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Does Gurujee Listen To Us?

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These are just my thoughts, so please forgive me if I am incorrect.

We know very well that Sahib Sri Guru Arjan Dev Ji Maharaj Sachay Patshah set an unparallel example in human history by accepting to sit on the hot iron plate (thathee thavee), and had hot sand poured over His head. We also know that by this shaheedi Gurujee taught us to live in bhana, and not use powers. Along with all this, we should also take a look at a little background behind Gurujee's shaheedi. Chandu wanted to take revenge after Gurujee rejected his daughter's rishta with Sahib Sri Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji Maharaj Sachay Patshah. This was done because Chandu uttered severely insulting words for Gurughar. The Sikh sangat of Delhi requested Gurujee not to accept any rishta with Chandu. Also, it was Chandu who ordered all the tortures on Gurujee. Now the way I see it, Gurujee accepted shaheedi just to uphold the honor of the bachans of His Sikhs. He suffered that unimaginable torture just for maintaining the dignity of the request of His Sikhs. This makes me think, if my Guru can accept this worst torture just for fulfilling the request of His Sikhs, how can we ever doubt such a Guru while doing Ardas? Wouldn't He listen to our Ardas as well?

Sahib Sri Guru Tegh Bahadur Ji Maharaj Sachay Patshah attained shaheedi to save Hinduism. This was another unparallel example in human history, where a "man of God" gave up His life for a faith totally different to His own, and infact even a lot opposite to His own. This makes me think, won't He save me if I follow His Hukam? He made the maximum sacrifice for those who followed a faith that was a totally different one, so if I live by His words, how can I doubt that He will save me?

Sahib-E-Kamaal Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj Sachay Patshah Kalgidhar Shahenshah sacrificed both His parents, all 4 sons, and His dearest Sikhs for people like us. He said "Panth vassay mai ujjarraan mann chaao ghanera", meaning "I sincerely wish that my Panth flourishes even if I have to get ruined". He gave it all up for people like you and me. So how can we ever doubt such a Guru that He won't listen to our Ardas?

Gurujee set an example for us in these 3 ways. There are countless others but my atom sized brain is mentioning only 3 here. He sat on the thathee thavee just to tell us "I do listen to you". He sacrificed Himself for another faith so that we are assured that He can alot more for us if we live by His hukam, so there He tells us "I will listen to you". He sacrificed His entire family, just to tell us "I can give up everyone/everything just for you".

Please forgive me if my words are not making sense. Maybe I've been thinking too much into this.

~ Mehtab Singh

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Vahegurooo that was lovely! thanks jee.

mÚ 4 ]

ma 4 ||

Fourth Mehla:

siqguru dwqw dieAwlu hY ijs no dieAw sdw hoie ]

sathigur dhaathaa dhaeiaal hai jis no dhaeiaa sadhaa hoe ||

The True Guru is the Merciful Giver; He is always compassionate.

siqguru AMdrhu inrvYru hY sBu dyKY bRhmu ieku soie ]

sathigur a(n)dharahu niravair hai sabh dhaekhai breham eik soe ||

The True Guru has no hatred within Him; He beholds the One God everywhere.

inrvYrw nwil ij vYru clwiedy iqn ivchu iqsitAw n koie ]

niravairaa naal j vair chalaaeidhae thin vichahu thisattiaa n koe ||

Anyone who directs hate against the One who has no hate, shall never be satisfied within.

siqguru sBnw dw Blw mnwiedw iqs dw burw ikau hoie ]

sathigur sabhanaa dhaa bhalaa manaaeidhaa this dhaa buraa kio hoe ||

The True Guru wishes everyone well; how can anything bad happen to Him?

siqgur no jyhw ko ieCdw qyhw Plu pwey koie ]

sathigur no jaehaa ko eishhadhaa thaehaa fal paaeae koe ||

As one feels towards the True Guru, so are the rewards he receives.

nwnk krqw sBu ikCu jwxdw ijdU ikCu guJw n hoie ]2]

naanak karathaa sabh kishh jaanadhaa jidhoo kishh gujhaa n hoe ||2||

O Nanak, the Creator knows everything; nothing can be hidden from Him. ||2||

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"Panth vassay mai ujjarraan mann chaao ghanera", meaning "I sincerely wish that my Panth flourishes even if I have to get ruined"

Ji, please could you tell me from whence these lines come?

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