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Sikhs are sikhs


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Sat Sri Akal,

Since my time here, i have noticed a lot of posts and topics regarding differences between white, black, etc... and sikhs...

I want to remind you that there are many white sikhs out there... to distinguish sikh from "goreh" or "kalay" is not really appropriate... as sometimes they are also sikhs. Also, generalizations, stereotypes, prejustices are unfair on either side. Especially for those who are pure among the dirty. Anyway...

I found an interesting discussion you might want to visit...

Intolerance between for Western and Punjabi Sikhs

Lets please be the example, and embrace our brothers and sisters from around the globe. Make them feel welcome... and let the amazing Message of Sikhism, be known. It is not something that should be caged up and kept from other races - just because...


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Sat Sri Akal:

Yep...the youth would probably not have trouble accepting Western Sikhs, but the previous generation has some really bad tendencies (there are good people, do not get me wrong).

I recall one incident, in which Bhai Vikram Singh (I think the same one who did Kirtan in Harimandir Sahib) was invited to speak at the Gurudwara (like 14 years ago). He got on stage and began to speak, when one of the persons there said "Asi Koi Yogi Jogi Nu Nahi Mandae - We do not believe in any Jogi Yogi". Bhai Vikram Singh was not pleased and chewed him out right there. Later, that person apologized.

So that mentality does exist. But one thing also is that Western Sikhs, maybe because of this treatment, have become isolated communities by choice. VERY few come to Punjabi Sikh Gurudwaras, therefore, there is no interaction. Yeah, there is going to be some problems in the beginning. But guaranteed that if they stuck it out, they would be some of the most respected members of the community and Punjabi Sikhs would look up to them and become better Sikhs. Sealing yourself behind your own community is not going to make any progress and is harming both sets of Sikhs, as each has much to teach the other.

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I dont believe in any distinction.. only distinction there really is manmukh and gurmukh. also a person should not seek social, interaction and all that is fine. But usually i find the Gurudwaras more becoming socializing place, rather then to see the Guru and feel the presence.

Those who are converts should not get discouraged by the nature of punjabi sikhs, and also those who are punjabi sikhs, should welcome them not stare or wonder, be natural.

This just reminds when I came in Canada, people didnt stare at me or make me feel unwelcomed as i looked different. So why should punjabi sikhs do the opposite here?

I find that convert sikhs are more devoted then punjabi sikhs, this is because they are making this attempt by choice. So when the next time you see a convert sikh, know that it your duty to respect the devotees of Ikonkar. Ikonkar is the cause of them being there. Consider yourself lucky to have sangat with them.

I personally find that the sikhs of 3ho are more devoted then the normal punjabi sikhs i have met. jsut my thougths

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thanks for your responses. seems like its clear now... we dont need any more annoying posts talking about racial or cultural differences among panjabi sikhs, western sikhs, other cultures sikhs...

sikhs are sikhs. like Naam jap put it... there is only gurmukh and manmukh.


for those who persist on pointing out of difference that is not required... please know... im a member here on this forum - a white westerner, becoming sikh since 1 year ago... and there are others here too... who probably dont appreciate being labeled non-sikh because of colour or background.

thank you very much for the insightful responses already.


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Yasmin quick question for you,

Have you read the whole Quran?  And if you are Pakistani, can you read Arabic, as the Quran is in Arabic?

Just wondering.

I have read the Qur'an in english. I cannot read arabic (I was not brought up as your traditional born muslim might normally be), I was never taught to read it I am going to learn in the future though God-willing :)


thanks for your responses. seems like its clear now... we dont need any more annoying posts talking about racial or cultural differences among panjabi sikhs, western sikhs, other cultures sikhs...

sikhs are sikhs. like Naam jap put it... there is only gurmukh and manmukh.


for those who persist on pointing out of difference that is not required... please know... im a member here on this forum - a white westerner, becoming sikh since 1 year ago... and there are others here too... who probably dont appreciate being labeled non-sikh because of colour or background.

thank you very much for the insightful responses already.



I personally think Western Sikhs are <_< ( that means awesome! :doh: )

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Anyone who discriminates another Sikh brother or sister because of race, caste, ethnicity, nationality, jatha is not a Sikh and should be shunned by the community.

Bole So Nihaal

Sat Sri Akal !

One Panth One Love  :@


YES!!! <_< i lyk the way u say stuff str8 :doh: lol

newayz yeh i really respect western sikhs they much more devoted!! hope we have mroe n more. i wont mind amrrying a wetern singhni if i get 1.. :) coz den im suter she'll be more devoted than me n inspire me. n yes they look lyk angels in their dastaars <_< Hope we get the brains 2 accept these kidna stuff wich is "not the norm" pray.gif thats the bad thing abt society. if suming is agenst the norm it is rong. LYK CASTE SYSTEM ARGHHHHH :@

hope u see where im getin at...

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Thank you for your responses. Its good to know there are some open-minded sikhs in this forum. :) No need for labeling people goray or kalay, or blah. lets get away from that and just know Gurmukh and Manmukh...

You know - imagine someone who just found out about sikhism, they are interested in learning more, and interested in talking with a sikh youth community for help, information, support, etc. Then they come here, and they see posts like "Goray names suck", "A white or a black cant marry a sikh, and if they want to become sikh... i dont beleive them...", etc etc........ i dont think they will be encouraged to look much further for help here...

So, good to hear those who DO welcome others as their brothers and sisters. Like Jaap Sahib Ji says... God is beyond gender, race, religion, creed, costume, origin.......

take care*

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