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" Munda Southall Da " Is " Bundha Babbu Mann Da "


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"Munda Southall Da" is "Bundha Babbu Mann Da"



26 November 2009

Sikhs have been angered by Major Sandhu, the presenter on Venus TV's "Munda Southall Da" discussion and live call-in show after telephone cut-offs, biased dialogue, and rumours that his voting system was a set-up.

Venus TV, broadcasting throughout Europe on Sky 805, hosts a show called "Munda Southall Da" presented by Major Sandhu. Major Sandhu is a Punjabi singer and lyricist who dresses similar to Punjab's deteriorating college youth, with matching turbans (ad-hoc), shirts, gold rings, watches and necklaces. Major Sandhu has often attempted to portray himself as a "Panthic figure" by singing a few religious recent Sikh history songs to please the UK Sikhs and Panthic organisations, where he is a permanent citizen without fear of any other Government backlash. This is regardless of the fact that he only dresses as a Sikh sometimes by wearing a turban on his talk shows, and some of his music videos, even though he is not Kesdhari. He has written over 250 songs, the majority of which are the normal modern day anti-religious filth. A certain percentage of these he has sung himself, the rest he has sold to make personal profits. He started his career on Venus TV but due to more personal benefits, he left and went to MATV, where he was later dismissed after falling out with management. There were reports circulated at the time of claims that he would often attempt to come on air under the influence of alcohol which would naturally result in unpleasant discussions. He eventually came back and joined with Venus TV again continuing to call his show "Munda Southall Da" in a reference to himself – which has been to the amusement of Sikhs and non-Sikhs for many years.


For many days now, Major Sandhu has attempted to hype-up his once famous programme, "Munda Southall Da", with a "voting poll" put in place for viewers, most of whom are non-practising Sikhs or atheists. The bizarre poll has been to vote either in support of (the Sikh nations respected Parcharak) Sant Baba Ranjit Singh Dhadrianwale, or (Punjabi pop singer) Babbu Mann, who has of late caused controversy in Sikh/Punjabi circles around the world after making a mockery out of Sikh Parcharaks in his latest song - "Ik Baba Nanak Si". Certainly a most unintelligent and ridiculous voting poll; putting sheep's in the same league as lions.

The show was broadcasted live earlier today from 8pm-9pm.

The presenter was not only absolutely biased in every way for Babbu Mann, but callers who were to speak in favour of Sikh Parcharaks like Sant Dhadrianwale were repeatedly cut-off. When one or two Panthic supporters did get through, Major Sandhu would vigorously debate their very fair points with thoughtless comments. He would not consider or let them articulate their views clearly, then follow closely by cutting-off the line with the excuse that too many calls were coming through and time was short. If, however, it was a supporter of Babbu Mann, or those with personal agenda's against Gurmat Parcharaks like Sant Dhadrianwale, then Major Sandhu would accept their call, while blissfully and quietly listening to their anti-Sikh Parcharak views. When a caller from Italy got through and managed to put across his views to some extent, Major Sandhu furiously debated his views continuously right up until the end of the programme, even discussing that one call with subsequent like-minded callers. On one occasion, when a staunch supporter of Babbu Mann was live and talking nonsense, those in the Venus TV studio accidentally cut-off the caller mistakenly thinking it was one Major Sandhu had hinted to be taken off air. At that moment, Major Sandhu filled up with fury, and started to curse those behind the scenes in Hindi while still live on air. He demanded to know why they had done that when the caller was airing his views and shouted, again in Hindi, to not do that again. The blatantly biased nature of the show was only matched by the likes of the UK-based Panjab Radio, whose so-called "Gurbani" presenters are followers of excommunicated anti-Panthic missionary's.


An even more disturbing element of this episode is the rumour flying around everywhere (reports of it being around since yesterday) that the so-called "voting" which took place after viewers sent votes by premium charge rate text messages over the last few days was in fact concocted. In total, it is said, there were in reality only a mere 47 mobile text message votes received (perhaps due to the high rate the programme was charging for taking votes to make profits), and the result was pre-decided by negotiation with Bhagwant Mann on behalf of Babbu Mann two days ago.

This is not a "startling" rumour as Bhagwant Mann is a famous Punjabi comedian and close friend of Babbu Mann. The fact is not hidden as only a few days ago Bhagwant Mann came on a show hosted by India's Chardikla Time TV, where he openly supported Babbu Mann, revealing their close relationship of living nearby and keeping daily contact, however, Bhagwant Mann's irrational arguments were effectively silenced by Panthic personality Sant Baba Baljit Singh Dadu Sahib Wale. Furthermore, while Bhagwant Mann has only become familiar with Babbu Mann through the Punjabi music industry, it is not hidden his very close relationship with Major Sandhu goes back many years when they both studied together at the Punjab University in Patiala.

Regardless of the fact that Venus TV is watched very little by Sikhs, it is said Bhagwant Mann called his good friend Major Sandhu from India only two days ago requesting him to adjust all the voting so that it would go in favour of Babbu Mann. This was simply an anti-propaganda stunt against Sant Dhadrianwale like the many videos on the internet uploaded by Babbu Mann supporters and anti-Panthic organisations.

The guilty conscience of Major Sandhu was apparent throughout the whole show due to his extremely defensive behaviour. Voting is done on a regular basis on numerous channels and radio shows, but Major Sandhu was continuously explaining the process of vote collation, how the results are computer generated and how he personally has no input or means to alter anything. This constant defensive behaviour goes a long way in backing these reports that are said to have come from close associates in the channels broadcasting team.

It must be noted that a few weeks ago India's Chardikla Time TV put itself in the same position after a small number of votes were used as a tool for propaganda against Sant Dhadrianwale. After Sikhs had evidence to suggest the implementation of a bogus poll, they requested the full voting system and vote numbers be disclosed to be made public, and Chardikla Time TV were left with no option but to revoke the results of their concocted votes as invalid, consequently apologising to thousands of viewers in India by way of a live broadcast.

It is concerning how far the anti-Panthic personalities and organisations will go in order to disturb Panthic Sikhi Parchar.


The question to ask this "Munda Southall Da" is was he not in Southall when just earlier this year in July/August 2009 Sant Dhadrianwale once again attracted unprecedented numbers of Sikh Sangat to the main Southall Singh Sabha Gurdwara, as well as doing Gurmat Diwans in other Sikh Gurdwara's nearby to him? On the very first day at the Hayes school programme, then on at least one stage in every city, Sant Dhadrianwale appealed to such slanderers that once they will go, these slanderers will suddenly come out to talk about them when they will no longer be present to reply. Sant Dhadrianwale requested these people (such as Major Sandhu) to come and talk to them at anytime then so that any misunderstandings or questions could be cleared. It is said that not one person in the 27+ days they were here came to sit down and discuss or question them. It is only know these people have come out of their nests to spread their deliberate venom.

Sikhs are requested to call Venus TV and email MajorSandhu@hotmail.com to voice your concerns about the biased programme and request Major Sandhu to provide his explanations for invented votes. There is no rumour of allegations of misconduct by Venus TV, but they should be requested to immediately look into Major Sandhu's activities and take him off air for offending viewers with his exceptionally prejudiced performance during the show, and reports since yesterday of unethical actions in the voting process. Major Sandhu has misused his position in the media (although mostly watched by non-practising Sikhs or atheists) in order to transmit his own agenda, and the anti-Panthic agenda of his close associates.

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ਗੋਂਡ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥

Gond mėhlā 5.

Gond, Fifth Mehl:

ਸੰਤ ਕਾ ਲੀਆ ਧਰਤਿ ਬਿਦਾਰਉ ॥

Sanṯ kā lī▫ā ḏẖaraṯ biḏāra▫o.

One who is cursed by the Saints, is thrown down on the ground.

ਸੰਤ ਕਾ ਨਿੰਦਕੁ ਅਕਾਸ ਤੇ ਟਾਰਉ ॥

Sanṯ kā ninḏak akās ṯe tāra▫o.

The slanderer of the Saints is thrown down from the skies.

ਸੰਤ ਕਉ ਰਾਖਉ ਅਪਨੇ ਜੀਅ ਨਾਲਿ ॥

Sanṯ ka▫o rākẖa▫o apne jī▫a nāl.

I hold the Saints close to my soul.

ਸੰਤ ਉਧਾਰਉ ਤਤਖਿਣ ਤਾਲਿ ॥੧॥

Sanṯ uḏẖāra▫o ṯaṯ▫kẖiṇ ṯāl. ||1||

The Saints are saved instantaneously. ||1||

ਸੋਈ ਸੰਤੁ ਜਿ ਭਾਵੈ ਰਾਮ ॥

So▫ī sanṯ jė bẖāvai rām.

He alone is a Saint, who is pleasing to the Lord.

ਸੰਤ ਗੋਬਿੰਦ ਕੈ ਏਕੈ ਕਾਮ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥

Sanṯ gobinḏ kai ekai kām. ||1|| rahā▫o.

The Saints, and God, have only one job to do. ||1||Pause||

ਸੰਤ ਕੈ ਊਪਰਿ ਦੇਇ ਪ੍ਰਭੁ ਹਾਥ ॥

Sanṯ kai ūpar ḏe▫e parabẖ hāth.

God gives His hand to shelter the Saints.

ਸੰਤ ਕੈ ਸੰਗਿ ਬਸੈ ਦਿਨੁ ਰਾਤਿ ॥

Sanṯ kai sang basai ḏin rāṯ.

He dwells with His Saints, day and night.

ਸਾਸਿ ਸਾਸਿ ਸੰਤਹ ਪ੍ਰਤਿਪਾਲਿ ॥

Sās sās sanṯėh parṯipāl.

With each and every breath, He cherishes His Saints.

ਸੰਤ ਕਾ ਦੋਖੀ ਰਾਜ ਤੇ ਟਾਲਿ ॥੨॥

Sanṯ kā ḏokẖī rāj ṯe tāl. ||2||

He takes the power away from the enemies of the Saints. ||2||

ਸੰਤ ਕੀ ਨਿੰਦਾ ਕਰਹੁ ਨ ਕੋਇ ॥

Sanṯ kī ninḏā karahu na ko▫e.

Let no one slander the Saints.

ਜੋ ਨਿੰਦੈ ਤਿਸ ਕਾ ਪਤਨੁ ਹੋਇ ॥

Jo ninḏai ṯis kā paṯan ho▫e.

Whoever slanders them, will be destroyed.

ਜਿਸ ਕਉ ਰਾਖੈ ਸਿਰਜਨਹਾਰੁ ॥

Jis ka▫o rākẖai sirjanhār.

One who is protected by the Creator Lord,

ਝਖ ਮਾਰਉ ਸਗਲ ਸੰਸਾਰੁ ॥੩॥

Jẖakẖ māra▫o sagal sansār. ||3||

cannot be harmed, no matter how much the whole world may try. ||3||

ਪ੍ਰਭ ਅਪਨੇ ਕਾ ਭਇਆ ਬਿਸਾਸੁ ॥

Parabẖ apne kā bẖa▫i▫ā bisās.

I place my faith in my God.

ਜੀਉ ਪਿੰਡੁ ਸਭੁ ਤਿਸ ਕੀ ਰਾਸਿ ॥

Jī▫o pind sabẖ ṯis kī rās.

My soul and body all belong to Him.

ਨਾਨਕ ਕਉ ਉਪਜੀ ਪਰਤੀਤਿ ॥

Nānak ka▫o upjī parṯīṯ.

This is the faith which inspires Nanak:

ਮਨਮੁਖ ਹਾਰ ਗੁਰਮੁਖ ਸਦ ਜੀਤਿ ॥੪॥੧੬॥੧੮॥

Manmukẖ hār gurmukẖ saḏ jīṯ. ||4||16||18||

the self-willed manmukhs will fail, while the Gurmukhs will always win. ||4||16||18||

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why is everyone hating on Babbu Maan...

True. He made a good point with the video - why does a Parcharak need a sarkari symbol (laal bathi + siren)? People have hi-jacked the video and used it to defame particular people, which is wrong and also a copyright infringement.

We have more important issues at the moment like fighting the campaign against Dasam Bani etc.

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why is everyone hating on Babbu Maan...

True. He made a good point with the video - why does a Parcharak need a sarkari symbol (laal bathi + siren)? People have hi-jacked the video and used it to defame particular people, which is wrong and also a copyright infringement.

We have more important issues at the moment like fighting the campaign against Dasam Bani etc.


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This whole issue is the creation of the so called baba. The story now is that they watched the various videos on youtube and thought that was the official video. We all know about the tirade that was then launched by Dhadrianwala and moran-wala.

moran-wala was on Punjab Radio the other day and said he spoke up for the panth (do we need a wife deserter to be a panthic spokesman?) after he was made aware of the youtube videos which he thought were the official videos. So this guy gets stroppy based on what peopel tell him without bothering to do any research. I wonder how much of his other material is just wishy washy stories without any evidence base. Again if he is a soorma let him have takar with central government and punjab sarkar.

Then we had Dhadrianwala showing krodh when he made his now infamous speach where he belittled mona, subsequently people have highlighted the sewa done for the panth by people who were monay such as Shaheed Bhai Sukh Singh Ji and Shaheed Bhai Jinda Singh Ji, also the soorme currently on trial for destroying the dirty phoola nang. Now lets Dhadrianwala release a statement taking back his words against mona especially with regards to the above mentioned panthic gems. If he has so much krodh then let him make a stand against the centre or punbjab sarkar....rather than getting Sukhbir Badal to make threats against Babbu Mann. Shaheed Baba Jarnail Singh Ji was always ready to take on the the centre and punjab sarkar.

Now we have Dhadrianwala shills telling us he has sold the Audi for the 25th anniversery of the 84 genocide. A shame that it takes an anniversery for him to sell the car, our mothers and sisters from the 84 genocide existed before the 25th anniversery and continue to exist. Let him sell the farmland he has recently bought for their benefit or will we have to wait for the 30th anniversery for him to remember them again. With the income he generates on 1 european tour he could uplift these poor widows and give them a better life. Some will say what do you do for these widows...I give what I can afford, I have no dera to build nor do I seek donations from people across the world. I applaud Dharinwala for marrying off the 105 girls but I would love for him to fill the big void currently in Sikhi and be prepared to take on the centre and tell them to take care of Tytler and co else we will and to help the victims of the 84 genocide on a larger scale.

Its also a shame that people highjack Sukhmani Sahib as a cover for these baba without even delving into the use of the Sant prefix in the time of our beloved Guru Ji. What these people need to ask is are todays 600 odd selfstyled Sant in punjab deserving of the title that was used by Guru Ji to refer to Bhagats and Guru Ji.

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Babbu Maan and Major Sandhi are just patits who think they deserve to have a panthic voice. Let them have their 5 minute of fame!! Tommorrow they'll be forgotten about. The Babbay will be remembered forever with barsi's going on for centuries, the Babbus will be nobodys when the die.

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This whole issue is the creation of the so called baba. The story now is that they watched the various videos on youtube and thought that was the official video. We all know about the tirade that was then launched by Dhadrianwala and moran-wala.

moran-wala was on Punjab Radio the other day and said he spoke up for the panth (do we need a wife deserter to be a panthic spokesman?) after he was made aware of the youtube videos which he thought were the official videos. So this guy gets stroppy based on what peopel tell him without bothering to do any research. I wonder how much of his other material is just wishy washy stories without any evidence base. Again if he is a soorma let him have takar with central government and punjab sarkar.

Then we had Dhadrianwala showing krodh when he made his now infamous speach where he belittled mona, subsequently people have highlighted the sewa done for the panth by people who were monay such as Shaheed Bhai Sukh Singh Ji and Shaheed Bhai Jinda Singh Ji, also the soorme currently on trial for destroying the dirty phoola nang. Now lets Dhadrianwala release a statement taking back his words against mona especially with regards to the above mentioned panthic gems. If he has so much krodh then let him make a stand against the centre or punbjab sarkar....rather than getting Sukhbir Badal to make threats against Babbu Mann. Shaheed Baba Jarnail Singh Ji was always ready to take on the the centre and punjab sarkar.

Now we have Dhadrianwala shills telling us he has sold the Audi for the 25th anniversery of the 84 genocide. A shame that it takes an anniversery for him to sell the car, our mothers and sisters from the 84 genocide existed before the 25th anniversery and continue to exist. Let him sell the farmland he has recently bought for their benefit or will we have to wait for the 30th anniversery for him to remember them again. With the income he generates on 1 european tour he could uplift these poor widows and give them a better life. Some will say what do you do for these widows...I give what I can afford, I have no dera to build nor do I seek donations from people across the world. I applaud Dharinwala for marrying off the 105 girls but I would love for him to fill the big void currently in Sikhi and be prepared to take on the centre and tell them to take care of Tytler and co else we will and to help the victims of the 84 genocide on a larger scale.

Its also a shame that people highjack Sukhmani Sahib as a cover for these baba without even delving into the use of the Sant prefix in the time of our beloved Guru Ji. What these people need to ask is are todays 600 odd selfstyled Sant in punjab deserving of the title that was used by Guru Ji to refer to Bhagats and Guru Ji.

We all know the hyperbole and the exaggeration created by youtubers and media. It is there from where the matter became so big, and this 'Munda Southall Da' is just adding to the hate and trying to further officialise the war being between Dhadrianwale and Babbu Mann. It has not took Dhadrianwale 25 years to realise anything, Dhadrianwale talk in diwaans about 1984 frquently and a side question, how do you know they don't do anything? They do the Anand Karaj of 100 daughters EVERY year. You can hardly complain about Dhadrianwale for not doing enough, why don't you critisize other parchaaraks? Why don't you start on people like Bhai Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale), not saying that you should but I find it slightly one-sided that you only try to attack Dhadrianwale.

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This whole issue is the creation of the so called baba. The story now is that they watched the various videos on youtube and thought that was the official video. We all know about the tirade that was then launched by Dhadrianwala and moran-wala.

moran-wala was on Punjab Radio the other day and said he spoke up for the panth (do we need a wife deserter to be a panthic spokesman?) after he was made aware of the youtube videos which he thought were the official videos. So this guy gets stroppy based on what peopel tell him without bothering to do any research. I wonder how much of his other material is just wishy washy stories without any evidence base. Again if he is a soorma let him have takar with central government and punjab sarkar.

Then we had Dhadrianwala showing krodh when he made his now infamous speach where he belittled mona, subsequently people have highlighted the sewa done for the panth by people who were monay such as Shaheed Bhai Sukh Singh Ji and Shaheed Bhai Jinda Singh Ji, also the soorme currently on trial for destroying the dirty phoola nang. Now lets Dhadrianwala release a statement taking back his words against mona especially with regards to the above mentioned panthic gems. If he has so much krodh then let him make a stand against the centre or punbjab sarkar....rather than getting Sukhbir Badal to make threats against Babbu Mann. Shaheed Baba Jarnail Singh Ji was always ready to take on the the centre and punjab sarkar.

Now we have Dhadrianwala shills telling us he has sold the Audi for the 25th anniversery of the 84 genocide. A shame that it takes an anniversery for him to sell the car, our mothers and sisters from the 84 genocide existed before the 25th anniversery and continue to exist. Let him sell the farmland he has recently bought for their benefit or will we have to wait for the 30th anniversery for him to remember them again. With the income he generates on 1 european tour he could uplift these poor widows and give them a better life. Some will say what do you do for these widows...I give what I can afford, I have no dera to build nor do I seek donations from people across the world. I applaud Dharinwala for marrying off the 105 girls but I would love for him to fill the big void currently in Sikhi and be prepared to take on the centre and tell them to take care of Tytler and co else we will and to help the victims of the 84 genocide on a larger scale.

Its also a shame that people highjack Sukhmani Sahib as a cover for these baba without even delving into the use of the Sant prefix in the time of our beloved Guru Ji. What these people need to ask is are todays 600 odd selfstyled Sant in punjab deserving of the title that was used by Guru Ji to refer to Bhagats and Guru Ji.

We all know the hyperbole and the exaggeration created by youtubers and media. It is there from where the matter became so big, and this 'Munda Southall Da' is just adding to the hate and trying to further officialise the war being between Dhadrianwale and Babbu Mann. It has not took Dhadrianwale 25 years to realise anything, Dhadrianwale talk in diwaans about 1984 frquently and a side question, how do you know they don't do anything? They do the Anand Karaj of 100 daughters EVERY year. You can hardly complain about Dhadrianwale for not doing enough, why don't you critisize other parchaaraks? Why don't you start on people like Bhai Harjinder Singh (Sri Nagar Wale), not saying that you should but I find it slightly one-sided that you only try to attack Dhadrianwale.

Only those who truly do anything will be criticised, complained about and picked on. History is witness to this. Don't forget, Sant Ranjit Singh Jee is only about 25 years of age anyway!

These daughters that are married off are also looked after by the Jathebandhi after as well. Gurdwara Parmeshar Dwar Saahib is open 24-hours a day, including service in the Langar Hall. That is not the norm in Panjab. Thousands of poor families are fed at the Gurdwara every week. A lot is being done, one needs to go to Panjab for themselves to ascertain how much one person is doing for the Panth. Sitting in foreign countries without solid information and speaking negatively about someone who is doing so much at such a young age is, to put it bluntly, shamefully foolish.

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