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35 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

Who are we talking about? The gravel-voiced, slightly loud Singh who was a compatriot of Sant Jarnail Singh? Or someone else?

The fat guy dude. I only say this because all the other Taksali gianis I've met have been in good shape. One of the top guys is well into Ayurveda. I can't remember his name. 

Home - Giani Thakur Singh ji (Katha vachak) 

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23 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

You've got to be joking me, bro. This Singh is a top kathavachak for you?

You, the admitted expert about the gradual dumbing down of Sikhi to appeal to the lowest common denominator, defending this religious gentleman? I hope you're trolling me.

Who do you think is the dog's bollocks then? Go on, give us a laugh. 

To be honest, they are pretty much all insufferable to me, that's why I prefer reading. This guy just smashed it with his santhiya readings, I can't count how many other people have also learnt to read Gurbani from his recitals. That's got to be acknowledged. I did see him a few times at Goodmayes Gurdwara and he was better than most I've ever heard (which ain't many). I mean I stayed till the end for the first time. lol Moms used to watch Maskeen a lot, but as a young energetic person, I always found his style a bit boring and couldn't engage. Plus you know all these guys like to add their things in. And you should know by now, given the opportunity, I prefer trying to decipher the original puratan texts when I'm able to. 

It's like shastarsingh said on another thread, You can pick up important information within two minutes in a book that you have to listen to two hours katha for.... 

Katha not my thing, so I'm no expert about it. But seeing as it's mainly done for rurals, I don't have high expectations anyway. At least they aren't bhangra paa-ing like fudhoos I guess? Not until later in the evening anyway. 

PS - I think maybe because he is of a considerable girth, his vocal delivery is clear. Some others I have heard sound like they are mumbling somewhat which is off putting.  

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33 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

You, the admitted expert about the gradual dumbing down of Sikhi to appeal to the lowest common denominator, defending this religious gentleman? I hope you're trolling me.

Plus who said I was some 'admitted expert' about the dumbing down? There's no two ways about it, everything is dumbed down for pendus. Who can't see that? The only people who can't see it, are the dumb themselves. 

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2 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

You yourself were giving it large a few days ago about knowing more about Sikhi than the vast majority of Punjabi pendus. Yet when a parcharak comes along who is the quintessential caterer to all things Sikh and pendu, you reveal yourself as his biggest cheerleader! 

Majority of the recognised Sants and best Kathakaars (e.g. Damdami Taksal) definitely come from pind background. 'Pendus' are not all bad, and I think on the whole have done a lot more than urban Sikhs in that regard

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4 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

You yourself were giving it large a few days ago about knowing more about Sikhi than the vast majority of Punjabi pendus. Yet when a parcharak comes along who is the quintessential caterer to all things Sikh and pendu, you reveal yourself as his biggest cheerleader! 

It took you that long to come out with this??

I just said he was good compared to most I've seen. Not spoilt for choice are we?

Well, who is it that YOU think is great then? Let me know, I might be unaware of them. It might change my life! 

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