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a new trend (nah a good one) is rapidly increasing... abuse over PM... threats... cursing... bashing.. all'a dat is now becomin the norm... these are by so called "Guru's Sikhs"... this post is to encourage those who have experienced some sort of abuse to please come out and report to admin... earlier myself and jss veerji posted in regards to comments made by a certain member... smartsingh also posted as well..

i sure dat everybody postin the PM's dem recieve on threads wud'n be a smart idea.. so i guess da smart way to go would be straight to admin... n tink of it this way, if dat person verbally abused/threatened you, he/she probably did it to sum1 else as well..

i can't believe the state of minds that the so called "Sikh" youth are in today... i's absolutely dispicable and disgusting...

so once again... PLEASE contact admins/mods or whoever.. n get this over wit...

there should be absolutely NO tolerance for threads/verbal abuse on this site, whether it be in threads, or via PM.. members should immediately be banned, and in case of threats (as suggested by another member from another thread), members who wish to press charges should hvae info available to them in case they wanted to go to police..

threatenin is a HUGE thing... and i's absolutely disgusting dat we 'so called "Guru's Sikhs" would do dat ... especially to eachother...

the sad state of affairs of da Sikh Youth...

May God have Mercy on Us!!


Blessed Love!!

Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh!!

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this is what smartsingh veer ji received, he posted it in complaint section:

Pm # 1

ill forgive you this time but next time you call me an <banned word filter activated>

i will set your house on fire with all your family inside it, crying for help

and ill laugh and then we will see who is the <banned word filter activated> with you are trapped in your blazing house

ill see you ripped to pieces and teared apart by the blazing fire.

i tho...

Pm # 2

you think you know it all but you dont

You stupid dumb american

dont act smart with me before i get my revenge on that slight comment you made

i never said any think to you and you call me a <banned word filter activated>

you're dead watch!

stupid AKJ know it all grunting PIG

Pm # 3

Who the <admin-profanity filter activated> you calling a <banned word filter activated>?

called that Mona infidel Punjabi Link a <banned word filter activated> who was insulting Sikhi

yes you are

trying to act smart but watch your (deleted but should be added to the profanity filter as all it is is a popular four letter epithet with the letters in added) mouth calling me that when you have never met before.

Of course you are AKJ

Well, I think that about covers it. Oh, username would be satnam_waheguru. Kind of ironic really. Don't let it be said that smartsingh ever just takes death threats lying down...

i cannot beleive the agony and hate in the pm, i cannot beleive my eyes..i really wish to know what drives them to go to that level of hatred.. this is a classical example why sevadars of this site should have absolutely zero tolerance for this kinda threats.. these people who sent threats and death threats, sents intimiditation posts via pm should be banned from the site and if the user who is threaten wish to pursue their threats legally, sikhsangat should provide ip adress of these people with terrorist intent, its about time users of forum are forced to take responsiblity of their actions, ownership of their action, only way to do that is strict reinforcing policy 1. ban 2: sharing ip adress with the legal authorities if victims wishes to pursue it legally otherwise soon this beautiful forum- sikhsangat would be fanaticsangat.com- hijacked by any joe blow fanatic throwing death threats to people.

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Jassa regularaly sends threats to me,the msgs below show what he says :

Re:gall sun, Mar 13 2007, 04:08 PM

Gur Jee Kay Darshan Ko Bal Jaao


Group: Members

Posts: 1019

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Joined: 21-June 06



toon gall clear kar jo karni hai .... kithe hai uk toon ... city kehri ????


Southall London come thats if you get a Visa


south hall chota ????? lol chall koi na labb he lange .... kaddi na kaddi taan .... laleyan nu labna kehra okha ....

vise de ki lod ... pehlan he bahut bandey haige aa ... menu hawach gallan karan da shonk ... na dran dhamkan da ... jai internet sher aaa fer taan isdi reply we na karrin tere layi changa ... jai asli soorma ... fer toon vise di tension na layi apni ek photo bhej de ... baki mai dekhadun mai ki chej aa ... budhadal ki chej aa ...lol south hall toon london ... lale ... bihariya walle kam na shadio ... lala ji london toon bad kithe bulaoge lol ... tere te gall bilkul sahi bethdi .... GAND MAI DAM NAHI HUM KISSI SEE KAM NAHI ... tere warge rod shod taan nich marke hi chak diyede .... london chota jeha ... ???? lale walli kitti hai na khon hi oh hai terech ... laleya walla ... shakal too we lale akal toon we lale .... toon jagha nahi dassni ... chall next message ch mai tenu jagha te time dass du othe aa jin ... jai ek baap da ... jai bahuteya da fer na ayyi ... wait kar ...


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Punjabi da ik akhaaan aa -- " kisse nu kuch kehan to pehla, apni peeri thale sotta marr ke dekh lenna chahida" . Some members openly diss the users on the forum and after that have the guts to complain about getting threats in pmz. Jo karro ge veero, ohi bhugtna vi pau ga.

You guys use foul language without any respect for fellow sisters. Is this what sikhi is all about ? You type harsh posts without even thinking about the 15 year old sister of yours. why ? Instead of respecting other sikhs on the forum you hurl personal attack and you expect pyar from the other side ? Kadde sochia jehre bache ithe aa tuhadian posts read karde ne uhna da mann kidan feel karda hou ga ? I humbly request you guys before pressing the "add reply" button, ik waari soch liya karo.

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Punjabi da ik akhaaan aa -- " kisse nu kuch kehan to pehla, apni peeri thale sotta marr ke dekh lenna chahida" . Some members openly diss the users on the forum and after that have the guts to complain about getting threats in pmz. Jo karro ge veero, ohi bhugtna vi pau ga.

You guys use foul language without any respect for fellow sisters. Is this what sikhi is all about ? You type harsh posts without even thinking about the 15 year old sister of yours. why ? Instead of respecting other sikhs on the forum you hurl personal attack and you expect pyar from the other side ? Kadde sochia jehre bache ithe aa tuhadian posts read karde ne uhna da mann kidan feel karda hou ga ? I humbly request you guys before pressing the "add reply" button, ik waari soch liya karo.

These aren't something to be taken lightly. These are death threats. Hell, I'm not that worried about this guy because they're usually all talk. But what about that 15 year old sister you talk of? This is literal terrorism. The guy made a death threat to Punjabi Link in the middle of a discussion on gursikhs and amrithdharis. Now Punjabi Link looked like he handled it pretty well, but what if he hadn't? what if he'd gotten sick with worry? Now not only has he ruined a perfectly fine discussion that was taking place, he's forever shut off Punjabi Link's mind from revisitin the subject. So I called him an <banned word filter activated> for threatening someone. And it still stands. You cannot go around making death threats on a sikh forum and call yourself a sikh because to instill fear in another's heart is completely anithetical to what it means to be a sikh. Sikhs have compassion for humanity, and don't threaten anyone, let alone a fellow sikh. I humbly request you think about this topic more before pressing the "add reply" button.

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this forum has gotten ridiculous... i think i'm going to leave like alot of the old members

Don't walk out on us. whatever you type, the posts you make do help people here. So i would request everyone to stay :umm: .

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