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An interesting fact or two I learned yesterday...

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I was speaking to a Sikh guy a few years younger than me who has a wife and two young kids. They'd undergone the Punjab > Italy > UK migration route that's proven to be very popular for the past years. They've been in the UK for a few years. The conversation started off as a discussion on house prices, then he starts grumbling about his wife always wanting to go into town on Saturdays and Sundays, meaning spending money for things they don't actually need in places like Primark, etc. 

I didn't realise Punjabi migrants were entitled to benefits when the husband is working full time. Apparently, the UK govt gives these families £600 per kid, which works out at £1200 per month for a family with two children. The wife gets some money per week but he didn't mention how much.

The hilarious / worrying thing is that these migrants also claim 500 euros per month from the Italians, which is why the women jump on an EasyJet or RyanAir flight with the kids every four weeks, and return to Italy to claim their cash, then return on a Monday evening. Now, these families are placing deposits on new-build homes because they have the money from benefits to do so.

I was shocked. I can't believe there's money being handed out like this for what? Having never got one penny from the govt even the many years I was out of action, I don't understand it, lol. When some white folk kick off about immigrants getting benefits and priority housing I use to think it was typical racism, but it's obviously not the case. £1200 for sitting on their ar5e, watching PTC, and wandering around a shopping centre. F*** that!

In terms of Corona, now the borders are being closed, the monthly Italian scam will come to an end, because they won't be able to visit Italy. 

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A lot of these recent migrants do take the p1ss. I knw this white lady whose friends with a somalian man, his wife was expecting and the white lady asked him how his wife is doing and he said shes flown off to some European country i think it was Sweden! im not sure, but anyway the white lady said why she flown off to there isnt she due to give birth anytime soon and the somali guy said that shes gone there to give birth because you get better benefits there! shes then gnna fly back to the uk after giving birth      its mad!

Theres a punjabi lady who lives down my road and who was a illegal immigrant and she went to india on a wheelchair pretending shes disabled and she got away with it! and in the process using her "disability" as an excuse shes managed to get her entire family to move over to this country!   you really cant make this sh1t up.      a lot of this advise is given to them by punjabi lawyers.

these people take the p1ss     ask those bachare who came over to this country in ships back in the 40s and 50s and worked hard in boiling hot places like foundries and what not, they are the ones who set the foundation for our generations and built the communities and made gurdware. in my area we have a few old bazurgs who were the first sikhs in this area   they came over in the 50s 

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Just now, MisterrSingh said:

If only these newcomers realised the game being played. Actually, if only our sianeh realised why they were being ushered from the colonies into these lands, I doubt anyone would've come over.

Mujhburi would have made some come. Looking at my grandparents example, from this vantage point, I can say: One didn't really have to come (hmmm....), in relative terms they weren't remotely in the desperate situation the other was (the latter, Baba ji, being the first to arrive here). 

It's the old Chinese astrological ox and rat analogy I guess?

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8 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

I was speaking to a Sikh guy a few years younger than me who has a wife and two young kids. They'd undergone the Punjab > Italy > UK migration route that's proven to be very popular for the past years. They've been in the UK for a few years. The conversation started off as a discussion on house prices, then he starts grumbling about his wife always wanting to go into town on Saturdays and Sundays, meaning spending money for things they don't actually need in places like Primark, etc. 

I didn't realise Punjabi migrants were entitled to benefits when the husband is working full time. Apparently, the UK govt gives these families £600 per kid, which works out at £1200 per month for a family with two children. The wife gets some money per week but he didn't mention how much.

The hilarious / worrying thing is that these migrants also claim 500 euros per month from the Italians, which is why the women jump on an EasyJet or RyanAir flight with the kids every four weeks, and return to Italy to claim their cash, then return on a Monday evening. Now, these families are placing deposits on new-build homes because they have the money from benefits to do so.

I was shocked. I can't believe there's money being handed out like this for what? Having never got one penny from the govt even the many years I was out of action, I don't understand it, lol. When some white folk kick off about immigrants getting benefits and priority housing I use to think it was typical racism, but it's obviously not the case. £1200 for sitting on their ar5e, watching PTC, and wandering around a shopping centre. F*** that!

In terms of Corona, now the borders are being closed, the monthly Italian scam will come to an end, because they won't be able to visit Italy. 

Could you just be jealous of these immigrants I wonder? Ie getting on the property ladder and they have a wife and kids, family. Have it all on the plate and doing well in life. While you still get no replies from the lonely hearts advert you've had for the last year and still can't get a mortgage. 

While new commmers have progressed further. 


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15 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

Mujhburi would have made some come. Looking at my grandparents example, from this vantage point, I can say: One didn't really have to come (hmmm....), in relative terms they weren't remotely in the desperate situation the other was (the latter, Baba ji, being the first to arrive here). 

It's the old Chinese astrological ox and rat analogy I guess?

i often wonder how many people who moved here actually needed to move here in the first place lol     with my dads side of the family i can see why his family sent him over, but looking at my mums family i really dont see why my nana/nani sent any of them abroad!  only a few years back my mama from america was even considering moving back to punjab after like 30 yrs of being abroad because he would of still lived a comfortable life back home, but by that time his kids were grown and they refused to move and his wife didn't want to either, too late lol   even if all 4 of my mums brothers were never sent abroad there still would of been plenty to go around for all 4 of them to live comfortably.  i just dont get why some families sent there sons/daughters off abroad. 

Waheguru ji does everything for a reason i guess.... 

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