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Sikh Sisters Where Are You?

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All these problems going on to do with punjabi girls, with no or little knowledge of sikhism, who go off to college & university and being used, abused, dishonoured and blackmailed into converting. Yet I dont see our sisters in Sikhism not speaking out or doing anything about it... or am i wrong?

Wheres the efforts to make them aware of whats going on? we cant keep having this "live and let live" attitude or "its their problem not ours". Cos sooner or later your sister, your daughter or other female members of your family will be targetted and then you will realise what inaction ment. It is very easy to find potential "victims" with many girls on sites like http://www.hi5.com , http://www.ratedesi.com and http://www.myspace.com isnt it time you sisters set up an organistaion or something to help each other.



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Bro, I'm so glad you brought this up....

Needed to be said!

Remember the late 90s, so many Sikh guys getting banged up over this crap or getting into scraps. They tried to form crews and stuff and disseminate information about this crap. Some sisters, to their credit, did form some organisations, I remember SWAN (Sikh Womens Awareness Network) put some literature out then they disappeared.

Sisters, step up! Raise each others consciousness!

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yes lot can be done!

forgive me for the question im about to ask but what can one do when the other person doesn't wanna listen to what one has to say?

im not trying to end this topic but seriously what can one do? (ardas and live by an example? or is there more?) pray.gif

bhul chuk muaff karni

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!

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i woulld sugesst our elder veers and phenji's to go all out and educate the younger sisters.

Organise more camps, go all out and find out how many sikhs are staying in every state. Go and speak to the girls about the awareness.

Find out from schools and universities how many sikh girls are they...our phenji's should go all out to protect our younger sister....PLEASE DO THIS SEWA.

maybe have sikh helpline for girls....so that they can call and ask for help and then help them before it is too late. Maybe the parents should not be told at first...solve thier problems and educate them in sikhi way.

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I disagree that those website contain targets. about when a mulism ladys convert into sikhism. plus after 911 most people know what mulism ideas and thinking is based on. around the world what the percentage of women converting into isam or any other religions? let worry about what can the sikhs do to help the world out.

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I agree with what your saying!!! BUT when it comes down to it everyone's got their OWN man (mind) - we all stand our OWN ground, but its kinda hard to talk to bhenji's about getting in touch with boys they dont know about. SOME come out with comments like ' you dont know him like i do' :) - end of the day EVERY kuri has a choice - we all got a concious - we know when we about to do something wrong. What i dont get is WHY do apane bhenji's give out personal details over website like that hi5 etc thing...?? i remember that disease thread some paji posted on here about msn being a disease and he's right!!! stuff starts off from 'hey how u doin' - its ok to talk to paji's BUT not when kuri decide to take it to the next level and say 'yeh lets meet up at some hotel...'

Anyway am still a bachee myself (believe it or not lol) so i cant speak on other bhenji's - can only do Ardass that apane choose the right route! pray.gif

Like i said before - please no one take my opnion as offensive - am still learning myself :TH:


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We can't just isolate responsibility on to bibya as we all are accountable for collectively portraying Sikhi. To a certain extent we have to accept an individuals mind set based on their past karam and the reasons we end up in Chaurasi Lakh Joon.

chang-aa-ee-aa buri-aa-ee-aa vaachai Dharam hadoor.

Good deeds and bad deeds-the record is read out in the Presence of the Lord of Dharma.

karmee aapo aapnee kay nayrhai kay door.

According to their own actions, some are drawn closer, and some are driven farther away.

jinee naam Dhi-aa-i-aa ga-ay maskat ghaal.

Those who have meditated on the Naam, the Name of the Lord, and departed after having worked by the sweat of their brows

I think we need to be able to accept our own shortcomings and most of us do realise why our parchar is considered weak. We know it boils down to our personal Sikhi and therefore it is up to us to focus more on our relationship with Gurbani and strengthen our jeevans FIRST. Everything else will follow!! Without the Kirpa of Maharaj we will always struggle in combat within this specific battle!!

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yes lot can be done!

forgive me for the question im about to ask but what can one do when the other person doesn't wanna listen to what one has to say?

im not trying to end this topic but seriously what can one do? (ardas and live by an example? or is there more?) pray.gif

bhul chuk muaff karni

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!

If they dont listen even after you informed them of the consequences and shown them evidence of whats going on such as websites, news articles, stories of victims. Then its up to them at least your conscience is clear, at least your tried to help and inform your sister. You can't force people to follow your advice but what you can do is do your very best by informing them and raise awareness whats going on.

As for just one person doing something, then if you see something wrong you should try and stop it if you dont you become part of that wrong because you turned a blind eye to it. This goes to everyone, where ever you see this kind of behaviour going on its our duty to educate and inform these girls but if they ignore the advise then we leave it upto waheguru to deliver the outcome.

waheguru ji ka khalsa waheguru ji ki fateh!

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Gurfateh Ji!

There is a group that has been set up in the Midlands, for sikh sisters to come together, for debate, discussion, share knowledge, awareness raising etc called KAURAGEOUS.. see www.kaurageous.com

This issue of muslim conversions is being addressed as part of their International Womens Week THIS WEEK (5-9th march 2007), they have made a week long programme of events, the poster can be seen on their website, and is also a sticky in fun/global events section.

The talk will be delivered tomorrow (tuesday 6th march at 6pm, GNG smethwick, hall 1) called WAKE UP CALL.

Its going to be quite hard hitting from what ive heard, so the facilities and groups have been set up, its a matter of who can be bothered to find out the dangers we face as sikh women.

PLEASE FORWARD the message about the talk tomorrow and urge sisters to attend..


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