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Amrit~What is it for?


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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

My question is what is amrit for, what's the point in taking amrit...and does it have the power to change you, I've met many people who have changed because of taking armit changed as in well they use to smoke, party, drink, etc, and have said that oh amrit has helped me...but that's not what Armit was for...taking amrit was for making of the Khalsa...rite? yeah but does amrit have power?

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

Amrit ^_^

amrit has power which my mind can not describe. I personally have not experienced the bliss of amrit yet but from my viewpoint, by taking amrit one becomes braver, attains a higher character and endless love for waheguroo. amrit is the only way into Sikhism so anyone w/o amrit is not a true sikh. (yes i m not a true sikh yet, but do ardaas for me so i may be soon. pray.gif )

Amrit is the gift God gives to one... if u still want more info. read Bhai Vir Singh Ji's novel ,SUNDRI!

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Sat Sri Akal:

Have a read:

"On these foundations was raised a glorious spiritual and temporal edifice by Guru Gobind Singh who imparted his “stern Olympian air" to the followers of his, who are recognizable till today by their distinctive appearance and are distinguished by their ever present high spirits, particularly in a period of adversity and crisis. That is so because “His impress not only elevated and altered the constitution of their minds, but contrary to the experience of ethnological experts, it also operated materially and gave amplitude to their physical frames. They came to be regarded as models of physical beauty and stateliness of manner. A tremendous change was affected in the whole tone of their national character. Even those people who had been considered as dregs of humanity were changed, as if by magic, into something rich and strange. The sweepers, barbers and confectioners, who had never so much as touched the sword, and whose whole generation had lived as groveling slaves of the so-called higher classes, became under the stimulating leadership of Guru Gobind Singh, doughty warriors who conquered fear, and who were ready to rush into the jaws of death at the bidding of their Guru."

A Short History of the Sikhs, op. cit., pp. 71-72.

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

How does amrit have power though? Ok can someone tell me what is the purpose of amrit wasn't something about creating the Sikh identity, I think religion has pwoer, has the power to change us but amrit isn't religion therefore well my opinion I think it doesn't have power, I don't know... but I want more views hehehe blush.gif

If I said anything wrong sooooorry I really am from the bottom of my teeny tiny heart!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

I dont under stand why people have queries about amrit. to take amrit is a blessing from Waheguru he takes amrit becomes one with Waheguru. Keep the SOUL CLEAR and be at one with Waheguru. If u dont understand this try amrit u found what i am talking about :nihungsmile:

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

to dhar( take) a guru u must do something

chrisitains bath the kid in holy water and recite their hyms

musalmanas circuimsise their kids( bhagat kabeeer je mentions this if funny because if thas how one becomes muslim, wat bout a women who is mans other half?)

hindus, some, do janeoo, some do some some stuff where u go ganja, put tilak on by pandit ,etc.

from guru nanak dev jes onwards to guru teghbahadur je sahib the gurus gave charan pahul, washing their feet and then the sikhs drinking that water, and they use to give that

then they wud give mool mantar and gurmantar tot here sikhs

thus they became real sikhs of guru je

guru gobiind singh je changed it to KHANDA da amrit

making us saint and soldier in one

then guru je says instead of charanm pahul u will drink this

so pretty much its to take guru nanak dev je as ure guru

and amrit has amazing powers, IF, perpared with proper sharda and pyaa and maryada, and then the drinker also shud have prem in his mind

when i took amrit it was amazing

nothing like amrit in the world


bhula chuka maf

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

bhula chuka maf

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one gurmukh piyara explained the concept of amrit to us sangata once

he said....

Amrit is like a khameer da jeevan....here he was using the example of making yogurt....everyone knows or has seen their moms or aunties make yogurt...you boil the milke and then add a little bit of yogurt to the mixture then let it sit in roomish temperature for a couple of hours...and low and behold all the milk turns into yogurt....

like wise...

amrit is naaamd di dat for us....during amrit sanchar..this amrit is put in our mouths, put in our eyes, and sprinkled on our heads....and we are given naam....gurmantar...this amrit we are given is but a small but very important ingrediant for us....BUT after taking amrit, we must cultivate this amrit...how?...first we follow the rehit given to us by panj piyaraay...we do simran, paat, seva, and sangat.....and by doing a lot of bhagti...this small amount of amrit that is put into our bodies slowly transforms the rest of our body until our whole existance becomes amrit...our eyes shine with the glory of amrit, our voice speaks with sweetness of amrit, our actions are the gracelfull like amrit....and our buddhi is awakened and shaarp like the khanda that is used to prepare the amrit....that is the power of amrit....

in summary...most of the power of amrit is shown and revealed for most of us much after the actually ceremony...as we do our simran more and more....but just as the milk can sit at room temperature for hours and hours and never turn to yogurt...so to is the case with us...we NEED that initail dose of amrit from our guru in the form of panj piyaraay...

again...this is how one gurmukh piyaraay explained it...i'm sure othe

rs have different ways of explaining it....

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