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This Is Maha Beadhi Infront Of Maharaj Darbar.


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ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ohmy.gif

got a question what do SOME ppl have against the way AKJ do Kirtan??? grin.gif

AKJ that come 2 my local are WKD!!!! :)

I do not mind the way akj do keertan, I quite like some keertanis associated with akj i.e. Bhai Manpreet Singh, Manjeet Singh, Manmohan Singh etc.

However I do have a problem with people distorting Gurbani, we should read gurbani they way it is written, and our gurmantar is written 'Va-He-Gu-Ru' , saying or singing it any other way is beadbi (disrespect - distortion) of Gurbani. You must try to understand the significance of the sakhi where maharaj told a singh to hit another singh who was reading gurbani wrong. The Singh accidently made a mistake in pronunciation, is it therefore not wrong to delibretely mispronunciate Gurbani?

Heres another noise to add to the collection


"FRRR FRRR, FRRRR, FRRR FRRR, FRRRR" - half way through the video. It sounds like the old landline i used to have in my house in india many years ago. I dont think meditation and contemplation is about immitating the noises made by phone line, I just have a feeling that that is not what Sikhi is about. Oh but wait the Singh(s) doing it is on next level, I dont know, hes next level abhiyassi singh etc etc, is he so much abhiyaasi and so chardi kala that he has to right to break the limbs of our guru. Is his jeevan so great that he can distort the gurmant of Gur Nanak Dev Ji, Is he higher than Guru Nanak Dev Ji - i.e. does he know better than maharaj about how to pronounce to name of god?

Just to reinstate I am not against any jatha or the concept of saas giras simran, I am against the desrespect and pervertion of Gurmant and Gurbani.

ohh ok i get u thanks - so it comes down to that how u pronouce Gurbani - i get where you comin from that DDT story of pronoucing - Ang thing - it is annoyin when they sort of go 'werid' (scuse me dint know how 2 say it) hurts mi ears BUT at my local Singhs/Singhni'n do Kirtan WKD!!!!!!!

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i just showed my mum this video she was totally shocked she said she had never seen anything like it she said it looks like they have a boothe ghost in them. she wasn’t being disrespectful she was genuinely shocked she said its meant to be done quietly and peacefully should some one not speak to these guys and ask them what they are doing? why has no one spoken to them so far how long has this been going on this is terrible I mean other people see this what must they think

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Guest baba amarjeet singh

tht story about maharaaj hitting someone is not true as far as im concerned

the noise they are making is not necesarily manmat because as i said the gurmantar could going on internally, whilst what you are hearing is just noise.

tht mali singh video

i would warn you not to take the mick out of singhs like these.

go and meet them, and ask them all the questions you want

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Modern Sikhi: forgetting the past history ever existed by calling it anti-sikh without even trying to understand it in the first place. Tell everyone else that history is false, then rewrite history to make newer views more feasible. And this is the outcome.

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im glad some1 finally brought this into our discussion topics.

"fer fer fer br brrrr bruuuuua bruaaaa varo varioi varioo varroo!"

They have their own way to do things i guess.

But it is not the way guru ji taught us to do simran. some just go crazy off the rails...

Guru ji meant Gurbani to be pronounce correctly. i.e Vaheguru should be simply "vaheguru" , nothing more nothing less.

Guru Gobind singh ji maharaj created the damdami taksal for the very purpose of educating sikhs in gurbani (reading/writing). 1 of the main purposes for the creation of damdami taksal was to teach sikhs on the right pronounciation of gurbani because guru ji said himself that when people should learn the right pronounciation of bani when they recite it.

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ok not condoneing the recordings, and yes i agree with namastang on some point (as shocking as that sounds) that stuff should not happen, BUT what about the manmat activities guys in you orgs. do? but there is no pooint in that video as it just creates divides. and you seem to find kukay doing it ok but if thats ok why is not this? in my opinion this is bad but not as bad as the kukay, namastang why was u defending the kukay when they was doing their cr@p?

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I had stopped posting on sikh sangat, however it seems you are undermining damdami taksals history, too all the ppl who feel this sakhi is incorrect first answer this have you greater jeevans than sant baba gurbachan singh ji khalsa, sant kartaar singh ji khalsa, sant jarnail singh ji khalsa bhindranvale, sant baba thakur singh ji khalsa, sant baba harnam singh ji khalsa of RAMPUR KHERA, because all these brahm gyanis stated that this sakhi was correct and thats how taksal started. . . lets mention a few more, how about sant baba isher singh ji of rara sahib and nanaksaar, actually how about BHAI RANDHEER SINGH JEE, all of them had love for damdami taksal. . . and i can assure that they beleived that guru jee started the taksal, soo who are these apparent older gursikhs that reject this sakhi.??????????

Sorry i will not post again.

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