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This Is Maha Beadhi Infront Of Maharaj Darbar.


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People who says that it sounds like animals like dogs etc shuold read BHAGAT KABER JI'S BACHAN:


I am a dog at Your Court, Lord


I open my snout and bark before it.

In previous replies one veer has given very nice GURBANI TUKS like

ra(n)g hasehi ra(n)g rovehi chup bhee kar jaahi ||

In the Lord's Love, they laugh, and in the Lord's Love, they weep, and also keep silent.

paravaah naahee kisai kaeree baajh sachae naah ||

They do not care for anything else, except their True Husband Lord.

dhar vaatt oupar kharach ma(n)gaa jabai dhaee th khaahi ||

Sitting, waiting at the Lord's Door, they beg for food, and when He gives to them, they eat.

dheebaan eaeko kalam eaekaa hamaa thumhaa mael ||

There is only One Court of the Lord, and He has only one pen; there, you and I shall meet.

dhar leae laekhaa peerr shhuttai naanakaa jio thael ||2||

In the Court of the Lord, the accounts are examined; O Nanak, the sinners are crushed, like oil seeds in the press. ||2||

so its better if we stop discussing it now plzzzzzzzzzzzzz

and let it be on GURU MAHARAJ.

Hor kise bare ta nahi keh sakda per ena ta pata hi hai ke mere warge papi nu ta us sache darbar ch pees hi ditta javega like dat oil seed mentioned above in gurbani tuks

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Guest A Singh.

All I can honestly say if is someone believes it is not possible to have an "outburst" due to Ras or Bairaag then I feel sorry for them. There may be many people who do Pakhand especially in western countries but making fun of Gursikhs (especially in this particular case where those in question are respected by many people as being highly Naam Abhiyaasi individuals who others have had various spiritual experiences with) whilst they do Simran is a VERY dangerous game to play and it is certainly not something I would want to be accountable for.

Whether it is crying, Naamdhari dancing, AKJ screaming, or headbanging - I certainly wouldn't want to have to be accountable in this life and the next, should I make fun of an individual who is infact having a spiritual experience. Everyones spiritual path is different so whilst these experiences may not form a part of one persons journey, they may for others. If you cannot understand that, then you damage no one but yourself.

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Both sides have presented their points i think a neautral person can decide for themselves whether they think acts such as making animal noises in the presence of Maharaj is right or wrong and delibretely distorting the words of our Guru is correct.

I have stated most of my points why it is wrong and others have posted their justifcations - including an unreferenced highly mistranslated and misleading point from a very contraversial text.

This discussion has highlighted:

1. Most people are not willing to shift their views regardless of vast amount of evidence which stand against them. Any depths will be taken to justify their views. When those fail, they will try to frighten the individual from telling the truth by threatening him with punishment from God.

2. Tribal mindset dictates that individuals will defend others from their group, jatha etc. Their jatha is next level and everyonelse apparently doesnt have a jeevan.

3. Individuals will steep low to prevent to truth from being known (personal attacks, attacks on institutions, lieing, and even trying to make this post seems like it has disappreard.)

4. Most people and groups employ 'double standards', they will make the biggest noise in the world about 'beadbi' when others do it but will not acknowledge when they themselves are doing.

And many more....

...These points are not limited to this thread, this forum or the Sikh Religion - they are universal facts which people will begin to realise as they experience the reality of Life.

I have posted the link to a video of how to do simran and cited 'Bandagi Nama' by Raghbir Singh as an excellent book for an introduction to the spirtual aspect of sikhi - someting which exists mainly as a fantacisation with peoples minds. I also recommend the writings of Sant Baba Isher Singh Rare Vale, writings of Baba Nand Singh and other great mahapursh. Above all surrender before maharaj and ask them for guidance.

As some of you may have read on the 'Niddar Facts' section I know longer wish to post on this forum. So goodbye and God Bless all.

Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji, Siri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Chardi Kala Teer Bhanay Sarbat Da Bhalla.

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!

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YAWN.....what a waste of life.....ASK yourself some questions of BEFORE anyone replies to this thread.... under this topic!!

Have I done simran today?

Did I wake up for amrit wela as per Guru Sahibs hukam to do simran?

If so how long did I do, before I preach others on how to do it?

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vahigurujikakhalsa vahigurujikifateh

this thread has really hurt me, we have gone to the stage of saying our brothers make 'animal' sounds. At the end of the day unless you all have pukhe amrit vele, do six hours simran at amrit vela and have jeevans urselves, you are in no position to make fun out of these singhs. These singhs are doing naam simran, there intent is to japp naam and focus on mahraj, just becuase it might sound differnt to you lot, does not mean we can slander and make fun out of these singhs. I actually feel sorry for those who are slandering these gursikhs, its not going to do you any good. If you truly believe these gursikhs are doing beadbi, then in regards to the mali singh clip, i will give you there phone number, and you can phone them up and voice your concern. What is the point of talking about them on a youth phorum? Lets concentrate on japping naam ourselves first before we make fun out of people who are doing so, we are not at the level were we can judge others and comment on the way they do naam simran.

This is why simran clips such as these shouldnt be put on this phorum, as people who dont understand will judge, and make silly comments. So please admin remove these clips, and lets close the topic. Forgoodness sake, these people are your brothers!!! wake up, dont slander them, japp naam with them.

I am really sorry if i have offended anyone, but i really think we should stop critisicing people who are actually making the effort to japp naam, rather than people like me, who just sit on the computer and point fingers.

Vahigurujikakhalsa vahigurujikifateh!

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gauVI ]

gourree ||


inMdau inMdau mo kau logu inMdau ]

ni(n)dho ni(n)dho mo ko log ni(n)dho ||

Slander me, slander me - go ahead, people, and slander me.

inMdw jn kau KrI ipAwrI ]

ni(n)dhaa jan ko kharee piaaree ||

Slander is pleasing to the Lord's humble servant.

inMdw bwpu inMdw mhqwrI ]1] rhwau ]

ni(n)dhaa baap ni(n)dhaa mehathaaree ||1|| rehaao ||

Slander is my father, slander is my mother. ||1||Pause||

inMdw hoie q bYkuMiT jweIAY ]

ni(n)dhaa hoe th baiku(n)t(h) jaaeeai ||

If I am slandered, I go to heaven;

nwmu pdwrQu mnih bsweIAY ]

naam padhaarathh manehi basaaeeai ||

the wealth of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, abides within my mind.

irdY suD jau inMdw hoie ]

ridhai sudhh jo ni(n)dhaa hoe ||

If my heart is pure, and I am slandered,

hmry kpry inMdku Doie ]1]

hamarae kaparae ni(n)dhak dhhoe ||1||

then the slanderer washes my clothes. ||1||

inMdw krY su hmrw mIqu ]

ni(n)dhaa karai s hamaraa meeth ||

One who slanders me is my friend;

inMdk mwih hmwrw cIqu ]

ni(n)dhak maahi hamaaraa cheeth ||

the slanderer is in my thoughts.

inMdku so jo inMdw horY ]

ni(n)dhak so jo ni(n)dhaa horai ||

The slanderer is the one who prevents me from being slandered.

hmrw jIvnu inMdku lorY ]2]

hamaraa jeevan ni(n)dhak lorai ||2||

The slanderer wishes me long life. ||2||

inMdw hmrI pRym ipAwru ]

ni(n)dhaa hamaree praem piaar ||

I have love and affection for the slanderer.

inMdw hmrw krY auDwru ]

ni(n)dhaa hamaraa karai oudhhaar ||

Slander is my salvation.

jn kbIr kau inMdw swru ]

jan kabeer ko ni(n)dhaa saar ||

Slander is the best thing for servant Kabeer.

inMdku fUbw hm auqry pwir ]3]20]71]

ni(n)dhak ddoobaa ham outharae paar ||3||20||71||

The slanderer is drowned, while I am carried across. ||3||20||71||


OMG piyario what are you doing, let these people slander they have nothing else to do. Bhagat Kabir ji started to cry when his slander died, he said who will do his slander now. Piyario daas knows how you feel, but piyario keep on mind the guru all loves and gives respect to the people that wake up amritwela and jaap athi pehar naam. The ones that have some understanding of bani know what these feeling. So dont reply back why are you destroying the slanders of these gurmukhs.

waheguroo ji ka khalsa, waheguroo ji ki fateh

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Guest peacemaker

I now realize that we were set-up by people with agendas to talk bad about a certain group or jatha! We were duped! I won't fall for these tricks! NEVER AGAIN!

You ran away like thieves when things got HOT. All Lies! That video on youtube, the way it was posted to talk bad about those people, is BS! You read me! You're full of it! I'll save you whatever dignity you have left, and won't call you out by name, but you know who you are!

I hate this! I hope I just don't learn to hate you too for what you've done!

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Pwalla, you are 100% correct. But i am just telling sangat we should refrain from slandering our brothers, and instead we should stop wasting our time and do more important things. You yourself have started the blogspot, to make people aware about niddar. So you cant say its wrong to inform our brothers and sisters to stop wasting time belittling our brothers.

I have nothing more to say on the topic.

Please dont say anything else.

gurfateh jee

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