in Punjab for centuries. People in Punjab basically love worshiping the dead lol  


My dads and mothers side of the family both have a family tomb in their fields where they worship it. I'm not allowed to say anything about it coz things can get very paranormal! I and my cousins sister from my mums side were talking about this at night and she got freaked out and said its night and that shes still got to travel back to her house in a car lol!   

In my family b4 we harvest the crops they are supposed to hold a langar at the tomb. One year my Nana forgot and he started seeing black snakes everywhere in the house! They called one those banjaras that kill snakes and even he could not get rid of them! they then called a professional pest person who put snake killing tablets everywhere but they still didn't die,  next one of those magic babeh were called and he couldn't get rid of them!  My mum then remembered and rang my nana and asked him they have started harvesting the fields, and he said yes, and she said did you guys do langar at the tomb/jaggah, and he was like no! he forgot!  then they held langar at the jaggah, and guess what?  snakes disappeared!   i mean how the hell are you supposed to explain this?   imagine if i told one of my white friends this story. !

We have had so much crazy sh1t like that happening  that im even scared to write it! 

One of our distant cousins from my dads family is amrtidhari and he refuses to worship the shrine, one of his sons is childless, while the other son has died, same thing has happened to his brothers and nephews, they are either dead or childless    Its always the men/boys that suffer when you dont serve these tombs! its crazy 

I don't understand why these things do this to people! 


I think India is a country where people have been communicating with the dead and harassing them for 1000s of years, that the whole country is just possessed! and they are using these dead people to possess others! its mad.   

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Do you guys know about penchak/penchka !  Its a dark period which lasts around 2 or 3 weeks around the time of raksha bandan/rakhri. If one person from your pind dies during this period, whatever number of days is left for this period to be over he/she takes the same number of people with him/her!  a few years back a old man in my dads pind died during this period and each day a person would die from the pind, one person every single day! at the end 10 people died! one person each day!  my mum rang my thayee and she said people are sh1t scared  a person is dyeing everyday   people are doing ardaas for it to be over. 

same thing happened in my mums pind but less people died.

I mean what the hell is tht about?  does that kind of sh1t happen in any other country?   

I think people in that country are messing around with the dead wayyyyy to much  to the point where the dead are actively involved in day to day life and demanding worship! 

i know this Christian lady from Goa and she said 100s of people witnessed a possessed man with a bent body running like 50mph across the street! people were setting him on fire but he was still running!  she said she has never seen anything like it in her life. 

Its a messed up country  truly just fcked up  

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Jathere is a nothing more then a business. Dead are either liberated or reincarnated in both the cases neither they can hear you or accept your offerings more ever people mess up living trees by pouring oil in their roots. So in short a visit to jathere is giving some money and groceries to the care taker and poisoning a tree thats it.

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10 hours ago, jassa said:

Jathere is a nothing more then a business. Dead are either liberated or reincarnated in both the cases neither they can hear you or accept your offerings more ever people mess up living trees by pouring oil in their roots. So in short a visit to jathere is giving some money and groceries to the care taker and poisoning a tree thats it.

That's true. Unfortunately, some are so enamoured by the maya of human existence that they refuse to move on after their deaths despite being encouraged to do so. These are usually people who have lived unspiritual, shallow lives or were excessively attached to loved ones and material things. Why do you think Gurbani emphasises an existence that discourages attachment and excessive indulgence in feelings that trap us in such modes of thinking that aren't easy to shed even after we've shed our bodies. These entities should not be encouraged nor worshipped in this way. People create huge problems for their families by perpetuating the remembrance and worship of these spirits. 

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1 hour ago, MisterrSingh said:

Why do you think Gurbani emphasises an existence that discourages attachment and excessive indulgence in feelings that trap us in such feelings

do you there's also a monetary benefit of the same. 

An extravagant lifestyle is costly and also ends up stabbing us in the long term , but a simpler lifestyle you end up saving money and mind is also better prepared for enlightenment . So win-win situation ?

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15 minutes ago, AjeetSingh2019 said:

do you there's also a monetary benefit of the same. 

An extravagant lifestyle is costly and also ends up stabbing us in the long term , but a simpler lifestyle you end up saving money and mind is also better prepared for enlightenment . So win-win situation ?

I think so. Most people crave creature comforts and luxury to varying degrees for varying reasons. Others are so deeply invested in their various emotional ties and relationships when alive that they refuse to let go even when they no longer breathe. Someone who sees beyond these trappings while alive won't have any issues stemming from egoistic desires when they pass. Simple living is good but as long as it's true and done without ego. Someone making a show of simplicity and non-attachment in the hope of being praised as an enlightened soul is a charlatan. Unfortunately there are many of these types of personalities among us; they preach simple living and humility, yet consider travelling in anything less than Porsche 4x4s / SUVs, and not lounging around in a mansion with no less than 8 bedrooms, to be an insult to their so-called spirituality. ?

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