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Joot And Food.

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Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Vaheguru Ji Ke Fateh

How do you explain the concept of joot to English people?

And also how do you explain to them why amrithdarees don't eat from non amrithdarees?

How do I explain this to them without offending them.

Because where I work, my collegues always offer me food, they know I don't eat food which contains egg and meat, so sometimes they will say, " Oh it's ok, it's vegetarian".

They understand my reason for not eating outside.

How would I explain it lightly to them that I only eat food which has been prepared by me and from other amrithdarees.

Obviously some people would be offended by this, as it would seem as though we are higher than them as we cant touch their food.

It would be great if you could share your thoughts and experiences.

Many thanks.

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa

Vaheguru Je Ke Fateh

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Never mind about gorey getting offended our apney get very offended if you say you cannot eat the food 'cos of jhoot.

To be honest I have always avoided the whole situation at work because it is very difficult to convey the idea of jhoot because the goray have no concpt of it what so ever. To them swigging from the same coke bottle is almost like camaraderie. The nearest concept they have is like left-overs. If a person has eaten from a bowl then that food, if you like is contaminated by him, although I would never use the word contaminated, but is there another word that comes close?.

Normally when food is brought in I will try to be the first one to get there and I will open a packet of whatever and take some, often enough so that I do not have to go back for more. Then everyone else dives in and it all becomes jhoota and I don't go near it. Often when offered something at my desk like a piece of chocolate I will take it but leave it on the desk and when nobodies looking slip it in the bin. I know this is not right but to try to explain something like this will open a whole can of worms that I don't think I could fully convey what it means to us without sounding like being very superior, which we obviously are not. :blush2:

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Yeh I see what you mean. I agree with you there bundha, some of my own

family members get offended let alone others.

Yeh I tried that kaljugi, sometimes they offer me sweets, I take it bin it later.

But they constantly ask me for a drink.

I think they already have the feeling where they think that I think everything they touch is contaminated lol.

Because everytime they ask me for a drink I just say, no thanks I don't drink tea or coffee.

And everytime they ask me if I wna eat I just say, "I'm ok thanks", or I will say "I'll pass thanks because most likely it

will contain something I don't eat, but thankyou".

I can see the look on the face, because it's like their thinking, "racist, how rude, bet if I was brown skinned and offered food it would be a

different story".

I feel like fully explaining to them why but it's impossible without offending them.

Plus they never ask why I don't take accept anything from them.

I have thought of bringing my own food into share but everything contains egg, I don't have time to make it.

I'm not taking in somosay or pakoray because it only taste nice when it's fresh it's not the same when you have to microwave it.

Oh well, if they feel offended tough lol. I don't want to feel that I have to compromise

my Sikhi with anyone. I know that might sound harsh but it's hard enough trying to maintain a strict solid

rehit let alone adding people's reactions and opinions to it.

It's just something they would not understand.

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To be honest I don't really think that the Goreh would care much if we don't accept their stuff ... They'll probably be happy as we're not 'wasting' their free resources like the dumb tea/coffee rounds!

At my work place they'll ask like 50 times a day for tea/coffee and drink like 100 times a day then they complain about the milk/sugar running low and who wasted it all ... LoL!

Also, if you constantly refuse the food/drink then they eventually get bored and stop asking as they know we're just not into all of that ... Don't worry about what they think, most people already know we're following a 'special diet' due to our outstanding Saroop! Hehe!

And I wouldn't bother trying to explain our reasons of Bibek to them ... Some things are best left to those that actually follow the concept themselves ... If any case I always get the fuss and remarks from apneh just like Bundha Veer Jee mentioned!

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Guest Joot ?

Sorry but some of the things written on here makes us seem like a bunch of nut jobs fanatics . Can someon please quote the shabad on joot from guru ji.

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Tried that one, but don't get away with because they don't but it. They think I need to not watch what I eat because I could do with

putting on the pounds.

Kamaljit Kaur, your right they finally got bored and kinda some stopped asking.

One lady was giving out hot drinks and looked at me and said "You don't want one do you?"

One lady just asks everytime out of politeness.

I think they have finally got the message.

After what one member of staff told me about how she saw the other staff handle hygiene.

That reason alone should be enough for them to

understand why I bring my own food.

I really understand why some people are sarbloh bibek now.

You just don't know how people prepare food behind closed doors.

This has made me question my rehit today.

But I don't think I have it in me to keep sarbloh bibek.

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Just say no thank you and get on with your job. Count yourself lucky that you work with people who bother to ask even though your not interested, doesn't take anything away from you if you have to say no thank you a few times a day. On the flip side you could be working with people who don't give you the time of day and make work life a misery. I dont mean to divert from the topic raised but if you don't want a drink, no one is going to force you! Though I do agree it's hard to explain the concept if jooth to non asians.

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