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Isreal attacks -The changing face of the world


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20 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

Just a pointer for everyone here.

The majority of the Jewish population is Mizrahi.

That is they come from the middle east countries rather than Europe which is the Ashkenazi. 

They make up the bulk of the ultra right wing and have the middle east/arab mindset so they understand the muslim mentality. 

Yes the Mizrahi are the majority but Israel is run by the white European Ashkenazi, they've never had a Mizrahi Prime Minister, in fact all of their high achievers have been of Ashkenazi origin. The Mizrahi were thrown out of North African and Middle Eastern countries by the Arabs so yes they are very against them. 

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5 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

When survival is at stake, all the virtue signalling goes out of the window.

At that moment of time, living by higher values gets you slaughtered. For dharma to prevail adharmic things have to be done.

Do what needs to be done, ensure your survival and then you can self reflect in all the bad things you had to do, and feel shame. 

If you want to ensure that you want to live by higher values, you need to put the mechanisms in place like not having adharmi people and ideologies to take precedence in your society.


Well said, Banda Singh Bahadur went overboard in Sirhind but it had to be done and he reflected on it afterwards and agreed he went to far. I'm sure it was the same with Hari Singh Nalwa. To deal with aggressive people you have to be aggressive back, the Gandhi turn the other cheek mentality will just get you slaughtered. 

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26 minutes ago, ChardikalaUK said:

Well said, Banda Singh Bahadur went overboard in Sirhind but it had to be done and he reflected on it afterwards and agreed he went to far. I'm sure it was the same with Hari Singh Nalwa. To deal with aggressive people you have to be aggressive back, the Gandhi turn the other cheek mentality will just get you slaughtered. 

Gandhi was very peculiar as he walked around with the Bhagavad Gita in hand not taking into account what Krishna told Arjun to do in Mahabharat. 

Arjun like the rest of the Pandavas were very reluctant to kill their own cousins the Kauravas. He instructed Arjun to do his duty after showing his true form.

If Gandhi followed Krishna's philosophy he would never allow for Pakistan to be created. He would have done his duty and follow dharma even if it meant going to war to the muslims. 


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9 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

When survival is at stake, all the virtue signalling goes out of the window.

At that moment of time, living by higher values gets you slaughtered. For dharma to prevail adharmic things have to be done.

Do what needs to be done, ensure your survival and then you can self reflect in all the bad things you had to do, and feel shame. 

If you want to ensure that you want to live by higher values, you need to put the mechanisms in place like not having adharmi people and ideologies to take precedence in your society.



Refraining from killing innocent people and raping women is not "virtue signalling." What is the purpose of massacring innocent people who are taking a train to Pakistan? What threat do they pose? How is killing people who are already on their way out of country necessary to ensure your survival?

If you think it is okay to kill innocent people who pose no threat to you, then you don't believe in Sikhi. If you think it is okay to kill children or rape women under any circumstances, then you don't believe in Sikhi. It is not that complicated.

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39 minutes ago, californiasardar1 said:


Refraining from killing innocent people and raping women is not "virtue signalling." What is the purpose of massacring innocent people who are taking a train to Pakistan? What threat do they pose? How is killing people who are already on their way out of country necessary to ensure your survival?

If you think it is okay to kill innocent people who pose no threat to you, then you don't believe in Sikhi. If you think it is okay to kill children or rape women under any circumstances, then you don't believe in Sikhi. It is not that complicated.

You can refrain  from killing innocents, but unfortunately this is a war situation. 

Innocents are going to be killed. I do not agree with killing innocents, but this is the state of war, I don't like it either. 

However, people consider the innocents of their own side over the innocents of the other side.

It said that two wrongs don't make it right, but the situation/scenario people find themselves in is revenge.

That is just the way it is.

Everything you believe in, the higher ethics, morality goes out the window. 

If refugees coming from Western Punjab are telling people from Eastern Punjab what has been happening plus with a lot of muslims in East Punjab getting emboldened by what is going on as well the majority of police of Punjab being Muslim and tolerating the atrocities of Muslims on the non Muslims, what do you think will happen?

You got to remember places like Jalandhar were majority Muslim. Even the villages in some of the districts were majority Muslim.

The innocents of the otherside become fair game.

In general us Sikhs have far higher tolerance threshold than the other communities but when that tolerance breaks, our capacity for violence is far higher than Muslims or Hindus.

It is like a person who is not quick tempered but when they lose their temper, they really lose it.

It is really easy about holding the higher ground in hindsight but in midst of all this you are not going to be clear headed. 

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Well i feel for those innocent Palestine's ..collective punishment is unfair. Heart-breaking what you see.. used to be pro israel yrs ago lol but the right wing Jews mirror white supremacy and support india hate them. There are plenty Jews who want 2 side state and oppose the Israel Right wing gov.

Overall Idk i dont support neither Islamism nor Jews (they are no saints) used to admire Jews (credit how they achieved after holocaust Sikhs could learn) but the way they victimise themselves play holocaust card. Too much geopolitics.

Do own research.. i can see both sides. Overall okay how many Islamic countries vs Jews... Moses was born in Israel whereas Mohammed in Saudi. 

I can see the pain Palestine's but not agreeing to peace agreements yrs ago where they had majority land was big mistake. Leadership is bad not negotiating with Israel. There are plenty arabs living in israel and they have it better then they would elsewhere (good income freedom religion etc)

Ironic is called 'holy land' lol. Maybe Catholics should take control both live under. I can see why ppl would want to become athesist.

There are some Sikhs orgs who supporting 'Hamas' as kharkus and brining Sikh/Khalistan into it is ridiculous. Funny thing is there is more awareness from Punjabis 'Sikhs' on Palestine then there is Punjab. 

Those Harvard Sikh orgs shot themselves in the foot. 

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There are so many wars and conflicts throughout the world, this one is always highlighted too much for some reason. 

No one really talks about how these Arabs are slaughtering each other in Yemen. Arab on Arab violence is fine but the muslims get hysterical when the Israelis do the same. 

Arabs are violent people and have a habit of killing each other, Syria and Libya are examples. 


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