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Will you help expand the resources in Sikhi as mentioned below?  

13 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you from now on, whilst visiting the Gurwara record the katha keertan or anything else so that they can be shared witht he rest of the future generations over the internet, be it audio, video or other?

    • Yes, Maharaj Di Kirpa I will?
    • No, Why should i bother someone else will do it?
    • I cant be bothered?

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vjkk vjkf!

I think that this is an excellent idea. Perhaps Sikhsangat.com could dedicate an area of its website for users to upload katha/audio? alternatively, if somebody could create a site for this purpose that would be great. Please could you advise on a good audio recording device I could purchase for this seva.

Vjkk Vjkf!

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I completely agree with the post by kam veerji. I am feeling such way for the long time and somewhat i tried to work on my own to do something good but realized that its good only if work done by team of volunteers. We are left very much far behind if compared with other faiths. We do not take things seriously nor we have any team spirit at all. All those who got talent or are active have some sort of ideology "My way or highway" (which is still kinda better than doing nothing).

What i really think is that we really need a few selected individuals to start a project where it actually involves members of the forum to do something more effective practical and put all talents in use. We need to be more pro-active and stress more on building defense rather than just concentrating more on offense.

One example i can give is.. when 9/11 attack happened, we all scrambled and bumped into each other and puzzled on what to do and how to tell our neighbors and community about sikhs and turban etc.. We started printing calendars, leaflets, brochures and distributed it to ppl for few months and then everything stopped. I mean come'on there are more than 300 million americans and but by distributing few thousands is not finishing our goal. This shows how small our mind or goal is.

We should start something where proper training or information is given to those who wants to volunteer. I attended one political party training where they tell you how to approach others and convince them to vote to particular party. It was awesome 2-day training and hall was full.

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What i suggest is rather then putting all the audio onto a specific sight we should all set up 4shared or rapidshare or similar accounts each. The reason i suggest this is so that if there are any financial implications we do not lose everything. We recently saw the Gurmatchanan website go down and for that reason if we have seperate sites we do not risk all in one pot.

Lets all do what we can for the sake of the others. Those who cant be bothered accept it as your karma that do not allow you to assist in this cause.

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