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Protest at Birmingham Repertory – Behzti

Guest Jahan

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From emails:


13 December 2004



Councillor Sir Albert Bore, Labour Group leader at Birmingham City Council,

has raised his concerns over the Birmingham Rep's production of Behzti


The play explores issues of sexual abuse, manipulation and relationships in the

setting of a Sikh Gurdwara.

Cllr Bore said, "I join with the Birmingham Faith leaders, from all faiths within

the city in regretting the performance of a play depicting sexual abuse and

murder, using Sikh scripture and phrases in a way likely to cause ridicule of the

sacred symbols of the Sikh faith.

"The Birmingham Rep should have understood that this play, in the setting of a "

Sikh Gurdwara, would cause offence to the Sikh community and to all people

who respect religious beliefs.

..It would have been more respectful to the Sikh religion for the play to be set in,

for example, a Community Centre, rather than a plac:e of worship (Gurdwara}."

He added, "Given the cultural diversity of Birmingham. the Birmingham Rep

should not be hiding behind the cloak of fIction and the imagination of the

playwright. Freedom of artistic expression is a right that we should a" enjoy, but

that right can only be maintained if we have proper regard for the sensitivities of

all our citizens.w


Contact: Labour Group Office 0121 3033140, fax 3032787

Email: labour

_Secretariat@birmingham.gov- uk

Fateh Da Jwaab... Fateh Vich Dena..... Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!! Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!!

Sikh Federation (UK) Birmingham Branch (Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick), Young Sikhs (Birmingham), National Council of Sikh Gurdwara and many other Sikh organisations are involved in organising a Protest at Birmingham Repertory theatre of the showing of a Behzti (dishonor) which makes mockery of Sikhism.

It will be on Wednesday 15th Decmeber 2004, 5pm 9pm outside the theatre but a meeting will be held in advance by Sikh Federation (UK) Birmingham @ Guru Nanak Gurdwara Smethwick.

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'Comedy' Causes Uproar in Sikh Community

UK, Birmingham Council leaders have issued a public statement of concern following claims that a play at the Birmingham Repertory Theatre is disrespectful to the Sikh faith.

But the local authority, which subsidises the Rep, says it is powerless to force changes to Behzti (Dishonoured), which had its world premiere in Birmingham and runs until the end of December.

Mike Whitby, council leader, said he sympathised with criticism about the play which depicts an outing by a mother and daughter to a Gurdwara. He has written to community leaders about the "distress" caused.

Coun Whitby (Con Harborne) said: "As a practising Christian, I understand how the portrayal of religious issues or a reference to faith in art or drama can cause offence.

"We should all remember that one of Birmingham's strengths is its cultural diversity and its appreciation of many faiths. I would hope that arts organisations in this city would take into account the sensitivities of all our citizens when they plan their productions."

Written by Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti, Behzti is described by the theatre as a "black comedy".

The Rep's website says Behzti focuses on Min, who joy-fully spends her life caring for her sick, foul-mouthed mother, Balbir.

>Describing the action, it adds: "With Elvis the home help in tow, mother and daughter head to the local Sikh Temple. When Balbir encounters old friends, a past trauma rears its ugly head. Min and Balbir's illusions are about to be shattered as they become cruelly immersed in a world of desperate aspiration and dangerous deals.

"In a community where public honour is paramount, is there any room for the truth?"

Sikh leaders wanted the action changed from a Gurdwara to a community hall, but discussions with the Rep and the playwright failed.

John Hemming, deputy council leader, admitted that nothing could be done to stop the play.

Coun Hemming (Lib Dem South Yardley) added: "This production does not represent the views of the people of Birmingham as to what normally happens in a Gurdwara, but the Birmingham Rep has the lawful right to produce this play. It is a work of fiction that sadly causes offence to the Sikh community."

However, Alan Rudge, one of two council representatives on the Rep management board, said discussions resulted in a "fairer presentation" of the play to take into account some of the issues raised by the Sikh community.

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Firstly im annoyed, wrote this message and my stupid pc crashes!!

Secondly, admin do something to bring all the diff threads together will u, its getting beyond a joke.

Thirdly, as singhs have mentioned, will people pls stop diverting our attention, our focus needs to be the play, not any groups, that if u wish to discuss or debate can come after. We need to work together at the moment. And of all the people going on about different groups, they all full of crap, NOT ONE group has turned up in force, not soho rd, not akj not sikh federation, nobody. The only group who has is the SIKH YOUTH, the same guys and girls who turn up event after event, protest after protest demo after demo. The same faces with a few new lads which is always good to see, where were the older guys!? They running the gurdwara! but still we need to be there, so stop ur bickering for a second pls!!

Next, just wish to bring up the hypocrisy of some people on this forum, when some singhs in the usa or canada got roughed up by the police, everyone got their kashere in a twist and wanted to take action etc etc!! But when the UK singhs get arrested for standing up for their beliefs, you all wanna say it was their fault!! Bunch of hypocrites!!!

What do you people mean when you put the words peaceful protest in inverted commas!?? Let me ask you..,. were you there.... no let me ask you... do you even live in this country!?!? If not how the heck can u say if they are peaceful or not!!??

Does the police only arrest criminals or trouble makers... no!!!! They abuse their powers here like they do in any other country

3;! They arrest people just because they want to make a point or to scare other people off!!! And what do they say in their reports... he was aggressive and a threat blah blah blah, have u seen the way some people talk to the cops on the streets, f'in and blinding in their faces.. yet they dnt seem to arrest them!!

Yet if some singhs say that we will not move from this place, we are conducting a peaceful protest, we will not allow you to bully us, we will not be swayed or fold under your force... then they must be criminals!! I thought sikhi admired people who are willing to go to prison but dnt give up their truth and fight for justice!!! Seems not in this case!!

All of you guys talking like you know what happens are full of it!

You all go on accusing the students of niddar of this and that (i do myself, you know i dnt like the guy at alllll) but guess what.... they were there.. and u big mouths werent!!!

When it counted they stood by us, while our panthic brothers and sisters cut our feet from under us!!

Want to hear something refreshing.. one young lad started saying something about the other students, around 4 or 5 other young singhs told him to keep quiet as today when we stand together for this one cause we forget our differences and work together united as brothers. Tomorrow we can carry on with whatever, but today we work together.

There were nihangs and even namdhari's there... were our panthic sevadars there?!?!

And hey MR JAPMANS, i guess your right, but you should have added mughals and afghans to your list as well. Its a shame you werent around to tell Guru Gobind Singh Ji that he shouldnt have thought aganst them either, since he was only meant to fight against kaam krodh lobh moh hankar etc etc. Poor guru ji, he got it all wrong too... good job you know ennit jappy!!

Even if we fail to get the play stopped, we are going to go down fighting, letting people know th

at we will not let them ridicule us.

Even one of my managers at work said that he was suprised at how heavy handed the cops were being, he said he saw wen he walked past around 20 cops surrounding just 2 or 3 sikhs. He said he was intrested in wat the sikhs had to say but that the police seemed to be aggravating things. He then said that he agrees with us, but said that the REP and others would never have insulted the muslims in this way.. cus they know wat would happen....

So its ok to insult the sikhs because we are pushovers.. but the muslims... nooooo dnt even mention their names in public! What does that make us?

Im sure the singhs facing criminal charges for standing up for the honour of our gurdwara's will be pleased to hear the support they have from our global sikh community!!

Anyway enough, you aint gonna help so im not going to waste time with you, we have thousands of young sikhs in the uk who are happy attending rehnsbhai's and keertan darbars with their funky dumalleh and korteh punjanme, but ask them to stand by you for 4 hours in the freezing cold and let the people know wat sikhi is about, they dnt wanna know! Well good luck to you guys, but BIG respect to the singhs and kaurs for every time they put their necks on the line for sikhi! Its a different thing being recorded on police cameras to being recorded on rehnsbahi keertan programmes!!


Placards etc should be there, but bring ur own too if u can, but remember be sensible, despite what some of our brothers and sisters think we are there cus of the play and to stand up for our right, not to cause riots.

See you there guys!! We will be pushovers no more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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clearly alotta that was towards me, so lemme respond.... and i know i probably didn't make it entirely clear...

i DO NOT agree with the contents of the play.

I DO NOT agree with the actions of the playwright

at the SAME TIME, there are NUMEROUS ways to apprach this issue than simply letting our anger get the better of our senses.....

Instead of just telling her to just change the setting of the play, maybe we should have lobbied to postpone the showing of the play. allow more time to talk to the playwright.... and i know i wasn't there, but i'm afraid that when singhji's went up to talk to Ms Bhatty, it wasn't politely, and probably condescending.. i say that mainly because i can expect that from people who don't take insult to Guruji lightly, and that's commendable. If that was the reaction, to talk condescendingly to her to force her to change the setting, then i don't blame her for not wanting to change the setting.

That being said, if utmost graciousness and compassion was used to persuade her, and she STILL did not, then that's an entirely different story, since love changes more minds than anger ever will.

As per "Guru Gobind Singh Ji got it all wrong", you know that's entirely not what i said, or meant, and you're throwing words to distort my post. Guruji never fought, he DEFENDED... the act of fighting, to me, is similar to the act of instigating. Guruji never fought against people, he defended against them. He didn't defend against them for their beliefs or faith, he defended the race of humanity because the acts being committed were cruelt.. He defended against people who fostered cruelty, no

t just any random amount of people.

Despite what you may think, not ALL afghans were oppressive little punks... not ALL those who identified with the Mughals were heartless Bas-----... we've seen that in itihaas when opponesnts joined forces with Guruji to defend alongside him.

Guruji defended humanity.. most people will say he FOUGHT for humanity, but as long as we both understand the context of that word, then we can agree on that.

back to the issue of the play, though:

you're correct, i wasn't there, and i do NOT live in the same country.... the Singhs in Canada were actually attacked by the cops.... they were doing nothing at all..they were at a friends house and they were approached and confronted by police...there's a difference between that and causing a disruptance in a public area in evening hours. Again, someone will hafta correct me, cuz i may be wrong about this, and i do not have knowledge of if actual permits were obtained to hold the protest... because if there were permits, the cops would have ALREADY been there to monitor the protest, and would have made arrests right there and then, not the following day.

You're correct, we do hafta work together on this issue, and i'm truly sorry if you got the impression that i am against the cause of fixing this issue. This isn't a joke, i'm fully aware of that. so please do not think otherwise.

Did anyone go inside and watch the play? see, there's two things to this... if, in fact, it was inevitable that the play was going to be shown, then the effort has to be made to maybe insist to the owners of the building to ensure that there are significant and visible disclaimers about the play. Secondly, even if it's been shown once, that doesn't mean it's over...

i know there's another protest tomorrow evening. I just hope that all these protests are being run legally... i understand that it's our duty to protect guruji, but remember that the public eye is

also a big factor in this.... you can't prevent people from entering the building, that's not your right, (again, unless it's been arranged that this will be going on...that however goes against the idea of "peaceful protest")

singhji, i could go on and on, but i'm trying to convey a message that, if singhs are getting arrested simply for protesting, then, even with power hungry cops, something isn't being done right.... especially in a place like UK where sikhs are so visible... I know we have a duty here, but we're delaing with the laws of the land as well... Singhs are no good if they're in police stations and unable to contribute to the defence against this attack.

my reply was in the other thread by stopsingh, and his entire post was laced with sarcasm, that's what i don't get..... it was like he was trying to poke humour at the issue by "making his own play".... it's just out to defame Bhatty, and that shouldn't be our goal... we're trying to stop her play from being shown, not stop her from becoming a successful playwright. Let God take care of her future...

Again, i'm not saying bhatty's actions were right, but we can not let our anger cloudy our actions, because that will eventually jus make us look dumb.... the public eye is important because then we, as guruji's sikhs, look dumb, making Guruji look dumb...

Look just be careful... i know my words have little bearing coming from across an ocean... i'm concerned at how this is unfolding, because it kinda seems like it's making us look worse, rather than better. The last thing that's needed is a negative image of Sikhi in the UK.... I know it's hard to digest, but we do hafta keep an eye on the laws of the land on this one.. this is a big dela for us as sikhs, this play has to be stopped, i get that, but it can't be done that just gives negative impressions. I know the answer is gonna be "well, sorry japmans, some of us care a little bit more about

the besti by this play, than what other people think about us", and i understand that sentiment too, but it doesn't help the cause in this case..

i'll stop blurbing now, and i can understand that my views aren't entirely welcomed on this issue so i wont repsond any further, either.

p.s, it was japmans, i think you were mistaken when you wrote "japppy"

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I understand what your saying, and i assure you no members of the public are being threatened or harrassed or anything, and the police are there way before any of us turn up! We not doing this to fight against the police, nor would anybody with any sense, its in the middle of the second biggest city in th UK.

Points taken, believe me people have considered everything you have said, but as usual the 'elder's' reserve some info for themselves, feeding us a little here and there, there is little confidence in them, so we have to make do with what information we gleam from all the appropriate sources.


Coaches from




have been arranged to come down to the protest tomorrow, the seats will go fast so if you want a place contact your local gurdwara or sevadars in your area, they may be able to get more if need be.

Dnt forget bring as many people as you can!

I apologise for any harsh words singhs, its just annoying to see that people from different communities are playing games with us, including our own elders.

And the singhs really didnt do anything, just heard that 3 were released on conditional bail, one is on a 3 year caution. One of the guys is a father of 2 little kids and been doing seva amongst the youth for the last 15 years, they aint the criminal type. Appropriate actions agaionst the police will be taken.

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