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Ideal Way To Use Daswandh


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At present, it seems the dasvand of the sikh panth is used against the sikh panth. It goes into the pockets of dusths like badal, touts like sarna and sell-outs like ragi darshan sharma.

We are going to enter a horrible period of energy crisis and food shortage in the future. The present economic crisis is only the beginning. I feel the best way to use our dasvand is to BUY AGRICULTURAL LAND.

The land will belong to the Guru. Sikhs will do the farming which will give them and their families food plus the food produced will be given to sikh sangat at very reasonable rate. I feel this is the ideal way to use our dasvand.

This idea is not that difficult to implement. The sikh youth (not the elders especially those born in India) shud take the inititave of doing this seva.

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It wont give them just a job, it will give them dassan nauhan di kirat which will help them greatly in spiirituality. It can start anytime we want. All we need is the will to start it. 5 sikhs shud be chosen and shud be made the joint Project Managers. They shud have a joint account. All the dasvand goes into the account. 5 singhs with advice from sangat buy land and then post jobs. I am ready to give my entire dasvandh for this project and others will have to do the same.

Places like BC (Abbotsford) are like HEAVEN in this world which has become HELL. There are still some great places in USA which are good for farming and there are some very nice ones in Europe too.

Are there any 5 young sikhs ready to start this initiative ??? Then we can buy land in Madya Pradesh and Mahrashatra and give jobs to VANJARA SIKHS AND side by side chakka them amrit and make them rehitvaan amritdharis.

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Sant Baba Jarnail Singh ji Bhindrawale, used to do farming. He wasn't well educated for school, but no body could ever challenged him in any case....

Has anybody watched the last movie of Harbhajan Maan, Mera Pind. I think the message of the movie is very nice. The Punjabis should restart working. Most of them are trying to go outside, to foreign countries. But there is no money, whether in America, UK or Europe any more....

We should be more active in Punjab. I think Sikhi in the Western Countries for Parchar is working well. We should more focus on Punjab, cause even in the villiages you won't find so much Keshdaris like in one Gurdwara in Western Countries.

Bhul Chuk Maaf ji

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Fateh Ji,

My submission is that where Daswand is mandatory for a Sikh its also mandatory that Sikhs ensure that Daswand reaches the right cause.

I feel we should earmark our Daswand for various causes. And also do sewa of dhan with our mann and tann so that the Sewa of Dhan reaches the right cause and is not pilfered away. There is merit in the argument that a lot of the Sangat's maya is pilfered away by unscrouplous people.

Like if you are getting Langar done your presence during the preperationa and serving as a Sewadar will ensure that the maya you've given is not pilfered.

On the land..... well in Israel they have th Kibutz which is collective farming and living. Via this mode Sikhs can not only be gainlfully employed but also contribute to various causes in cash and kind.

Guru Rakha

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

The idea seems plausible but there can be some flaws. Such as disagreement between the five.

The idea of donating dasvand to sikh schools in poor area's is also quite good. This way you know that the money you donate is helping someone to improve their life.

In terms of the comments made of where the sewa of dasvand goes to, once we have given the sewa it is bheta to Gurusahib. We shouldnt worry about it going in someones back pocket. The fact that we gave it as sewa is all that counts. If everyone adopts this view then no one would give dasvand.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

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well .. actually nonsense idea.. we need sikhs to be educated.. and be d top bureaucrats and technocrats. . and u want to go back to 18th century.. and start farming.. try to refrain from such ideas.. and go lil progressive..

I think you are a bit wrong here. Farming is not a bad choice. Saying "These farmers are dumb that they are still doing what majority of people were doing in 18 century" is pretty immature statement. We should be thankful to all farmers who provide food to us and its very honor job to do.

On the land..... well in Israel they have th Kibutz which is collective farming and living.

I heard about that and i think its very very good thing to do.

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Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

The idea seems plausible but there can be some flaws. Such as disagreement between the five.

The idea of donating dasvand to sikh schools in poor area's is also quite good. This way you know that the money you donate is helping someone to improve their life.

In terms of the comments made of where the sewa of dasvand goes to, once we have given the sewa it is bheta to Gurusahib. We shouldnt worry about it going in someones back pocket. The fact that we gave it as sewa is all that counts. If everyone adopts this view then no one would give dasvand.

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

Dear sis,

If an amritdhari gives his dasvand to Gurdwara, I agree he has done his duty, at the same time there is a thing called BIBEK BUDHI and there is nuthing wrong in using that(especially when there is a tough economic crisis or chances of civil war or anarchy). Dasvand is an AMAZING AMAZING part of sikhi. It was the dasvand that Khalsa had weapons, banaa, horses, in 18h century.

These days our dasvandh is being used to slander Sri Dasam Granth, used by touts like Navjot sidhu to help RSS stinky bhayas to live in Air conditioned rooms in Sri Amritsar Sahib, used by Badal to have a trip to USA(bringing his entire family with him), used by "sants" to drive cars worth 50 lakh etc.........

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