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indian govt. return historical manuscripts to sgpc

Guest GuestSingh

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Guest GuestSingh


indian govt. wanted (n still want) to wipe sikhi off the face of the earth - they murdered, raped n tortured innocent sikhs...so why preserve something priceless to sikhs wen they cudve been burnt to break our faith, spirit n psyche even further?

maybe theyve been altered wiv hindu ideology to confuse n weaken us even further yet appear 'noble' to the world?

or is it to 'soften' in some way our demand for khalistan ahead of the referendum nxt yr?

how many of the sgpc folk have been paid off n all in it togetha? how big r bribes these days?

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Facts we know

1. Ghandi family known for anti-sikh attitudes

2. Sonia Ghandi has a thriving business looting ancient indian artefacts and selling them abroad

3 that family has spent over two hundred years scheming to get the upperhand on sikhs

4 they had motive opprtunity and method of extracting maximum wealth and history out of sikh's spiritual heart

Why would anyone believe they would destroy what they could profit from, they knowthat would be the quickest way to deflate sikhis background golden history and its proof?I believe that there is a stockpile which had beenlisted by gursikhs when it was taken and stored nearby to Darbar Sahib which should be circulated  and crossreferenced against and all art sales and auctionsprivate and public worldwide of indian artefacts. The sellersshould be arrested for selling stolen goods and profiteering from genocide under international law.

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I smell <banned word filter activated>. Till a few months back they were asking army to return our relics, now they got sgpc to admit that the relics were returned. 

Words spoken through sgpc mouth to fool sikhs and keep the world quiet .

As usual they use sikhs against sikhs 

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3 hours ago, AjeetSingh2019 said:

I smell <banned word filter activated>. Till a few months back they were asking army to return our relics, now they got sgpc to admit that the relics were returned. 

So I would like the SGPC to produce those manuscripts. Where are they?

Did they sell them off surreptitiously?

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I remember something appearing on the market that was supposed to have been from the library a few years back. Can't remember much about it though.


As for what has been returned (as per claims), hasn't the SGPC learnt its lessons yet and digitised them and made people aware of what we have?


Why do these people sit on these things and not inform the panth of what we have? I know the average illiterate/semi-illiterate apna wouldn't be interested but lots of us would, including (if not especially) in the diaspora. 

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we need a digital database with full pictures of the original saroops alongside a typed version of each aang.That might be a solution to remove suspicion of editing,and modification.It should be available to all online on a database and form a library. 

It would be a huge benefit to the panth if the sgpc would work for the panth.We can make our panth a force to be reckoned with on an international scale,and make Sikhi flourish.Most people don't know about Sikhi and denounce religion for reasons like not matching with science but Sikhi does,and people don't know.I think it needs to be restructured in a more dictatorship like structure where you have one appointed jathedar who has full control and no elections or democracy to elect people.The jathedar should be a brahamgyani,someone the panth will stand behind. Of course, the challenge is finding such a leader,maybe maharaj will/has sent someone.  

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Nah, we need worldwide ban on selling gurbani just as Guru Nanak Dev ji said, we already have arey garey printing saroops and gutke which are then given to outfits which do beadbhi . I agree with the steps taken by satkar committee here in Uk that we have more than enough  saroops  so just rehouse according to need after ensuring there is satkar.

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Each saroop should be checked if any changes were made by the government.   If so then any saroop that has been changed should be labelled and kept away from the public because we have gullible people who would follow the changes made by the Indian government as gospel.  We already have Sikhs on this forum who take an artist imagination as gospel of how gurSikhs looked and wore.  

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11 minutes ago, Akalifauj said:

Each saroop should be checked if any changes were made by the government.   If so then any saroop that has been changed should be labelled and kept away from the public because we have gullible people who would follow the changes made by the Indian government as gospel.  We already have Sikhs on this forum who take an artist imagination as gospel of how gurSikhs looked and wore.  

What happens if they all have some question mark? Then we have them back but we can never use them in the way they were intended?

I think that the first priority is tracing the saroop that was recently sold which has Guru Gobind Singh ji's signature which sold for 10Crode rupees recently and it must be returned to a safe place like where? Sgpc runs most gurudwarey

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    • Umm, so you're upset that this jatha did Chaupai the same way it's being done at Harimandar Sahib for 100 years? Shouldn't you be upset at the manager of Darbar Sahib? I'm not saying that Sikhs who are aware of certain issues shouldn't do the longer Chaupai, but there are only so many battles you can fight. Instead of calling some jatha traitors because they're doing the (for better or worse) "standard" Chauapai published by the SGPC, it would be better to change things from the central point. You can't fault the average Sikh for picking up the average Gutka and doing paath.
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