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To All Those Who Think Guru Ji Is Akaal

Guest Lohgarh Singh

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interesting point raised by kumi. All god's servents become one with god. But guru ji is akaal because guru ji and waheguru are one. Satguru is a part of waheguru, so the guru must be waheguru. Guru hai govind.

And i heard that this is a mis interpretation but that actually means anyone who calls themselves god will fall into hell. If someone could verify this.

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Anidnu nwmu jphu gurisKhu hir krqw siqguru GrI vswey ] (308-5, gauVI, mÚ 4)

an-din naam japahu gursikhahu har kartaa satgur gharee vasaa-ay.

O GurSikhs, chant the Naam, the Name of the Lord, night and day; through the True Guru, the Creator Lord will come to dwell within the home of your inner being.

siqgur kI bwxI siq siq kir jwxhu gurisKhu hir krqw Awip muhhu kFwey ] (308-5, gauVI, mÚ 4)

satgur kee banee sat sat kar jaanhu gursikhahu har kartaa aap muhhu kadhaa-ay.

O GurSikhs, know that the Bani, the Word of the True Guru, is true, absolutely true. The Creator Lord Himself causes the Guru to chant it.

gurisKw ky muh aujly kry hir ipAwrw gur kw jYkwru sMswir sBqu krwey ] (308-6, gauVI, mÚ 4)

gursikhaa kay muh ujlay karay har pi-aaraa gur kaa jaikaar sansaar sabhat karaa-ay.

The Beloved Lord makes the faces of His GurSikhs radiant; He makes the whole world applaud and acclaim the Guru.

jnu nwnku hir kw dwsu hY hir dwsn kI hir pYj rKwey ]2] (308-7, gauVI, mÚ 4)

jan naanak har kaa daas hai har daasan kee har paij rakhaa-ay. ||2||

Servant Nanak is the slave of the Lord; the Lord Himself preserves the honor of His slave. ||2||

The Gurus were one jot sent here to spread dhur ki Baani. Baani is what sikhs worshipped from the beginning. Now do sikhs want to worship Baani or the messengers of baani? Baani was Guru starting with the first Nanak and Baani is guru now in SGGS. It has always been Baani. Baani Baani Baani.

Dhur ki Baani is our Guru, Baani is the essence of Akaal.

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ਜੋ ਹਮ ਕੋ ਪਰਮੇਸਰ ਉਚਰਿਹੈਂ ॥ ਤੇ ਸਭ ਨਰਕ ਕੁੰਡ ਮਹਿ ਪਰਿਹੈਂ ॥

जो हम को परमेसर उचरिहैं ॥ ते सभ नरक कुंड महि परिहैं ॥

Whosoever shall call me the Lord, shall fall into hell.

Sant Baba Isher Singh (Kalaran Wale) used to say, I shall call Guru Gobind Singh the lord and should I have to goto hell for saying it, then so be it. Even when I am in hell, I shall still say Guru Gobind Singh is the Lord and as a result even hell will be calmed. :doh: <_< :) :TH:

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well plz answer my question:

how do u ppl see sri ram chandar ji, krishen ji, mohamad sahib, jesus christ and all the messengers/Gods of other religions?

Do u beleive tht they were Gods who took "birth"? well guru nanaki dev ji told us so many times tht God DO NOT take birth.

Well also care to answer questions raised by guru ka soulga veer ji.

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well plz answer my question:

how do u ppl see sri ram chandar ji, krishen ji, mohamad sahib, jesus christ and all the messengers/Gods of other religions?

Do u beleive tht they were Gods who took "birth"? well guru nanaki dev ji told us so many times tht God DO NOT take birth.

Well also care to answer questions raised by guru ka soulga veer ji.


Both of the statements are true, its a paradox. The only difference is that when it is said that God does not take birth. It is implying that God does not take birth in his entirety, it means the impermanency of the flesh cannot represent God. it means God is not limited to the confinements of flesh and bones and its charactristics. It is like saying god is both Colorless, formless and yet he is hidden within all colors and forms. All colors and forms are his. He is one with his creation.

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We know that Guru Gobind Singh Ji is One with God. Guru Ji says so in Bachittar Natak. But Guru Sahib Ji had so much nimarta that they would never openly liked acknowledge that they were AkalSaroop, but they were.

Take the sakhi of Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji. When they were going through a village a MataJi grabbed the reigns of Guru Ji’s horse and pleaded for a son. Guru Ji said that it is written in your lakhe that you will have no children. Mata Ji said “You can change my lakhe, are you not Akal yourself?” To this Guru Ji only smiled. To have answered they would have to have agreed with the question (as the Guru cannot lie) but on the other hand they did not want to openly acknowledge this, so they just smiled and asked an attendant for some paper and quill. Guru Ji wrote a 1 but because Guru Ji’s horse shifted his stance the 1 became a 7 and Mata Ji did have seven sons. Now, who can do this other then AkalPurkh Himself?

As for Jesus, Mohommed etc, I regard them as good souls, but that is all.

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sounds like you guys believe in a catholic version of sikhi...our gurus said they were not God but you guys say they are. How come everyone goes to dasam granth for this stuff, what happened to quoting our eternal shabad guru SGGS? Gurbani is unaltered while these stories about Gurus are probbaly changed over time. Guru teg bahadur refused to do any magic for Aurangzeb becuase Guru sahib said that people use magic to cause fear in people and make people belive in them...according to all of you our gurus were some hard-core magicians...funny how in SGGs the Guru Sahibs speak in the first person and call themselves nanak Das meaning nanak the servant but you all are making the servant the master, just like christians have done.

I think the nirankaris have the definitionof God down better than some of the sikhs. they say that God is nirankar while we are heer saying our gurus were avtars and so forth...a western sikh is on this forum and she said she came to Sikhi because she didn't believe Jesus was God because he was born and died and now sikh are saying our Gurus were God who were born and died....Baani is eternal nd for Sikhs baani is our satguru and always has been.

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