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There's quite a few stories about Guru Ji/Vaheguru doing the jobs of his pyareh when they ask him too, after all he is our best friend as well!

What a crazy concept, getting the creator of the universe to till your fields... until you realise that its him doing it anyway! Even if the tools are in your hands, its him that makes everything move!

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That story above has been fashioned differently, but the main even that took place is that Bhagat Dhanna ji was given a stone by a pundit and he did cook food for that stone and stayed hungry for few days, n finally god appeared before him.

The reason behind god appearing before Bhagat Dhanna ji was not because he worshipped a stone, rather the pure and innocent mind he had which made his devotion for god fall on a stone. And that stone/idol became an excuse for his innocent love to flourish. It was love of bhagat dhanna ji that made god take sirgun forum.

So is it right to worship stone with full devotion as Dhanna Jatt did???? If I tell some kid that this stone is God( which normally happens among hindus).... is that wrong...knowing that his innocense can bring God out of this stone????

How is it different frm murti puja???

Murti puja is wrong because u cannot give God a shape...He is so vast...we cannot fathom His end. How Dhanna jatt story fits in here?What message is it giving us?

Please clarify if somebdy has some clue.....

I m sorry if i offended anybdy...

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Guest mehtab

When Guru Nanak Dev Jee preached against idol worship, it wasn't Hinduism He was preaching against. Rather it was the practise of idolatry as a blind ritual by the Hindus that He spoke out against. As is evident from Bhagat Dhanna Jee's sakhi, he did realize God by worshipping a stone with all the love that he had.

Here is a story that came to my mind as i read balwinder virji's last post. i dunno how many of u have heard/read about swami vivekanand. Once he was invited to the house of a wealthy person. This person was talking against idol worship. Swami Vivekanand saw a picture of this man's father hanging on the wall in a frame. The person's father had passed away some years earlier. Swamiji picked up the picture, showed it to the man, and asked him to spit on it. The man was shocked. Swamiji said "Its not your father that u are spitting on. Its just his picture. He won't be affected by ur spitting on his picture".

Please don't think that i m defending idol worship here. As a Sikh under development i myself do not practise it. The point/logic is that anything done with love, faith and devotion is acceptable to God, and if these are not present, no matter what religion one follows, no matter how many times a day one prays, its all pointless. This is also stressed in Japji Sahib that without love all meditations are useless.

bhul chuk maaf

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According to Sri Gur Partap Suraj Granth, a couple of days had passed when Bhagat Dhanna ji was waiting for the 'thakur' to eat his food and he heard a sound of someone laughing. Dhanna asked who was laughing. Then God replied and said that he's the one who Dhanna is waiting for. Then Dhanna asked why he's not eating his food and then God replied and asked Dhanna how a stone could eat anything? Then Dhanna understood and asked God that if stones cannot eat, then bless him with patakh darshan and eat the food himself.

nwmw jYdyau kMbIru iqRlocnu Aaujwiq rivdwsu cimAwru cmeIAw ]

jo jo imlY swDU jn sMgiq Dnu DMnw jtu sYxu imilAw hir deIAw ]7]

This shabad tells us that Dhanna, along with other mentioned Bhagats, was enlightened in the congregation of the holy.

Then Bhai Gurdas Ji also writes:

goseIN prq`K hoie rotI Kwie Cwih muih lwvY]

gosee(n) parathaakh hoe rottee khaae shhaahi muhi laavai||

(Seeing his true and loving devotion) God was forced to appear and eat his bread and buttermilk.

Bolw Bwau goivMd imlwvY ]ñó]

bholaa bhaao govi(n)dh milaavai ||aa||

In fact, innocence like that of Dhanna makes the sight of the Lord available.

Then this famous shabad sung by Bhai Harbans Singh Ji :umm: :

mhlw 5 ]

goibMd goibMd goibMd sMig nwmdyau mnu lIxw ]

AwF dwm ko CIpro hoieE lwKIxw ]1] rhwau ]

bunnw qnnw iqAwig kY pRIiq crn kbIrw ]

nIc kulw jolwhrw BieE gunIX ghIrw ]1]

rivdwsu FuvMqw For nIiq iqin iqAwgI mwieAw ]

prgtu hoAw swDsMig hir drsnu pwieAw ]2]

sYnu nweI buqkwrIAw Ehu Gir Gir suinAw ]

ihrdy visAw pwrbRhmu Bgqw mih ginAw ]3]

ieh ibiD suin kY jwtro auiT BgqI lwgw ]

imly pRqiK gusweIAw DMnw vfBwgw ]4]2]

Fifth Mehl:

Naam Dayv's mind was absorbed into God, Gobind, Gobind, Gobind.

The calico-printer, worth half a shell, became worth millions. ||1||Pause||

Abandoning weaving and stretching thread, Kabeer enshrined love for the Lord's lotus feet.

A weaver from a lowly family, he became an ocean of excellence. ||1||

Ravi Daas, who used to carry dead cows every day, renounced the world of Maya.

He became famous in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, and obtained the Blessed Vision of the Lord's Darshan. ||2||

Sain, the barber, the village drudge, became famous in each and every house.

The Supreme Lord God dwelled in his heart, and he was counted among the devotees. ||3||

Hearing this, Dhanna the Jaat applied himself to devotional worship.

The Lord of the Universe met him personally; Dhanna was so very blessed. ||4||2||

This shabad makes it clear that, just like other Saints, Dhanna too did bhagtee and hence he was blessed by Darshan. So did the 't

hakur' really matter? Perhaps it was just the innocense and devotional worship of Bhagat Dhanna Ji?

Listen to Baba Hari Singh Ji's diwans from Fresno, CA. to learn more about it. These recordings were up on damdamitaksal.org but that site is down now, but they should be up on DC++.

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o yea, theres a film called dhana jatt as well, starrin dara singh as dhanna (u shud c it) but thakur wuz actually vishnu i think. n the pandit tried 2 steal that stone dhanna had n replaced it with wot the pandit had, but tahkur came back in the stone the pandit exchanged secretly.

yea watch the film dhannajatt, get it frm ny indian video shop m sure, that will tell u the full story.

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That story above has been fashioned differently, but the main even that took place is that Bhagat Dhanna ji was given a stone by a pundit and he did cook food for that stone and stayed hungry for few days, n finally god appeared before him.

The reason behind god appearing before Bhagat Dhanna ji was not because he worshipped a stone, rather the pure and innocent mind he had which made his devotion for god fall on a stone.  And that stone/idol became an excuse for his innocent love to flourish.  It was love of bhagat dhanna ji that made god take sirgun forum.

So is it right to worship stone with full devotion as Dhanna Jatt did???? If I tell some kid that this stone is God( which normally happens among hindus).... is that wrong...knowing that his innocense can bring God out of this stone????

How is it different frm murti puja???

Murti puja is wrong because u cannot give God a shape...He is so vast...we cannot fathom His end. How Dhanna jatt story fits in here?What message is it giving us?

Please clarify if somebdy has some clue.....

I m sorry if i offended anybdy...

If you are as innocent and pure as Dhanna jatt and if he had prayed to a wall or a flower or a murtee the surely god would've appear before him. It is not the object that matter, it is how you pray and the state of your heart. Obviously god does not reside totally in a rock.

Love is not Logic. You cannot create a formula for love and love is God. Where and how the love will sprout cannot be known. It happend to Bhagat Dhanna ji as spontaneously. Innocent Love is like a seed on the brink of bursting into a tree....only a slight variation in the mineral is required...its like the temp of water is at 99 degrees one more and it starts to boil.

The message is that be innocent and then you will find god in all and everything will be the image of god. A Intelligent man will never pray to a rock for him it seem illogical and absurd. What purpose will taht serve him, nothing. To an innocent man it is much easier to have faith and the seed of love is ready and ripe to burst into a tree. Innocent as a child. Jesus said be like children. The state of a child is innocent...they are more receptive than a intelligent man. Innocence involves the heart not the mind....that is why children are more beautifull, it is their innocence that is beautifull. Their faces are next to godliness. They so easilly surrender and the love in the eyes of child is like no other.

Should u pray to a rock?? NO, it will not work for everyone. For Sikhs there is no need to pray to an idol. A different set of instructions and a path has been given to Sikhs.

Bhagat Dhanna ji was not a Intelligent man, he was just a simple farmer who was pure in the heart as Amrit.

"Sugleee Sianup Shud Munaa"

This is my understanding of this event, im not saying im right, but this is how i perceived it.


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Guest mehtab

chakkkkk dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy pheeneyaaaaaaaaaa

i agree with u veer...we are quick to find fault in almost everything...like we say that Gurbani says not to worship idols and at the same time we forget that Gurbani also says that without love everything done is fruitless. Therefore those who do NOT do idol worship and got no love are no better. Not that i m pointing a finger at anyone, but often ppl can misinterpret Gurbani to suit their own ways also (example meat...oops sorry i raised the red flag)...idolatry is wrong according to Bani, and also a "no love" kinda religious practise is also useless, thats what Bani says.

Once again...and i think i m gonna keep repeating this over and over again...STOP JUDGING! some idol worshipper can be closer to God if he has love in his/her heart...let God Himself guide him/her...who are we to judge/command anyone!...if he/she is meant to be, God himself will lead to a path thats true and free from all fake rituals...everyone's time comes, and will come some day.

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