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Islamic Website Response!

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I saw a website on the net which was run by a bunch of muslims who clearly were not followers of Islam as they chose to attack the Sikh Religion! Here is the response from him/her!

Have you heard of unsubstantiated claims?

We're not sure whether you've read our latest response to Saajan Sandhu, but he did what you are doing in this missive - claiming things without producing a shred of evidence.

We ask: How much more credible are your claims than the one who asserts that 'the moon is made out of cheese'?

Not very much since you both assert propositions devoid of any proofs.

Firstly, where in Islaam does it state that we take the Ka'bah as an idol as per the definition of idolatry?

When the Muslims prostrate, does that imply that we worship the ground we prostrate upon?

"How then do they judge?" (Qur'an)

The article "The Sleeping Book" has clear evidence that you Sikhs indeed treat your book like it is "alive" and the terms that you use during the ceremony including the descriptions of each stage is clear evidence of this.

Do you find the Muslims putting the Ka'bah to sleep and waving a whisk over it?

Of course not. However you do find the Hindus doing this to their idols.

Furthermore, the second leader of the Muslims 'Umar ibn al-Khattaab said in a famous narration known to those who do their research:

"I know that you are a only a stone, and had I not seen the Propheting kissing you, I would not have kissed you."

Hence, there is a difference between ritual acts devoid of idolatry and ritual acts tantamount to idolatry.

The Muslim observes the Ka'bah as nothing more than a useless stone which is also referred to as Qiblah, which means 'direction'. Hence, the ka'bah is merely a stone indicating the direction towards which Muslims have been ordered to turn to in unison as a display of true brotherhood and unity in worshipping the One.

Now, we have given the source references of the Sukhasan ceremony, and the source certainly is not Islamic, it is Sikhi.

If you believe your own brothers are incorrect in what they are doing (including an online video of the ceremony, and there are many more) then TELL US WHY THEY ARE WRONG; THUS, WHY IN TURN WE ARE WRONG, and by Allaah we will take down the article and apologise.

Moreover, we have an even greater claim than you Sikhs. You cannot claim that the SGGS are the explicit Words of God; they are the merely the words and ideas of many human beings penned down but attributed to God. However, our claim is that the Qur'an is the very speech of God, the uncreated speech of God, not the words of Muhammad (peace be upon him). No other religious book has this claim. Your claim is similar to the Jews and Christians who have a number of authors, some known and some unknown, that wrote in their own words, but claimed that they were being inspired of God. However, after all this, do you find the Muslims prostrating to a CREATED book? Strictly speaking, those Muslims who even kiss the book out of respect are committing a bid'ah (accursed innovation) which is a sin. This is how strict Islaam is when it comes to guarding against idol worship. This strictness is absent in Sikhism similar to many important aspects of life.

No doubt we treat the Qur'an with respect, but again, actions of devotion and respect and actions of idolatry are worlds apart.

It's easy to blow one's own trumpet.

As for the West, then the enemies of Islaam will always be there as they were in the beginning; should we therefore stop refuting and exposing the lies invented against God by the liars? Of course not.

We are only calling to the truth with proofs and evidences.

Refute them and defend your version of the truth if you are able and if you have true zeal for truth-living

Peace be upon those worship Him and know Him correctly

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yeah yeah, muslims know God and we don't. Christians are the same way. Just ignore them. For people who claim to know God they sure are irritable and arrogant. I have yet to meet a Muslim who says you worship what you want and I will do my thing. Nope, it's always my way or the highway. That attitude is gonna get them nowhere.

If people had just 1% knowledge of God this world would be like heaven. It is the people who claim to know God that we need to be weary of.

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They claim quran is word of God. If that is true then why is it that after many years of the death of muhammad the quran was finally complied after being written on leaves, bones, sticks and what not. I spoke to many muslims who were ignorant to these facts and when they realise this they say "yeah well quran was memorised word for word from memory" yeah and we all know how realiable word for word is. Maybe they never heard of chinese whispers and what happens when words are passed on. The end message being totally different from what the message was at the start.

So these muslims can gloat all they want and laugh at christians and amount of times bible has been modified but the truth is their quran is hardly the "word of God" but most probabaly the words of muhammad and his close followers adding their own spin to arab knowledge of the time.

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Brother i disagree with you:

"Say not that the Vedas and Muslim books are false. False is he, who reflects not on them." (Bhagat Kabir, Parbhati, pg. 1350)

I do think the Quran is from God... and there are many signs in there which no one can deny.... i.e. the splitting of the moon which has only been recently discovered in science (i think).

About the Quran... simulary to today people have memorised the Quran off by heart without any mistake... it only takes more or less about 4 years to do this... simulary thats how the Quran was memorised then at the time of the prophet Muhammed...

The Quran wasnt written by anybody... it was written by the third caliph of Islam (caliph means successor), check this out...



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Lol a lil corection... it was written first by The Prophet Muhammed into different pieces of wood etc.. Abu Bakar collected all of them and put it into one book... who gave it to the second caliph and then to his daughter and from this copy the third caliph made copied and spread it to the rest of the Islamic empire...

Lol i just looked up again thats why...



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LOL - What are you bowing to? His response? He's claiming the Guru Granth is worsipped and treated like an idol, although this may be the case in some Gurdwaras, it does not mean that this is the truth.

The Guru Granth Sahib ji is the word of God as states Guru Nanak Dv Ji!

The Kuran also is from God, but i think it's been distorted throughout history. Just as the Bible has been!

We need to re-educate the Sikhs that the Guru Grnath Sahib should not be given food and water etc etc because this is idol worshipping and is against SIKHI!!

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