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Adil Ray Bbc Asian Network


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On Thursday 6th August on the Adil Ray show on the BBC Asian Network, the news had two stories about Sikhs. One was about the cancellation of a Gurdas Maan concert in Canada, the other about Sikh soldiers joining the Queen's guard in the UK for the first time.

During the talk about the cancleation of the Gurdas Mann Concert Adil came out and said along the lines of "that's a stupid reason for having a kirpan and do sikhs really need them?"

This is not the first time Adil has said this and the BBC network not take no action.

Asian network always make it out that he/she other presenters are doing nothing wrong but wen it comes to islam or wtever u see trains and buses get blown up over comments. The asian network is a government ran and owned station how can they allow ocmments of such nature

when ppl like johnathon ross get banned for making prank fone calls...


To complain please click the link below:-



O By the way...There is no recording online as BBC have taken it off? HOW CONVIENIENT!!!???

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BBC Asian Network are like that. When it comes to faith n religion they tend not to shy away from dissing other peoples faith and why? Because their target audience is not the faithful and religious type. And in terms of Adil Ray, you have to forgive him... hes not all there.. mentally or physically ;-)

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Its a shame that we dont have our own "media watch" organisation like other religions do. I remember people like Mohan Singh and GNNSJ used to be quite active in the media but not any more. If we had a proper organisation dedicated to the portrayal and fair treatment of Sikhs in the world media, we would find it easier to resolve such issues.

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Guest fordcapri

ive complained, everyone else should do too

Not surprised from the so called “Asians network” I dislike the station and have always found it biased against us.

If anyone has a template letter of complaint that i can use to email, with an address to send it to I will send it.

Bombard them with complaints.

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i made a complaint, but looks like i'm gonna have to do it again. wrote a really long 'letter', went back to copy and paste to put on here just in case, but the info wasn't retained. i clicked forward and sent it just in case.



on the right hand side, previous shows are available, thursday one isn't...

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6th August 2009

Dear Sirs

I write to complain in regards to the 'Adil Ray breakfast show' on Asian Network on the 6th August 2009.

After I heard the 9am news in which some facts regarding a recently cancelled concert were misrepresented, Mr Ray made some comments which I found offensive and rude. I rang up at approximately 9.40 and was given a very cagey response that someone would be in touch from the show and no information could be given. I was refused name of the person who answered the phone, the name of the supervisor or producer.

I informed the lady on the line that I wished to complain and asked what the procedure was, I was told nothing in what I could do or what my rights were as a licence payer. I can only describe this as a cover up. I did initially inform the young lady what the complaint was about however, the only way I can describe the ladies reaction is to clam up. She had no interest in forwarding any complaints in regards to her colleague.

Eventually, I waited some 6 hours and again rang the Asian Network number 08459 440 445- this time I was told that the breakfast team had retired for the day and again my details were taken however this time I pressed the matter and levelled that this could be construed as a cover up. This time I endeavoured in my efforts and was given the number to the Birmingham switch board -0121 567 6000- I was put through to a gentlemen called Tony who took down my complaint and details. He informed me his powers were limited and that I should forward my concerns to the complaints department within the BBC. Tony assured me that he would log my complaint and take it as far as he could.

He also told me that if what I had stated was correct that the presenter had no doubt not been within BBC guide lines with his comments. He also acknowledged that my complaint to him would be handled correctly and he would email memos to all departments to help prevent this from recurring.

My intention had only been to ask the show to check the fact regarding the concert, as I had heard first hand of what had taken place then the misrepresented facts coupled with Mr Rays comment and the undoubted attempt to try and discourage me to complain and dampen any attempts to do so, this has left me with no option but to pursue this matter and highlight a blatant slur by Mr Ray.

The details of the complaint as they took place are as follows;-

(i) It was stated that a concert by Gurdas Mann was stopped due to a group of Sikhs who refused to remove their ceremonial daggers. The event was thus cancelled due to the group of Sikhs unwilling to compromise their religion.

(a) from what I have been told and the information I have so far gathered is that people who were present at the concert were enraged at the treatment of the baptised Sikhs who are religiously required to carry a 'kirpan' at all times. The event was lead to being cancelled as the protest from bystanders grew.

(ii) The comment straight after by Mr Ray was that the majority of Sikhs do no longer feel the need to carry the kirpan and it was only a small minority who do. This with the news left me feeling that baptised Sikhs were being labelled as nothing less than extremists. Also how does Mr Ray know what the majority of Sikhs feel and what the general consensus is of the Sikh faith through out the world or in the UK? The only thing that is clear is Mr Ray's point of view, what has happened to the standard of unbiased reporting by the BBC which is renowned through out the world.

(iii) Finally the undoubted attempt to cover up my complaint by Mr Ray's colleague who felt that her actions were acceptable for an international broadcasting organisation, who I wish I was able to name in my complaint. I believe I never would have pursued this matter to this level if I was reassured that the facts about the concert would be checked and she had been in a position to know what action should be taken or what department I should contact.

As a licence payer I would like to understand if a news reader/presenter is allowed to present their own version of events or that of what took place. Is a news reader/presenter at liberty to present to all listeners their own opinions?

My final point to the BBC is to consider if they have the appropriate people representing the Asian community. Every time I have had the misfortune of turning on the breakfast show, I have felt the need to turn the show off as my young child is also listening. The last time I had to turn off was due to him making references to thongs and receiving wedgies! For a breakfast show, by any standard, this is appalling. I am sure if any of his previous shows were reviewed many aspects which cause concern will become apparent.

I look forward to receiving a response and what measures will be introduced so all relevant staff are aware of what correct complaint procedures are and how to handle complainants.


as there has been no out cry, bbc not bothered i ve had reply in which they are not too bothered!

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