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Kids with Gursikh backgrounds becoming killers due to bullying, gangs, in canada


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34 minutes ago, Premi5 said:

Can you summarise in a few sentences what you mean exactly ?

These videos are a little 'slow'

They're getting into gangs and drugs, part out of enticement, and partly out of need for belonging, family, protection. Which our Faujs are supposed to do. 

Varinderpal Gill, I read about that shoot some time ago now. I remember he struck me as a full blown born psycho or a sociopath. I'm not sure any...racial...social..changes were going to save that boy. 

They say one percent are born Psychos. We'll that's one percent that identify. So what is it? Two percent? Three?

Sociopath is almost identical just made. It's Kalyug. So what percentage of the population do we turn into sociopaths?

That's gotta be more than psychos right? I mean..is ten percent out if the question? Let's say it is. Let's say five. 

Then you have your narcissists right...I mean that's more common than sociopath. All sociopaths are narcissits but not all narcissits are sociopaths..but shoot..more than five percent? Probably let's just say five. Then it's like half are half arent sociopaths. 

So..antisocial personality disorders compromise an estimate of well let's say at least twelve percent. 

Heck let's round down a bit. A solid one out of ten people have an antisocial personality disorder?

You send your kid to school. Hes in a class of thirty. He's sitting with three psychos or two and he is one. And he's lucky if one isn't the teacher. 

But back to brother Gill. Man. I think the nature of the streets found a psycho bro. 

Back to mental illness..start throwing in all the bipolars and borderlines that the antisocials made? Lol. All the ptsd?

Bro.. it's a mental asylum with no doctors this planet. We didnt even get to did and schizos etc. 

No wonder everyone has anxiety and depression lol. 

Naam is the Panacea. Ult1mate. 

Things like Aikido, Sedona Method, meditation help massively. They don't actually work fully without Naam, but still. Great for anybody. 

Things like diet, exercise etc help. 

Only western things that interest me these days are hypnosis and DBT therapy. Which is a more effective offshoot of CBT. 

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We need to have our youth training martially, and already ganged up..with us. Be training them, talking with them, having them do Seva, supporting them in education, making sure home is safe and they have Sangat instead of an empty house. They need to be our gang members, preparing for Anand Karaj from 13 to 18. And they need to protect each other. And we need to protect them. 

Have them making Kirtan that's musically cool to their peers. Let them throw smagams. Let them invite the other kids to see them train and eat langar and listen to new beats with timeless Gurbani sung over it. 

We are made to be more adult by 13 than we are by 30 in todays age. We need to give these young people more responsibility, younger. More respect younger. The gang will treat them like a real person, an adult if we don't. (Then we secretly watch them like kids until they're thirty. Lol. )

We need to give them jobs. 

We need to provide child care. So these young parents can be young parents. So they can still go to school even if they have babies, the right way or not. So in a few years even if they made the wrong choice they will have an education and be able to support their four year old. And give back to the Paanth. 

And if they're going to run off and hide and do things I'd steer them towards Sukha. Better that than alcohol, meth, afeem, pharma, coke, lsd, pcp. Garbage. 

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8 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

Sounds like mainly apne bro. Then the drug game. 

Makes you think. We talk of having our own country / state so we can excel as a collective and fulfil our potential, but even in a place where we're the dominant / numerous  minority, we still end up finding ways to f**k it up (and ourselves) and slip into the old stereotypical tropes.

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Just now, MisterrSingh said:

Makes you think. We talk of having our own country / state so we can excel as a collective and fulfil our potential, but even in a place where we're the dominant / numerous  minority, we still end up finding ways to f**k it up (and ourselves) and slip into the old stereotypical tropes.

Drug gangs do that everywhere. Whitey does that all over, heck empire is just stepped up version. Everyone deserves their own country and some time to recover from generational rape. 

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52 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

They're getting into gangs and drugs, part out of enticement, and partly out of need for belonging, family, protection. Which our Faujs are supposed to do. 

Varinderpal Gill, I read about that shoot some time ago now. I remember he struck me as a full blown born psycho or a sociopath. I'm not sure any...racial...social..changes were going to save that boy. 

They say one percent are born Psychos. We'll that's one percent that identify. So what is it? Two percent? Three?

Sociopath is almost identical just made. It's Kalyug. So what percentage of the population do we turn into sociopaths?

That's gotta be more than psychos right? I mean..is ten percent out if the question? Let's say it is. Let's say five. 

Then you have your narcissists right...I mean that's more common than sociopath. All sociopaths are narcissits but not all narcissits are sociopaths..but shoot..more than five percent? Probably let's just say five. Then it's like half are half arent sociopaths. 

So..antisocial personality disorders compromise an estimate of well let's say at least twelve percent. 

Heck let's round down a bit. A solid one out of ten people have an antisocial personality disorder?

You send your kid to school. Hes in a class of thirty. He's sitting with three psychos or two and he is one. And he's lucky if one isn't the teacher. 

But back to brother Gill. Man. I think the nature of the streets found a psycho bro. 

Back to mental illness..start throwing in all the bipolars and borderlines that the antisocials made? Lol. All the ptsd?

Bro.. it's a mental asylum with no doctors this planet. We didnt even get to did and schizos etc. 

No wonder everyone has anxiety and depression lol. 

Naam is the Panacea. Ult1mate. 

Things like Aikido, Sedona Method, meditation help massively. They don't actually work fully without Naam, but still. Great for anybody. 

Things like diet, exercise etc help. 

Only western things that interest me these days are hypnosis and DBT therapy. Which is a more effective offshoot of CBT. 

Anyway back to class real quick. There we all are. 30 perfect children of God right? I mean we never looked around and out of thirty said to ourselves okay one paycho, two sociopaths, four narcissists, one borderline, one bipolar, four anxiety, four depression. How many beaten? Demeaned at home? Raped?

But somehow we go through life, in rooms full of normal perfect people, not running into psychos? Not surrounded by sex abuse victims? Wrong. We were with them all the whole entire time. 

And when we're in Sangat? We're all perfect Sikhs right. No problems. No we're not. We're really hurt. Like eveybody else. And we need to wear our dirt and make designs with it and heal and grow and retaliate. 

We have a lot if prideful fake <banned word filter activated> to get over so our kids can be honest with us. Appearances don't mean <banned word filter activated>. Our kids do. 

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17 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

Drug gangs do that everywhere. Whitey does that all over, heck empire is just stepped up version. Everyone deserves their own country and some time to recover from generational rape. 

I just think bad eggs need smashing. I wouldn't entirely discount the trauma aspect of it, but some people aren't deserving of understanding. They just need to be put down for the benefit of everyone else. My tolerance for these people is non-existent.

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