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im sacred of water :umm:

ever since i was young ive been sacred to swim and ive also had problems having a bath in the bath tub. i used to get panic attacks when i was in the bath tub. for instance. when im having a shower i get flash backs of being in the ocean and a big white shark comming towards me and biting me.

this is the first time ive ever told anyone about this. but even thinking about the ocean or a river scares me.

i rmember going to for a swim the first time. i took one look at the water and my heart started beating really fast and i ran out of there as fast as i could.

i just dont know why i have this fear.

if i went into the ocean i think i would probably faint. what gets me is the way the water moves.

it might sound funny. but when im in the bath i get flash backs that a shark is in there.

anyone else got this phobia?

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Bro.. I know U simply asked if anyone has this sort of phobia... n I don't but just wanted to pitch in by saying that u already gave an answer to your problem...

U mentioned that you have had panic attacks in a bathtub and this is most possibly the reason of your primary phobia... shark is just the representation that your mind creates to avoid any situation that it may relate to the panic or anxiety and simply tries avoid it.

In any case my honest suggestion would be not to ignore it as it will never go away and possible build on over time, where you might get acutely phobic to lets say a glass of water or even raindrops or anything of the sort... you have to face the phobia step by step (i know it ain't easy but U have to loosen up a lil and forget about any 'attachments' to anything)... expose yourself to the phobia in bits and pieces and I'd say seek medical help, if overtime gradual exposure doesn't help...

p.s- just outta curiosity what do U classify as panic attacks

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Just stick to having a shower at the moment then gradually increase the amount of water you have in the bath tub or summit.

As soon as you start feeling scared JAPP NAAM, remember mahraj is always with you, he wont let anything bad happen to you. Haven faith!


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Guest Akirtghan

go see a doctor man :umm: i dont think anyone here is a doctor.... i maybe wrong tho grin.gif in any case, you should get professional help in person :TH:

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Usually these kinds of phobias can be cured easily by hypnosis or by some other kind of therapy. Go to your doctor and because your phobia is having a big impact on your life you should be able to get the therapy free on the NHS. A friend of mine is scared of dogs, even if small sausage dog comes up he freezes and looks for a way of escape. He will even cross the road to avoid a dog that is even on a leash. Most of these phobias seem to have come about due to childhood experiences. My friend was attacked by a dog while he was on his way home from school. You might have had some incident involving water during your childhood.

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Guest anoneemus

hmm.. i have a problem like this too except for me its MOTHS..eww they just disgust me so much man. I hate summer..there's so many out there. I've never had any bad experiences with one but I don't know why, I freak out when i see one. :umm: I can't even go near one. If there's ever one in my house or room, I'll run out and won't go back until someone takes it out. And it's butterflies too. They'e almost the same thing. So yeah. It's called motophobia i think. On tv, i think on oprah there was a lady who had motophobia so they brought this huge tank full of butterfliess! ohmy.gif And I don't know what they were thinking..like..if they were trying to make her go near one or something they should have jsu brought them one at a time. So as soon as the lady saw the tank, she ran out of the building. That's exactly what i would do. Anyone else have this problem??

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