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Are there any good books on what daily life was like under british rule in punjab and in sikh princely states?


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On 5/7/2020 at 1:03 PM, genie said:

Would be interesting to know how the british imperialist colonialists treated the natives of punjab and how sikh raja's of nabha,faridkot,jind, patiala, karputala treated their subjects from eye witness accounts.

The best ppl to know would be our elders. Someone did write a blog about how their father attempted to join one of the independence movements in college and how his whole life was destroyed.  Because at that time the British empire essentially ruled all of Asia. The father attended a secret meeting. It was busted.  He managed to get away but a list of names was leaked.  Was picked up by the police. Multiple times so parents shipped him out. But he had to work labor jobs his whole life because he Was banned from school and he could not attend any university anywhere as Britain owned and credentialed. 

Man it must have been so cool to live in those times.  There were so many movements going around.  Communism, independence.  Nazism , science was exploding, 

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On 1/30/2023 at 12:19 AM, californiasardar1 said:


The same Sikhs who are proud of the "Sikh regiment" and the Sikh "shaheeds" of the World Wars.

I don't see what's wrong with this.  Being a guard or a prison warden is a honorable job. You think natives couldn't be criminals? Even Hari singh nalwa had to hang multiple ppl daily in peshawar as a message to the native criminals. 

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12 minutes ago, Not2Cool2Argue said:

I don't see what's wrong with this.  Being a guard or a prison warden is a honorable job. You think natives couldn't be criminals? Even Hari singh nalwa had to hang multiple ppl daily in peshawar as a message to the native criminals. 

I don't know what mental acrobatics you've performed to link these things? Hari Singh Nalwa taming an adjacent region that historically attacked his own native land and indulged in wholesale murder and taking away humans as slaves, is a world away from some white colonialists, travelling thousands of miles away from their homeland, to nations who have never been any threat to them, and then attacking and subverting them doesn't equate.   

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19 minutes ago, Not2Cool2Argue said:

The best ppl to know would be our elders. Someone did write a blog about how their father attempted to join one of the independence movements in college and how his whole life was destroyed.  Because at that time the British empire essentially ruled all of Asia. The father attended a secret meeting. It was busted.  He managed to get away but a list of names was leaked.  Was picked up by the police. Multiple times so parents shipped him out. But he had to work labor jobs his whole life because he Was banned from school and he could not attend any university anywhere as Britain owned and credentialed. 

Man it must have been so cool to live in those times.  There were so many movements going around.  Communism, independence.  Nazism , science was exploding, 

So basically don't fight back because it might ruin your life chances. I'm glad not all apnay thought like this, or we'd just be known as outright docile slaves. A stereotype that exists amongst many western goray to this day. And I notice, it's people who come from family backgrounds that were subordinate to colonial rule, that are the ones who usually do this apologist thing. 

That's why their forefathers will never be admired and remembered like those that didn't. Maybe it's a man thing? Most noncowardly males would admire those who fought back, even if it cost them,  against those who bent over and took it.   I guess it's the difference between alphas and betas? 

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6 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

I don't know what mental acrobatics you've performed to link these things? Hari Singh Nalwa taming an adjacent region that historically attacked his own native land and indulged in wholesale murder and taking away humans as slaves, is a world away from some white colonialists, travelling thousands of miles away from their homeland, to nations who have never been any threat to them, and then attacking and subverting them doesn't equate.   

Ok. That was not a accurate comparison

 But again what is wrong with being a guard or prison warden or police officer? Also how are we different than these ancestors? We also work for the British govt now. And if some youngsters want to join the British army or police, there's nothing wrong with it. What's wrong foe supporting or giving or life for the society that supports you? I know ur gonna say that imperial war against the middle east and badly handled grooming cases by the police. But that does not mean all police officers were complicit or even guilty. It's not always easy to tackle real life problems like poverty and trafficking with limited resources. Also with politician scared of race relations and their votes. 

What is your opinion on bhai subheg singh and shahbaaz singh ? They worked for the mughal government. 

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13 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

So basically don't fight back because it might ruin your life chances. I'm glad not all apnay thought like this, or we'd just be known as outright docile slaves. A stereotype that exists amongst many western goray to this day. And I notice, it's people who come from family backgrounds that were subordinate to colonial rule, that are the ones who usually do this apologist thing. 

That's why their forefathers will never be admired and remembered like those that didn't. Maybe it's a man thing? Most noncowardly males would admire those who fought back, even if it cost them,  against those who bent over and took it.   I guess it's the difference between alphas and betas? 

Most of our ancestors with families were like this. During the misl periods it was mostly unmarried men running to the jungles. And most families were afraid that they sons would join in. Same during 1984, most panjabis are still so scared of khalistani Sikhs that they might entice their young ones.

I don't think it's an alpha, beta thing. If yiu have daughters and young children, would you really want to leave them fatherless. You've seen the haal of the Shaheed singhs children in 1984. A granthi singh told us that in a certain area of panjab, dastaar wearing women were considered to be characterless women. Because as they were wives of the akj babber khalsa, they would constantly be harassed and picked up by police. And they ended up doing anything to survive, to feed their families if you get my gist.ofc no one would want to help them for fear of being associated with khalistanis. 

Also a military person has noticed revolutions mostly happen when there is more single men in society. 

Or something really truly humiliating must have happened to increase hatred of invaders over fear and survival.  Or faith and bairaag is strong due to dharmic upbringing.

Also it's not easy to join a revolution. To avoid surveillance and find the rebels. The blog mentioned that her father was on the black list foe his whole life, could not apply to any govt job. Always under surveillance. Family land also usurped by govt. 


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47 minutes ago, Not2Cool2Argue said:

And if some youngsters want to join the British army or police, there's nothing wrong with it.

You must be insanely uninformed! Do you know what the UK police force is going through right now? Plus they only seem to retain docile conformists from our lot.


The amount of racists and perverts they are full of is alarming. If they get some, docile conformist apna in, they'd use the fool as a PR tool to try and hide their shyte, they've been doing that for decades.   As for the army, don't you peasants get enough of this?




Also how are we different than these ancestors? We also work for the British govt now.

There is a massive difference between us having to work for them now, after the Sikh Panjab has been robbed and subverted and isn't a place where others come to work now, but rather flee for a variety of reasons. That's the legacy of colonialism.  


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10 hours ago, Not2Cool2Argue said:

Most of our ancestors with families were like this. During the misl periods it was mostly unmarried men running to the jungles. And most families were afraid that they sons would join in. Same during 1984, most panjabis are still so scared of khalistani Sikhs that they might entice their young ones.


Yeah, and who do most apnay glorify today? The conformists or the nonconformists? 


I don't think it's an alpha, beta thing. If yiu have daughters and young children, would you really want to leave them fatherless. You've seen the haal of the Shaheed singhs children in 1984. A granthi singh told us that in a certain area of panjab, dastaar wearing women were considered to be characterless women. Because as they were wives of the akj babber khalsa, they would constantly be harassed and picked up by police. And they ended up doing anything to survive, to feed their families if you get my gist.ofc no one would want to help them for fear of being associated with khalistanis. 

I get what you're getting at in regards to the fear in relation to my own pind. But then certain sell-out machoday were wiping out families......but they got their own justice in the end. Plus what does this say about the cowardly state of the majority these days? Look at Rattan Singh Bhangu's story  (Mehtab Singh's grandson). Rattan Singh's father Rai Singh (as an infant), was attacked with swords by mogs, and rode over by horses and left for dead, as retaliation for Massa Rangher's execution.  It was a women from his village that saved him from amongst the dead bodies of his carers. You think she never took a risk? What about Mai Bhago? What about all the Sikh women who had their children chopped up into necklaces and didn't give up their dharam. 



Also a military person has noticed revolutions mostly happen when there is more single men in society. 

Or something really truly humiliating must have happened to increase hatred of invaders over fear and survival.  Or faith and bairaag is strong due to dharmic upbringing.


It was divine inspiration from our Gurus, especially dasmesh pita, have you read that Jagjit SIngh book I keep promoting? He articulates it well. No one can go through stuff like that without strong 'ideological' belief. Just being a single bloke doesn't make you capable of doing this stuff......


Also it's not easy to join a revolution. To avoid surveillance and find the rebels. The blog mentioned that her father was on the black list foe his whole life, could not apply to any govt job. Always under surveillance. Family land also usurped by govt. 

There's a few brothers going through this in the UK now too. I'm glad they never backed down, or most apneean would probably be groomed prostitutes now........

You're really full of excuses. 

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