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chakkkkk dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy pheeneyaaaaaaaaaa

i agree with u veer...we are quick to find fault in almost everything...like we say that Gurbani says not to worship idols and at the same time we forget that Gurbani also says that without love everything done is fruitless. Therefore those who do NOT do idol worship and got no love are no better. Not that i m pointing a finger at anyone, but often ppl can misinterpret Gurbani to suit their own ways also (example meat...oops sorry i raised the red flag)...idolatry is wrong according to Bani, and also a "no love" kinda religious practise is also useless, thats what Bani says.

Once again...and i think i m gonna keep repeating this over and over again...STOP JUDGING! some idol worshipper can be closer to God if he has love in his/her heart...let God Himself guide him/her...who are we to judge/command anyone!...if he/she is meant to be, God himself will lead to a path thats true and free from all fake rituals...everyone's time comes, and will come some day.

Amen Brother.....Waheguru... ^_^

...."let God Himself guide hi

m/her...who are we to judge/command anyone!...if he/she is meant to be, God himself will lead to a path thats true and free from all fake rituals...everyone's time comes, and will come some day.everyone's time comes, and will come some day"

Its only a matter of time....the Prodigal son will return one day and the flame of hope that god has for you will never die. He looks in your direction guiding you day by day. He stares at you with his compassion. He himself guides you to himself.

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Thank you very much for ur input.I really appreciate that u guyz made it clear that:

"Jin Prem Kiyo Tiin Hee Prabh Payioo" ....Guru Gobind Singh ji Maharaj.

So whether it is idol or anything....its the love which matters.The pure heart and mind.The complete devotion without an iota of "DOUBT".This "maya" creats these doubts and a person who is above all these doubts and have "puran vishwaas" in God can find Him.

I am thnkful to sangat who cleared my doubts.

Special thnxs to rochak veer ji, SoGGSJ ji, Pheena ji, naam_jap ji and rest of the cyber sangat

Waheguroo Jee Ka Khalsa!

Waheguroo Jee Kee Fateh!!

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Guest mehtab

with my hands folded and my head at ur feet, i beg u kandola veer to please stop appreciating me and calling me something that i m not even 1% of :umm:

i m seriously begging u :WW:

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It seems like some people here are misguided. You can believe in anything you want whether idol worship or whatever but one thing I would like to clear up is that Sikhism is against idol worship 100%. Regarding Bhagat Dhanna Ji, SOGGSJ posted the Shabad from Gurbani and I think no one really read it or paid attention to it. I am gonna post it again here so ppl can understand how Bhagat Dhanna Ji got Darshan of Waheguru.

Fifth Mehl:

Naam Dayv's mind was absorbed into God, Gobind, Gobind, Gobind.

The calico-printer, worth half a shell, became worth millions. ||1||Pause||

Abandoning weaving and stretching thread, Kabeer enshrined love for the Lord's lotus feet.

A weaver from a lowly family, he became an ocean of excellence. ||1||

Ravi Daas, who used to carry dead cows every day, renounced the world of Maya.

He became famous in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and obtained the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||2||

Sain, the barber, the village drudge, became famous in each and every house.

The Supreme Lord God dwelled in his heart, and he was counted among the devotees. ||3||

Hearing this, Dhanna the Jaat applied himself to devotional worship.

The Lord of the Universe met him personally; Dhanna was so very blessed. ||4||2||

Shabad clearly states that Dhanna Ji looked at other bhagats and how they became famous. Looking at that Dhanna Ji did bhagtee himself and got darshan. There is nine type of bhagtee according to Sikhi and idol is not one of them. Historian have written many things but nothing more a

uthentic than Gurbani. I wouldn't trust those hindu history books because Hindu historians write history to prove that Sikhism is a sect of hinduism. This is why they write hindu philosophy in Sikhism. They even try to prove that Bhagats like Kabeer Ji, Naamdev Ji and Ravidaas Ji were hindus but if you actually read their Gurbani you will find how much they went against Hindu philosophy and idol worship. Gurbani teaches that worship the creator not the creation. The Creator is Waheguru only not some statues made by humans.

Guru Ji says that if you worship goddess you take life of a woman in your next life. If you worship hindu god shiva you will be riding a bull. If you worship Waheguru you become one with Waheguru. Therefore worshipping stones will turn your hearts into stones and no wonder why hindu attacked Darbar Sahib and then distributed sweets and food to the army. Guru Ji called hindus "Anna" or blind because they do not see the truth or God. They do not see that God is everywhere and within themselves. Guru Ji says how do you expect those statues to take you across the life of ocean when they sink in the water. Of course, love is needed but love does not come without getting Naam and "Jan Nanak Naam Guru Tay Paiyaa" There is no other way. Guru Gobind Singh Ji said "When Khalsa starts following Bipran Ki Reet I will not support them". Idol worship is bipran ki reet and biggest pakhand in the world. Bhagat Naamdev Ji says if those statues made of stones are god then the stones you walk on must be god too. If statues are god and God created everyone then who created those statues? Not everything is about having love and devotion because then you can start following anything and say you have true devotion. Hindus worshipping statues is nothing but blindness. You need to learn the true path and only true Guru Granth Sahib Ji teaches the true way of life. This is why Guru Ji said "Highest is the truth (God) but truthful living is even higher." If all you need is love and idol worship is "right"

then there was no need for Guru Nanak Dev Ji to come to this world and start a new religion and there was no need for Guru Gobind Singh Ji to warn the Khalsa about Bipran Ki Reet.

True love comes from Naam Simran and you get Naam from Guru Ji when you take Amrit. Guru Ji says "Paiyaa Amrit, Gur Kirpa Keenee, Saccha Man Vasaiyaa". True love is love of God. take Amrit, get Naam and do Simran. Follow the Rehat Maryada Panj Pyare tell you and let Guru Ji do the rest.

That's all I wanted to say. Do whatever you want and believe in whatever you want but does not mean what you do or believe in is what Sikhi says.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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Guest mehtab
Guru Ji says that if you worship goddess you take life of a woman in your next life. If you worship hindu god shiva you will be riding a bull.
sources ?

and besides, Guruji holds women in great respect, and u making it sound like some sort of punishment to be born as woman :umm:

Guru Ji called hindus "Anna" or blind because they do not see the truth or God. They do not see that God is everywhere and within themselves.
yes it was bhagat naamdev, himself a hindu, who said so. But do u know the deeper meaning behind this tuk?

The Hindu is sightless; the Muslim has only one eye.

The spiritual teacher is wiser than both of them.

The Hindu worships at the temple, the Muslim at the mosque.

Naam Dayv serves that Lord, who is not limited to either the temple or the mosque. ||4||3||7|| (pg 874 SGGS)

Meaning that those hindus who follow religion blindly without any love are blind, so are those muslims. The reason muslim has been called one-eyed is coz they d

ont worship idols. Bhagat Naamdev jee says he worships the Lord whoz not limited to any place of worship. In case u didn't know, islam denies the omnipresent nature of God (as we have debated many times earlier). Hindus follow dieties. With that in mind, both are not worshipping nirankar akal purkh. Those who do are neither blind not one-eyed.

Recent threads and posts on this forum have been so hateful that i have started feeling an unpleasant and irritating kind of sensation within myself. Its very hard to try and love/accept/forgive and so easy to hate/blame/label/slander/pinpoint fingers at.

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