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Repost Of Rajs's Statement

Guest grandcannon

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Guest grandcannon
To All,

I have great news that can set you on a path to know what truth is. Our very existence, our feelings, our desires, our emotions are as real, as God is real. They are not “maya” or illusion. We are not in some transitional abyss or living in figment of our imagination. We are real and living in a real world. God created us for a reason, and with feelings, desires, and emotions. We did not develop these sentiments through some cosmic mishap or grew them out of our own intelligence. We are not descendants of apes, not a freak accident of nature, and we are definitely not in a web of birth-death-rebirth cycle.

According to the Bible, God created man, from the dust of the ground, to rule over the earth, i.e., rest of the creation – birds, plants, animals, etc. We are human because God made us so and not due to good or bad karma. The very breath of life that we breathe is not an illusion, but God given breath. The people around you – your parents, brothers, sisters, the trees, the sky, the ocean, the birds and the animals are real, really! Our feelings of love, hate, anger, joy, etc. do have their place in life, God created us with these varying sentiments - they are not an illusion!

Our sins are not an illusion either but, transgression against God, who is Holy and without sin. For e.g., when we steal from someone, we sin, it is not an illusion. God’s grace can forgive our sins but cannot justify our sins. This is where Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, for the sins of the world, redeems us and puts us under God’s divine grace. God’s holy justice requires that sin must be dealt with, and for that purpose, Jesus accepted punishment on our behalf because he alone is without sin. A debtor, without any money, needs someone to pay his debts when due, in the like manner, our morality i.e., “good works,” account is bankrupt before Almighty God. We can never stand before God with a “righteous Me” attitude and expect God to embrace us for the “good” life we have lived. Reading or reciting “Bani”, “Kirtan”, etc. can never compensate for our sinful nature. We may as well take a dip in the Ganges, visit Mecca and stone the pillars representing devil; but remain sinful as ever.

The love of God, expressed through Jesus Christ, is the ultimate gift of eternal life. Gurus died and their bodies returned to dust just the like the rest of mankind. Jesus is the only resurrected one, who did rise from dead and his body did not see decay. Therefore, Jesus alone can unite us to God the Father because he came from God the Father and returned to Him to prepare a place for us, so that we can be where He is today – the King of kings, and the Lord of lords.

Rest assured, the world as we know it is on a downward spiral with clock ticking towards its nadir. God, in His unsurpassed wisdom and might, predicted this a long time ago and instigated a plan for the mankind – return of Jesus Christ – to claim back rightfully what is His, the children of God, redeemed by the blood of Christ.



Admin Note: Brother you are knocking on the wrong door. I am not gonna lock nor delete this post but i am going to allow this post so that others can reply to your post and you will see how much we love sikhi envelope  :e:

I am reposting this so that others can respond, we where running out of room on the arlier one. I hope that is alright.

Rajs, I believe I understand where you are coming from. I am new to the path of The Guru, and still have much more to learn. Before turning to Sikhism, I was a devoted christian my whole life. Now that I know the truth, I feel as though a curtain of untruth has been torn away from my eyes. Instead of arguing over whose miracles are more powerful, or who really was ressurected or not, let us compare the message of the two faiths. In 1 Corinthians 11:3, it says "Now I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God." In first 1 Timothy 2:11-12, it says “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.” Does God love Men more than Women. How is it that men are somehow intrinsically better than women? Why must they be silent. Look at the actions of the God that you believe in. He told the Israelites to systematically destroy all the nations that surrounded them so that they could dominate the area. Instead of trying to convert them to the truth and accept them with love, he killed, banished, and destroyed entire civilazations,. Where is your God's love? Look at your church. The Roman Catholic Church is the single most corrupt organization in the world. It claims ridiculous things that are in no way in line with the Bible. Even if you are not a Catholic, consider the effect of the corruption paganism and evil in the early christian church. Have you read Corinthians? Have you heard the evil in the Early Church? The composition of the Bible was decided by the Roman Emperor Constantine, one of the most disturbed individuals in history. He used the council of Nicea to create ridiculous doctrines such as The Dvinity of Jesus, The Holy Trinity, and the complete authority of the Catholic Church, all of which had not been part of Christianity until his rule. He simply murdered anyone who id not agree to his ridiculous beliefs. How can you look at these truth's, and still follow these sadly confused beliefs? Now, I do not say this out of hatred or scorn. I do this because I love you, as I love every other man. I want to bring you into the true happiness of God, so that you're life may be peaceful and joyful. Please think upon these things with logic and reason. In the hope of God, I bless you.


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The thing is, certain Sikh saints have had dialogue with Jesus (if this seems too unbelievable for you, please listen anyway).

The Jesus of the Bible is not the real Jesus. He was a saint of Vaheguru, but not the "Son of God" in the context the Church uses that phrase.

The spirituality, the true devotional worship of God, that is all but non-existant in the present Church. Instead, it got replaced with an easy formula, which the lazy masses quickly ate up, which was "just believe in Jesus and everything is super".

They (the Church), took the soul of true Christianity away and replaced it with synthetic, hollow, and at certain points false doctrine.

Not meant as an attack on Christianity.

I will leave you with one of my earlier posts..

Btw...I'm reading a book called "Say Kaneyhia" which is the life story of Baba Harnam Singh ji Rampur Khera wale.

(Baba ji gave arrest in Dharam Yudh Morcha at the age of 86)

Basically, one day Babaji got darshan of Jesus, Mohammed, and Bhrigu Rishi. All had radiating faces and light around their heads.This is what they said.

Mohammed: "You are a blessed and lucky person to whom the Great Guru Nanak Dev has shown the direct, easy and best method to attain God in this age (kalyug). But the followers of the Great Guru Nanak are not deriving the full benefit out of it."

Bhrigu Rishi (famous for the Bhrigu Granth which contains many prophecies): "In our times we had to undergo very ahrd and rigourous methods...the attainment of God was very difficult...the true Nectar of Nam which the Great Guru Nanak has brought, we could not get it..."

Jesus: (he uttered only these few words) "It is my inner desire that my followers should adopt the path shown by the Great Guru."


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If you're in BC, then PM me and I will try and get you a copy.

If you're from Ontario, you can buy one from the Sacha Sauda bookstore (for $5 only I think).

It's a fairly long book ( over 400 pages) full of events from Baba Harnam Singh ji's jeevan with lotsa lotsa gurbani quotes. Quite a few incidents are mentioned about bachan-bilas Babaji had with Guruji.

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The thing is, certain Sikh saints have had dialogue with Jesus (if this seems too unbelievable for you, please listen anyway).

The Jesus of the Bible is not the real Jesus. He was a saint of Vaheguru, but not the "Son of God"  in the context the Church uses that phrase.

The spirituality, the true devotional worship of God, that is all but non-existant in the present Church. Instead, it got replaced with an easy formula, which the lazy masses quickly ate up, which was "just believe in Jesus and everything is super".

They (the Church), took the soul of true Christianity away and replaced it with synthetic, hollow, and at certain points false doctrine.

Not meant as an attack on Christianity.

I will leave you with one of my earlier posts..

Btw...I'm reading a book called "Say Kaneyhia" which is the life story of Baba Harnam Singh ji Rampur Khera wale.

(Baba ji gave arrest in Dharam Yudh Morcha at the age of 86)

Basically, one day Babaji got darshan of Jesus, Mohammed, and Bhrigu Rishi. All had radiating faces and light around their heads.This is what they said.

Mohammed: "You are a blessed and lucky person to whom the Great Guru Nanak Dev has shown the direct, easy and best method to attain God in this age (kalyug). But the followers of the Great Guru Nanak are not deriving the full benefit out of it."

Bhrigu Rishi (famous for the Bhrigu Granth which contains many prophecies): "In our times we had to undergo very ahrd and rigourous methods...the attainment of God was very difficult...the true Nectar of Nam which the Great Guru Nanak has brought, we could not get it..."

Jesus: (he uttered only these few words) "It is my inner desire that my followers should adopt the path shown by the Great Guru."



ummm wasnt Jesus crucified thousands of years before Sikhi came into being?

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