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Sikhs Attacked At Nottingham Semi Fianl By Pakistanis


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I am sorry,I am starting my association with this website by having to write about

several unfortunate incidents I witnessed whilst attending what I thought would be a friendly 20twenty semi final at Nottingham Cricket ground. Whilst attending the said event, I was simply astounded by the amount of racism levied at SIKHS by the majority PAKISTANI fans in attendance. The behaviour exeplified by these, I'm sorry to say, "fans" would not look out of place during a Millwall football match in the 1980's.

Examples inc :

1. A SIKH waiting in the queue for fish n chips was told by a Pakistani fan draped in the Pakistani flag " take that rag of yer head or we'll rip it off"

these were followed by more imaginative chants such as "f**k u Indians , f**k u Indians"????

3. An SIKH male, 5.8 wearing an Indian top was walking towards his seat at the front of the ground with his friend, ( News stand), was immediately, booed and jeered at by Pakistani fans, with all sorts of swearing in Urdu directed towards him. He was then set upon by two Pakistanis, who ran up to him, waving fists by the side of his head, (fist sign which means b*llo*k, im sure u know), aimed i guess at the fact that he was wearing an Indian top.

They then proceeded to cover his head with the Pakistan flag and choke him out, and one of the Pakistani men, snatched his beer and poured it over his head.

The Pakistani crowd (young and old, inc women) cheered in approval, then began the RACIST chant "who let the SINGHS OUT, WOOF, WOOF!

The police who were merely 10 metres away, very casually made there way towards the trouble/assault.

BY the time they got there, the perpetrators had already fled.

I was there with my father who is in his 60's and i didnt want to get involved in a fight for fear of both his and my own safety.

4. I also heard Pakistanis saying threaten to gang rape an Indian lady, in her late 50's ealry 60's because she told them to stop swearing at Singhs?

5. I saw South African supporters being surrounded by Pakistani supporters dancing around them hollering obscenities

6. Another Indian sikh was told to take his India top off, or it would get "ripped off". He was then grabbed pushed agaisnt a barricade.

7. Other Pakistani men hurled abuse at Sikh women, they could tell they were indian/sikhs from the karas

It seems that the Muslim/Pakistani unity/numbers/aggression and HATRED of Sikhs is growing, while many in our community are forgetting the unsavoury, hostiel attitiude these people have against us.

I emailed Notts cricket ground about this and urge all of you to do the same.


or call 0115 982 3000

thank you.

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the sad fact that these people think they can commit such heinour racist acts openly in cricket grounds is a travesty, just imagine how the sikhs living in muslim countires must feel and what they must go through?

It doesnt matter who you are or who u support, u shudnt be sworn at adn have another countries flag draped over your head and have beer poured over you

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Thing is. Sikh men have become so "middle of the road" that this was bound to happen

I know people have been warning about this for decades, but Sikhs have chosen to ignore it. The main solution is with how we raise the males in our society.

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Most sikhs families have raised their 2 children to become lawyers Dr's, accountants and honoury members of society and kept them away from violence while Pakistanis are still where they were in the 1970's and have raised their 8 children to become gang members, and drug pushers.

Pakistanis are a lot more violent and aggressive than us sikhs and are more into crime, and gangs

As the former punjabi dominated places like Birmingham Southall, Coventry become more polluted with muslims from Pakistan,Afghnaistan, Somalia, Algeria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey, PAKISTANIS are growing more confident.

The old days of Holy Smokes , nungs and Shere Punjab striking fear in Pakistan hearts is truly over, nowadays Pakistanis openly come to Punjabi areas to diss / fight sikhs

(remember the Muslim mob outside Iceland, in Southall a couple of years ago?) , in the 1908's they would have got murdered by the Holy smokes and nungs!

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Good point Jeevan mate, but the problem is WE have to do something OURSELVES, I have written and called Notts ground, but I urge you to do the same.

Please use different wording as I dont want it to look like its from the same person.

That image of the Singh being man handled by 2 Pakistanis , then having the Pakistani flag put over his head , then grabbed by the throat and having beer poured over his head, has caused me sleepless nights and lit a fire in me, that i never thought i had.

I feel bad that i didnt get up and fight for him, i told myslef it was because I was with my dad who is in hsi 60's adn i didnt want to endanger him, BUT I dont truly know if i would have joined if if my dad wasnt there!

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The stadium is covered by CCTV and there was huge security for all the T-20 matches. alot of it undercover. Did you lodge a complaint with the police? If something happened, you should contact them, not the cricket ground.

Why would anyone wear an Indian jersey to a match between South Africa and Pakistan?

Which 'Sikh' drinks beer - if this really happened, then he deserved it.

I think most of this is made up.

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Most sikhs families have raised their 2 children to become lawyers Dr's, accountants and honoury members of society and kept them away from violence while Pakistanis are still where they were in the 1970's and have raised their 8 children to become gang members, and drug pushers.

Pakistanis are a lot more violent and aggressive than us sikhs and are more into crime, and gangs

As the former punjabi dominated places like Birmingham Southall, Coventry become more polluted with muslims from Pakistan,Afghnaistan, Somalia, Algeria, Iraq, Iran and Turkey, PAKISTANIS are growing more confident.

The old days of Holy Smokes , nungs and Shere Punjab striking fear in Pakistan hearts is truly over, nowadays Pakistanis openly come to Punjabi areas to diss / fight sikhs

(remember the Muslim mob outside Iceland, in Southall a couple of years ago?) , in the 1908's they would have got murdered by the Holy smokes and nungs!

That last bit is plain rubbish, I know sullay from East London were regularly going to Southall in those days (80s, early 90s) to pick up girls and give it large.

Lets face it Sikhs have gone soft.

It makes me so sad that Singhs are considering jumping into bed with neo Nazis, whom they see as their rescuers, because they are so terrified of sullay now.

Truth is, if it was a bunch of freshies on a day out having a drink, they would have been more likely to give it back then some middle class aspiring, office boy "Lion".

So some giddar Singhs are thinking of hiding behind racist goray now.....we can truly say that the panth is reached a new low point......

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