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Sikhs Attacked At Nottingham Semi Fianl By Pakistanis


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All of the problems facing the Khalsa Panth stem from the inequities of our central leadership, we dont really have a central leadership do we??????

If we all went back to old school ways of reading and understanding Gurbani and learning and practising Shastar Vidya, the majority of our problems would be sorted.

When the hooligans take to the streets so should the Khalsa Fauj, we are permitted by law in the uk to carry Kirpana, not just the baby little ones but full REAL Kirpans as commanded by Guru Gobind Singh Ji:


Sikhs in the UK enjoy the protection of their faith under UK Law, various Statutes and Laws have been written specifically for the protection of the Sikh identity and way of life: (quotes from the 'First Global Sikh Civil Rights Report' undertaken by United Sikhs, url: http://www.unitedsikhs.org/rtt/sikhconf/Fi...ightsReport.pdf )

''Under English law, Sikhs are not only

recognized as belonging to a religion

but also a race for the purpose of

the Race Relations Act 1976. Sikhs

have a number of specific rights

and exemptions in relations to their

articles of faith.''

''Under the Criminal

Justice Act 1988, the right to wear

the Kirpan is protected under section 139 (5)

and section 139A(4) of the Criminal Justice

Act 1988, which provide that it is

a defence to carry a bladed article

for religious reasons in public places

including schools. However, there are

a few places where Sikhs are currently

not permitted to wear the Kirpan

such as UK passport offices and public

entertainment venues''

Why do you think the police never say anything to Singhs on Vasakhi or other marches when they have Kirpans in their hands?? because we are allowed to carry them!! It is part of our 'religion', or more correctly Kirpans form a part of our Lives as Sikhs, we cannot live without our 5 k's and as adherents of the Sikh way of life we are required and expected to fulfil our spiritual and moral obligations.

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I disagree Coolwater, its the majority that ARE FANATICS, thats why we see the problems everywhere in society.

Just like the Brits say, "where are decent majority muslims?"

Answer : no where

I am collecting information with respect to incidents that occured in Southall on Sunday during and after Pakistani celebrations, and will post them when I have the full story.

1. Already i have heard about swearing outside TKC towards Indians and Punjabis

2. An incident on Beaconsfield road near West End Road involving a Sikh family

3. Incident outside Sira cash n carry

4. Customers hassled after eating at ritas

I will post when i have more

Shame Sikhs getting terrorised in their own area....

West London Sikhs getting soft?

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I understand your anger, but there were 2500 - 3000 pakistanis , just watch AK47 videos on page 3 of this thread , half way down the page.

But i tell you if we had 300 present they would have backed down, thats why the AWARENESS must begin, for too long we have been distracted and nonchalent!

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See the writing in the wall sikhs r being targeted by everybody in Ludhana village few days back a dera head forced a gursikh youth to bow before a mazar who approached the jathebandis when sikh activists went there dera heads escaped and singhs saw many amritdhari sikhs paying homage to mazar then dera head openly dared sikhs to stop his anti sikh activities. That dera head is not as powerful as sirsa dera. In punjab u can come accross sikh youths being beatenup by poorbias. This is because of sikhs r more interested in luxury cars,dowry items etc. Those tring to maintain real sikh cultures of learning martial arts, shooting ,milatary knowldge r looked down upon. Unless we revert back to milatary culture I will not be surprised in future sikhs being killed like goats will be common sight.It is essential to think of ur carreer but if u r not safe then everything will be useless.

HAWK13 veerji, which dera baba is this? Name, dera name and location (exact Pind name etc)


Dear brother it was reported in spokesman although I do not like the manament of this paper. I will soon post u full details it is on the outskrits of the city it is related to sakhi sarwal the oldest order that had enmity with sikhism since the days of GURU NANAK DEV JI they r estabishing their order in punjab in name of panj gajha peer nau gaja peer pir. before coming to sikhism BABA BUDDHA family was their followers in medival times most of punjab jutts were their followers but due to rise of sikhism it nearly ceased to exist but for the last 14 years this order is raising its head again.
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All of the problems facing the Khalsa Panth stem from the inequities of our central leadership, we dont really have a central leadership do we??????

If we all went back to old school ways of reading and understanding Gurbani and learning and practising Shastar Vidya, the majority of our problems would be sorted.

no one will learn shastar vidiya as people in this country dont like the person who teaches and tell people to stay clear of him.

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thank you for your enlightening remarks, very constructive, I am glad to see you offering advice and support to your bothers and sisters, in this their time of need.

No citizen, Sikhs have been trying to warn other slow Sikhs about this for at least a decade and a half.

They didn't listen and look!

If we can't back it in an area with so many Sikhs we can't do anything. The only Sikhs I saw standing up to this crap was SP.

But the rest you of you just carry on trying to be university boffins and nowt else!

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All of the problems facing the Khalsa Panth stem from the inequities of our central leadership, we dont really have a central leadership do we??????

If we all went back to old school ways of reading and understanding Gurbani and learning and practising Shastar Vidya, the majority of our problems would be sorted.

no one will learn shastar vidiya as people in this country dont like the person who teaches and tell people to stay clear of him.

Rightly so, Khalsa ji supporting Niddar we will only increase problems in the panth such as youths being brainwashed into 'satanist sikhi' and it will only encourage bad sangat. Support Niddar and his chela is like supporting narkdhari gurbachana he may not be openly putting his feet on guru maharaj but he is doing through pulling people away from the guru, whats more important learning shastar vidiya from Niddar or actually putting panthic problems first??

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