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Gurmail(Fake Guru) Sitting On Same Level As Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj!


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satan doesnt exist...and if he did..hes completely being controlled by waheguru...nothing wrong with lucifer pic

back to topic...akaal takhat please bring back lashings and beatings...they were the only days when people really listened to akaaal takhat...no one fears doing beadbi today...

Uh ohh, someone hasn't read their gurbaniii! lol

'Thieves, fornicators, harlots and procuresses, all in mutual friendship are bound. The wicked associate with each other, and together eat and drink. They know not the essence of devotion (attributes of God), ever in Satan's company living. A donkey rubbed over with sandal-paint, will still roll about in dust. Evil the measure and in wearing evil take pride. Says Nanak, those that spin evil (falsehood), evil is their wearing.'

'As the Word of the Forgiving Lord comes to me, so do I express it, O Lalo. Bringing the marriage party of sin, Babar has invaded from Kaabul, demanding our land as his wedding gift, O Lalo. Modesty and righteousness both have vanished, and falsehood struts around like a leader, O Lalo. The Qazis and the Brahmins have lost their roles, and Satan now conducts the marriage rites, O Lalo. The Muslim women read the Koran, and in their misery, they call upon God, O Lalo. The Hindu women of high social status, and others of lowly status as well, are put into the same category, O Lalo. The wedding songs of murder are sung, O Nanak, and blood is sprinkled instead of saffron, O Lalo. || 1 || (Guru Granth Sahib Ji p. 722-3)'

You may observe the thirty fasts, and say the five prayers each day, but Satan can undo them. Says Nanak, you will have to walk on the Path of Death, so why do you bother to collect wealth and property? || 4 || 27 || (Guru Granth Sahib Ji p.24)

Andd so on and so forth......

Calling Lucifer a sant, having him as a pic on a sikh forum, when sikhi blatantly asks us to steer clear of satan and satanic activity- is beyond strange not to meantion Totally disrespectful to the Gurus, Gurbani and Truth itself.

The darkness of ignorance is what he stands for and what he is, and that is opposed the path that we walk on towards discovering Truth in this dark age- fair enough this is a khel and all is God, but to get out of the illusion we need to do good deeds, bandgi etc, and this doesnt fall in line with satans hobbies.

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Erm Lucifer was an Angel of God before his fall from Grace....

Anyway, this surely may come as a revelation to you and those that question, this is the internet, and so called online personas are not to be taken literally little child....:rolleyes2:

This so called lucifer made Baba Aadam ( Adam ) and Eve eat that forbidden fruit on the forbidden tree and look now where we are !

And you still call this shaitan a sant Tongue.png

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Lol and now he is the most evil being of all time, responsible for Kalyug, I'd say god doesnt care that he was ever an angel and either does anyone else except his little groupies who think he runs things.

If you had an awareness of how the world works, you'd realise it's an illusion, our thoughts are what make kalyug what it is- the world is just symbolic reflection... Darshans of Lucifer are not going to make the world a better place- believe it. Why not replace it with an avatar of Guru Ji so people can conjure up thoughts of him and make the earth abit lighter instead- gurbani says whenever the guru is thought of, he is actually here.

May I ask exactly why you've chosen the devil as your avatar? Any particular reason- other than the fact hes a donkey raping child molesting murdering binge drinker who causes the world to do the same...

I lost the will to read after the first word...

What my Avtar is or isnt, is no concern of yours. You go about your business and I my own.

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satan doesnt exist...and if he did..hes completely being controlled by waheguru...nothing wrong with lucifer pic

back to topic...akaal takhat please bring back lashings and beatings...they were the only days when people really listened to akaaal takhat...no one fears doing beadbi today...

Dustofsaints seems to be petrified of the image. Satan is mentioned in Gurbani veera. But we have our own Satan within us, Guru Saab said even the most evil person has the spirit of Waheguru within them.

The five vices are a form of Satan.

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Uh ohh, someone hasn't read their gurbaniii! lol

'Thieves, fornicators, harlots and procuresses, all in mutual friendship are bound. The wicked associate with each other, and together eat and drink. They know not the essence of devotion (attributes of God), ever in Satan's company living. A donkey rubbed over with sandal-paint, will still roll about in dust. Evil the measure and in wearing evil take pride. Says Nanak, those that spin evil (falsehood), evil is their wearing.'

'As the Word of the Forgiving Lord comes to me, so do I express it, O Lalo. Bringing the marriage party of sin, Babar has invaded from Kaabul, demanding our land as his wedding gift, O Lalo. Modesty and righteousness both have vanished, and falsehood struts around like a leader, O Lalo. The Qazis and the Brahmins have lost their roles, and Satan now conducts the marriage rites, O Lalo. The Muslim women read the Koran, and in their misery, they call upon God, O Lalo. The Hindu women of high social status, and others of lowly status as well, are put into the same category, O Lalo. The wedding songs of murder are sung, O Nanak, and blood is sprinkled instead of saffron, O Lalo. || 1 || (Guru Granth Sahib Ji p. 722-3)'

You may observe the thirty fasts, and say the five prayers each day, but Satan can undo them. Says Nanak, you will have to walk on the Path of Death, so why do you bother to collect wealth and property? || 4 || 27 || (Guru Granth Sahib Ji p.24)

Andd so on and so forth......

Calling Lucifer a sant, having him as a pic on a sikh forum, when sikhi blatantly asks us to steer clear of satan and satanic activity- is beyond strange not to meantion Totally disrespectful to the Gurus, Gurbani and Truth itself.

The darkness of ignorance is what he stands for and what he is, and that is opposed the path that we walk on towards discovering Truth in this dark age- fair enough this is a khel and all is God, but to get out of the illusion we need to do good deeds, bandgi etc, and this doesnt fall in line with satans hobbies.

i have read my gurbani, and i already know satan is mentioned in gurbani...but is it literal or metaphorical?....are devil and maya not the same thing?....if the devil exists he is 100% in the control of waheguru and working for him...which in result does not make him bad...is Izraeel (messenger of death) bad?...he snatches your soul away violently ...what about the jamdoots who torture you on your way to dharamraaj?...are not these satan-like yet they exist and work in accordance of wahegurus will..they exist because waheguru deems it so...so if the devil exists its because waheguru allows him to.....friend you need to get your head out of the bible and the quran..we are not a abrahamic faith...so we do not take their understanding of hell, heaven, god and satan as our understanding..

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Dustofsaints seems to be petrified of the image. Satan is mentioned in Gurbani veera. But we have our own Satan within us, Guru Saab said even the most evil person has the spirit of Waheguru within them.

The five vices are a form of Satan.

Lol, petrified, no in all Truth, it takes alot more than that to scare me at this moment. I have already stated the fact that god is all, what is there to be afraid of when parbrahm ji is everywhere. What I am trying to say is best summed up by this:

They know not the essence of devotion (attributes of God), ever in Satan's company living.

Although even satan is god, he represents the darkness of ignorance(negativity) which is also the root of the 5 thieves. In symbolic image(all imagery in the world), Truth(Opposite of ignorance) looks like light, and ignorance looks like darkness.

On the path of bhagti, one steers clear of negativity(darkness/ignorance) as much as possible until attaining realisation. Once the lord is realised(physically realised by applying gurbani properly to ones life ie- truly knowing and experiencing the essence of devotion, not just reading it) satans influence is no longer there as he is expereienced in his true form(nothingness/ no image or form- the state of god).

Until Actual realisation we are just ignorant fools steadily working our way up the path of bhagti, deluded by maya and satan(negative force). Satans form and negativity is just really symbolic imagery as we all are- for we truly have no form, only Truth exists....

P.s I never asked you to change yoru picture, I was just wondering whatever possessed you to choose a picture of such a manmat being and call it a Saint when everything it represents is the anithesis of what gurbani describes as a saint/ Brahmgyani.

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Lol, petrified, no in all Truth, it takes alot more than that to scare me at this moment. I have already stated the fact that god is all, what is there to be afraid of when parbrahm ji is everywhere. What I am trying to say is best summed up by this:

They know not the essence of devotion (attributes of God), ever in Satan's company living.

Although even satan is god, he represents the darkness of ignorance(negativity) which is also the root of the 5 thieves. In symbolic image(all imagery in the world), Truth(Opposite of ignorance) looks like light, and ignorance looks like darkness.

On the path of bhagti, one steers clear of negativity(darkness/ignorance) as much as possible until attaining realisation. Once the lord is realised(physically realised by applying gurbani properly to ones life ie- truly knowing and experiencing the essence of devotion, not just reading it) satans influence is no longer there as he is expereienced in his true form(nothingness/ no image or form- the state of god).

Until Actual realisation we are just ignorant fools steadily working our way up the path of bhagti, deluded by maya and satan(negative force). Satans form and negativity is just really symbolic imagery as we all are- for we truly have no form, only Truth exists....

P.s I never asked you to change yoru picture, I was just wondering whatever possessed you to choose a picture of such a manmat being and call it a Saint when everything it represents is the anithesis of what gurbani describes as a saint/ Brahmgyani.

Mandela says you should chill out or just log off.

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